Monday, September 30, 2019


Starbucks mission is â€Å"†¦to establish Starbucks as the most recognized and respected brand in the world and become a national company with values and guiding principles that employees could be proud of†¦Ã¢â‚¬  However, this mission was threatened in 2008 when the company found itself in trouble with slow growth and profits. Determined to continue its mission, Starbucks reevaluated its resource-based model of returns and made some changes which resulted in increased revenue and above-average returns for the next three years. The key player in Starbucks strategy was Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks.Schultz was determined to regain strategic competitiveness and set forth with an integrated strategic management process which focused on several of Starbucks core competencies (like internal culture and human resources) and included: halting new store openings in the U. S. ; withdrawing completely from Australia; focusing on customers and the â€Å"Starbucks experience;â₠¬  and transferring resources to international markets. We analyzed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats through the TOWS analysis tool which focuses on external (or environmental) threats and opportunities AND internal weaknesses and strengths of the company.In this case, Starbucks’s biggest threat is competition, particularly from McDonald’s and Dunkin Donuts. Opportunities include expanding its product line, particularly into international markets, and diversifying its product line to give customers a better â€Å"experience† in AND out of stores. By creating licensing agreements with places like Marriot and Pepsi, and selling retail packs of drinks like Frappucinos in grocery stores, Starbucks increased its diversification.The biggest weakness for Starbucks is its pricing which led to competition with other companies that were offering premium coffee WITHOUT the premium price. Next is Starbucks’s greatest strength: brand name and rec ognition. In other words, to many people, coffee equals Starbucks. Another one of Starbuck’s strengths was how mainstream their name was; however, in 2008, this became a weakness as the competition took advantage of the situation and targeted Starbucks directly with campaigns that the company was â€Å"snobbish† and â€Å"friends don’t let friends drink at Starbucks. To help sustain their constant need for high-quality coffee beans, instead of just purchasing Starbucks fully invested their time into becoming a part of the market by creating support centers and creating fixed-price contracts whenever possible. Starbucks was no longer just a purchaser but a leader with coffee growers. In addition to TOWS analysis, analyzing Starbucks’ position using the Five Forces of Competition shows other issues facing Starbucks in 2008. For instance, the threat of new entrants and substitute products during this time was high. The same is true of the bargaining power o f buyers.The rivalry among competing firms was also high to moderately high, and the strength of the forces of the bargaining power of suppliers was moderate to low. Given the TOWS and Five Forces analyses of Starbucks, we agree with Starbucks strategy formulation. Starbucks should (and did) focus on stopping its saturation of the market (no new U. S. stores) and pulled out of unprofitable nations (like Australia) while reallocating resources internationally. We also agree that a large part of Starbucks’ strategic competitiveness is its â€Å"experience† so focusing on the â€Å"Starbucks Experience† and further branding itself was important.It was also vital to refocus on the core values which make Starbucks a global leader, not follower, as well as technology, like free wi-fi and the Starbucks credit card, which increases the appeal of its stores and products to customers. Since 2008, Starbucks revenue has continued to grow, and 2012 was Starbucks best quarter yet for net revenues! Will this pattern continue? If Starbucks continues to employ strategic competitiveness, take advantage of global markets, differentiate its product, and utilize the latest technologies, we say yes. Starbucks Which one of the 5 generic business strategies best matches Cataracts strategy? Why? I believe that of the generic strategies the best match to Cataracts strategy is that of the rivalry within the industry. This is the best match because there are a lot of different types of specialty coffee shops out their in the industry so the rivalry amongst all the competitors is very fierce. Of the other coffee shops it will tough for hem to match the price and popularity that Cataracts has on the rest of the competition.Other companies may be able to sell their coffee at a higher price but then the number of sales that they receive is going to be lower than that of Cataracts. The rivalry in the coffee shop market is very competitive but Cataracts has an advantage over the competition in the fact that it can charge a higher price then its competitors and still have more customers then the rest of the market. 2. Evaluate Cataracts social responsibility strategy. Is it sincere or Just something t o help with image?I believe that the social responsibility of Cataracts is sincere and not Just something to help promote their image. They want to make sure that the prices that they have paid for the coffee beans is high enough that the small farmers were able to cover all their productions cost as well as provide for their families. Cataracts also wants to work directly with small coffee growers, local coffee-growing cooperatives, and other hypes of coffee suppliers to promote coffee cultivation methods that protected biodiversity and were environmentally sustainable.Lastly Cataracts made purchasing arrangements that limited the exposure to sudden price Jumps due to weather, economic, and political conditions in the growing countries where they were getting their coffee beans. 3. What major issues face the company in mid 2010? In the mid 2010 people were not spending their normal amount on money, customers were more worried about saving their money because of the economic crisis. With Starbucks â€Å"To say Starbucks purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffees is very true. That’s the essence of what we do- but it hardly tells the whole story†¦(Starbucks, 2013, pg 1)† Starbucks is known for not only their high quality products but also their great efforts in social responsibility. They give back to the community while striving to have genuine service and an inviting atmosphere. Their mission statement is as follows, â€Å"It has always been, and will always be, about quality. We’re passionate about ethically sourcing the finest coffee beans, roasting them with great care, and improving the lives of people who grow them. We care deeply about all of this; our work is never done (Starbucks, 2013, pg 1). † They have done a tremendous job at having their mission statement hold true to their regular consumers while keeping them paying the higher costs of their product. Analysis Starbucks, in 2009, used economic analysis on elasticity in order to increase sales of their famous coffee drinks and use its reputation and premium brand drinks to take away sales from McDonalds which introduced a new line of lower priced espresso drinks that have proved to be popular. Starbucks has decided to increase the cost of some of their drinks like the Frappuccinos and caramel Macchiatos by an average of 10 cents to 15 cents. In some cases they are raising costs as mush as 30 cents which is about an 8 percent increase. Consumers that were regulars of Starbucks considered this beverage product to be in-elastic and were willing to pay anything because they need this product. An example of an in-elastic demand product would be anything that would be considered a necessity. For example, â€Å"the more necessary a good is, the lower the elasticity, as people will attempt to buy it no matter the price, such as the case of insulin for diabetics (Gillespie, 2007, pg 28). † These regular consumers of Starbucks would be willing to pay top dollar for before purchasing the similar low priced product at their competitors. They know that competitors like McDonald’s does not offer all of the flavors or drinks that they offer so they know they will keep their regulars. To offset this increase, their strategy was to lower the price of their most popular beverages by 5 cents to 15 cents. This would include their popular 12 ounce lattes and their brewed coffees. This was the first time Starbucks lowered the price of any of its drinks since it began. The plan to reduce prices of their basic drinks like the latte falls on the fact that their competitors McDonalds is capturing some of the consumers that are less interested in the premium brands that Starbucks offers. By lowering the price of these coffees might bring some of those customers back. These consumers consider their beverage elastic and are willing to change the brand for a lower price. McDonalds was running a huge advertising campaign on the same sugary, creamy drinks that now at Starbucks will be more expensive but according to Kenneth Davids, editor of Coffee Review who states â€Å"Starbucks is safe raising the prices of specialty drinks because they are where the company best differentiates itself (Miller, 2009, pg 1). The consumers who value a great tasting coffee at Starbucks are consumers who are willing to pay more. Taste test comparing espresso drinks between Starbucks and McDonalds have proven that Starbucks drinks are favored over the same McDonalds drink. The difference between the standard lattes was not as noticeable then the advantage Starbucks has over McDonalds for their syrupy and whipped cream style drinks. Some of McDonalds drinks actually taste terrible. So a con sumer that expects the best tasting specialty drinks are will be willing to pay more. Like one always says, â€Å"you get what you pay for† and here it means a better tasting drink then any of Starbucks competitors. Conclusion Starbucks used economic analysis of the elastic and inelastic demand for their products which worked wonderfully. They lowered the prices of the elastic products in order to compete with their competitors such as McDonald’s McDonalds and raised the inelastic products for drinks that they proved to be the best of the best. With the changes in the pricing their revenue went back to increasing. As seen in Appendix A, in 2009 they were hurting due to McDonald’s new advertisements on their coffee and how low their price was. When Starbucks used this analysis and changed the pricing accordingly their revenue went back in the upswing. Starbucks made a very intelligent decision to market their products differently and to different consumers. This market decision based on elastic and inelastic demand kept them as successful as they have been in previous years by keeping their revenues increasing. Starbucks â€Å"To say Starbucks purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffees is very true. That’s the essence of what we do- but it hardly tells the whole story†¦(Starbucks, 2013, pg 1)† Starbucks is known for not only their high quality products but also their great efforts in social responsibility. They give back to the community while striving to have genuine service and an inviting atmosphere. Their mission statement is as follows, â€Å"It has always been, and will always be, about quality. We’re passionate about ethically sourcing the finest coffee beans, roasting them with great care, and improving the lives of people who grow them. We care deeply about all of this; our work is never done (Starbucks, 2013, pg 1). † They have done a tremendous job at having their mission statement hold true to their regular consumers while keeping them paying the higher costs of their product. Analysis Starbucks, in 2009, used economic analysis on elasticity in order to increase sales of their famous coffee drinks and use its reputation and premium brand drinks to take away sales from McDonalds which introduced a new line of lower priced espresso drinks that have proved to be popular. Starbucks has decided to increase the cost of some of their drinks like the Frappuccinos and caramel Macchiatos by an average of 10 cents to 15 cents. In some cases they are raising costs as mush as 30 cents which is about an 8 percent increase. Consumers that were regulars of Starbucks considered this beverage product to be in-elastic and were willing to pay anything because they need this product. An example of an in-elastic demand product would be anything that would be considered a necessity. For example, â€Å"the more necessary a good is, the lower the elasticity, as people will attempt to buy it no matter the price, such as the case of insulin for diabetics (Gillespie, 2007, pg 28). † These regular consumers of Starbucks would be willing to pay top dollar for before purchasing the similar low priced product at their competitors. They know that competitors like McDonald’s does not offer all of the flavors or drinks that they offer so they know they will keep their regulars. To offset this increase, their strategy was to lower the price of their most popular beverages by 5 cents to 15 cents. This would include their popular 12 ounce lattes and their brewed coffees. This was the first time Starbucks lowered the price of any of its drinks since it began. The plan to reduce prices of their basic drinks like the latte falls on the fact that their competitors McDonalds is capturing some of the consumers that are less interested in the premium brands that Starbucks offers. By lowering the price of these coffees might bring some of those customers back. These consumers consider their beverage elastic and are willing to change the brand for a lower price. McDonalds was running a huge advertising campaign on the same sugary, creamy drinks that now at Starbucks will be more expensive but according to Kenneth Davids, editor of Coffee Review who states â€Å"Starbucks is safe raising the prices of specialty drinks because they are where the company best differentiates itself (Miller, 2009, pg 1). The consumers who value a great tasting coffee at Starbucks are consumers who are willing to pay more. Taste test comparing espresso drinks between Starbucks and McDonalds have proven that Starbucks drinks are favored over the same McDonalds drink. The difference between the standard lattes was not as noticeable then the advantage Starbucks has over McDonalds for their syrupy and whipped cream style drinks. Some of McDonalds drinks actually taste terrible. So a con sumer that expects the best tasting specialty drinks are will be willing to pay more. Like one always says, â€Å"you get what you pay for† and here it means a better tasting drink then any of Starbucks competitors. Conclusion Starbucks used economic analysis of the elastic and inelastic demand for their products which worked wonderfully. They lowered the prices of the elastic products in order to compete with their competitors such as McDonald’s McDonalds and raised the inelastic products for drinks that they proved to be the best of the best. With the changes in the pricing their revenue went back to increasing. As seen in Appendix A, in 2009 they were hurting due to McDonald’s new advertisements on their coffee and how low their price was. When Starbucks used this analysis and changed the pricing accordingly their revenue went back in the upswing. Starbucks made a very intelligent decision to market their products differently and to different consumers. This market decision based on elastic and inelastic demand kept them as successful as they have been in previous years by keeping their revenues increasing.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Management of Parkinson’s Disease

The disease that I will be discussing in this paper is â€Å"Parkinson's Disease†. It is a disease where the brain has a progressive disorder concerning body movements such as walking, talking, writing, and swallowing. The causes of Parkinson's Disease aren't really known but scientists think it results from the deficiency of the dopamine, a chemical that sends messages across the nervous system. That deficiency affects brain cells from performing their normal functions within the central nervous system. Most signs and symptoms are muscle rigidity, akinesia, and uncontrollable tremors, which usually begin in the fingers. Other symptoms are when the voice becomes weak and high pitched, an awkward walk, and a loss of facial expression. Management Some general measures to cope with it are to find ways to remain active and useful because the disease may cause social withdrawal. Also a person might want to try to comply with a treatment program such as diet, exercise, counseling (to help relieve depression) and medications. Another thing to do is accidentproof their home to prevent falls and injuries. Finally they should wear a bracelet or neck tag to indicate your medical problem. Prevention Unfortunately there is no real way to prevent Parkinson's Disease. Most dangers are that the muscle rigidity, akinesia, and involuntary tremors will progress for an average of 10 years at which that time pneumonia or some other infection may occur and then eventually death. Other complications that will occur are dementia, severe constipation, urine retention (caused by medication), and falls and fractures caused by the inability to walk straight. Help and Support First you may want to go to a doctor and see if you have the disease if you are seeing symptoms of it. Then if you have it he will put you on a medication. You then may want to go into physical therapy to help to work with the disease and also counseling for depression. You also may want to get onto a healthy diet program and exercise regularly just to keep active and useful. If the symptoms get worse you may want to check into the American Parkinson's Disease Association, Inc. or the National Parkinson Foundation.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Exam question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exam question - Essay Example The case of Taco Co of Australia v Taco Bell P/l (1982) ATPR 40-303 sets forth the guidelines of what is deceptive and misleading. There must be a relevant section of the public that the statement is aimed; in this case as good as new are the purchasers of ovens; as is the information of serving in the last month. That there was a misled consumer/bystander who came to an erroneous conclusion, which is the belief that the oven was just serviced. Finally, the reason for the misconception needs to be discerned, which in this case is directly from the mouth of the representative. Therefore in the case of Commercial Ovens co there is a breach of s. 52, but there has also been a breach of s. 53, which is a specific false representation which is also a criminal offence. There are a variety of remedies for Beta Restaurant which are under s. 79 fines if there is a breach of a criminally sanctioning section, such as s. 53. Prosecutions have to be done by the ACCC. In addition there are injunctions, as s. 80, which can be made by any person. The applicant need not have suffered from the misrepresentation, as per World Series Cricket P/L v Parish (1977) ATPR 40-040. There can also be the disclosure of information or corrective advertising, which is also contained within s. 80, as per Janssen Pharmaceutical P/L v Pfizer P/L (1986) ATPR 50-654. There are also damages as covered under s. 82 that Beta may also receive. The applicant needs to establish three scenarios, which are; a loss or damage has occurred; the conduct contravenes; and the loss or damage was caused by the respondent's conduct. In this case there has been a loss due to the loss of business, because the deserts were not ready. The conduct has contravened Part V because there has been a misr epresentation. Finally, if Beta had known about the servicing and actual state of the oven then they would have bought or planned differently. The misrepresentation therefore has caused the loss. The damages would be the amount if the misleading conduct had not happened, in addition as per Steiner v Magic Carpet Tours P/L (1984) allows for mental anguish or loss of enjoyment damages also to be added to the actual damages. Beta is probably entitled to both sets of damages because the misleading information will have led to loss of reputation, which would cause mental anguish. The one fact that Beta has to remember is to sue within 6 years from when the damage is suffered. 3. Will the ACCC be interested in Commercial Ovens Co. (2 marks) The answer is yes because Commercial Ovens will have breached s. 53 for direct misrepresentation over the servicing of the ovens, which lends itself directly to the statement of as good as new. Therefore criminal sanctions should be taken by the ACCC. Question 2: Matt and Bill's partnership to be a legitimate partnership in business has to satisfy three categories, which are; carrying on a business; in common; with a view to a profit. Matt and Bill's partnership has satisfied these three factors. They are carrying on a business, which is a restaurant called Silver Spoons. They are both

Friday, September 27, 2019

Conference and Banqueting Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Conference and Banqueting Management - Assignment Example In the era of globalization, conference industry is regarded as the significant and vital. This is mainly due to the fact that it can help to bridge the gap modification of numerous industries from one nation to another. Example of the pivotal conference is World Expo. This conference is considered as the large scale worldwide international expo. Banquet industry is basically served as the purpose for large feast or meal. It is completed by the introduction of main course and ending with deserts. The purpose of the fest or meal can be for celebration, charitable occasion and honour of someone or can be ceremony. It has been estimated that in the UK more than 1.8 million people are being employed in the hospitality industry. This reveals the scope of conference and banquet industry which is crucial for any country. In the year 2006, it has found out that in UK more than 1.37 million conferences are held (Galal, 2008, p.72). According to one of the catering company Sodexo Prestige, it is determined that banqueting and conference sector has enjoyed a sustainable growth over the period of time which is regarded as resurgent. This is also defined as the scope of banquet and conference industry as it can help to maintain economic growth and sustainability in UK. Banquet industry was previously regarded as only food and beverage event. But eventually it has evolved from personalized catering business for any occasion in to full throttle event management industry. The scope of banquet industry is enormous as it is worth of about 500 billion dollars globally (Sernovitz, 2012, p.32). Due to the mature growth of banquet industry, it enabled catering companies to achieve some additional services which can be increase in revenue per contract or can be increase in royal customer base. Banquet in the older days were lot more different than of modern perception. In the 16th century, after dinner guests used to drink wine. But during the 17th century, after dinner

Thursday, September 26, 2019

MOTIVATION CONCEPTS ANALYSIS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MOTIVATION CONCEPTS ANALYSIS - Research Paper Example Motivation is the intrinsic inducement that propels an individual to behave in specific ways. There have been a significant number of literatures covering the nature, theories and applications of motivation and its effect to job performance and satisfaction. Various scholars on human resources revealed diverse theories on motivation over time. In this regard, this essay is written to address the following issues, to wit: (1) choose one of the theories from the "Motivation Concepts Table," and describe how this theory would and would not be applicable if applied to two or more workplace situations drawn from one’s personal experience; and (2) in the instance in which the selected theory of motivation was not applicable to the workplace experience, assess the need to develop and create new theoretical models of motivation in todays changing work environment. What are the ramifications of failing to meet this challenge? Among the issues to consider are effects on personal satisfaction and productivity. The duly completed â€Å"Motivation Concepts Table† is included as an appendix. The motivational theory to be closely examined in terms of applicability to the workplace situation is the drive theory, particularly that of Freud’s. Finally, the workplace to be used for the purpose of determining the applicability of the theory is General Electric. The history of General Electric (GE) dates back in 1878 inspired by the first light bulb invented by Thomas Edison (GE: Fact Sheet, 2010). After 132 years, GE remains to be considered a leader in †global infrastructure, finance and media† (GE, 2010, par. 1) with diverse products and services ranging from appliances, consumer products, energy, lighting, software and services, among others. As a global corporation, it manages more than 300,000 personnel worldwide as of December 2009 (ibid.) According to its website, they are â€Å"renowned for hiring exceptional people and giving them

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Psychological theories of personality (SLP) Essay

Psychological theories of personality (SLP) - Essay Example There are 16 possible psychological types identified by the MBTI psychological model. Using the MBTI model we learn of the four dichotomies of psychological preferences (Bayne, 1997). This model is useful in dictating the character of an individual. The MBTI scores are used in the determination of attitudes and feelings. Attitudes are used to measure the factors of extraversion and introversion (Ewen, 2003). While, functions are divided into perceiving functions of sensing and intuition and the judging functions are made up of thinking and feeling. The interaction of one or more preferences in the MBTI is referred to as type dynamics. On the other hand, the five factor theory is used as a descriptive measure of the human personality. This model contains the five factors of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Through this model openness can be described as the ability to appreciate a lot of emotion, adventure or new ideas (Quenk, 2009). While, conscientiousness is a trait that makes a person behave obediently and exhibit self discipline. All these factors have been extensively tested and found to have strong correlation to human character traits. The FFM (five factor models) use has confirmed high validity and conformity scores to common human behavior traits. For instance, a research was conducted on a population of approximately 24, 000 people using 162 samples and conscientiousness trait matched all the set performance criteria. However, the FFM has been criticized as being limited to a ssessing all human character traits since the model is mainly based on predicting character (Quenk, 2009). The comparison of MBTI and FFM show that the two models have the tendency of being similar. The correlation between the two set of personality models show that four of the MBTI measures are related to the big five personality models in the FFM. Extraversion and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Honours Analysis Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Honours Analysis - Math Problem Example Characterizing of the Cantor set in terms of ternary is done when a real number from the closed real interval [0, 1] belongs to Cantor set with a ternary expansion containing digits 0 and 2. To construct this expansion, one has to consider the points in closed real interval [0, 1] in terms of base 3 notation. When constructing the Cantor Middle Third set, we start with the interval [0, 1] removing the middle thirds , this leaves [0,1/3] [2/3,1].The next step is to also remove the middle thirds (1/9, 2/9) and (7/9, 8/9) from the remaining two intervals. This process is repeated continuously. From the results, we can note that all the endpoints remain, which are the Cantor set. The total length of the intervals removed in the construction of the Cantor set can be determined as follows. From interval [0, 1] we first remove a middle third interval 1/3 second step we remove two middle intervals of 1/9. We continue with the process so that at the nth stage we remove 2n-1 intervals with the length 3-n. The total sum of the removed intervals is It can be proven that the Cantor set is perfect and totally disconnected. In this case, x and y are two distinct points in the cantor set. Since x ≠  y therefore │x - y│>. As we can see there is a natural number N that exists in the interval. Next we identify that Cantor set ⠫‹ Ck for all k, such that x, y Ck. For each 2N disjoint closed interval from CN there is. Therefore, x and y are inside distinct closed intervals in CN. The two intervals should have an open interval between them, which is not part of the Cantor set otherwise this would be a single closed interval. The chosen point can be represented by z, therefore z Cantor set and it is between x and y. (Gordon, 1994, p. 301) If we put f in its inverse: If x Q, then also - x Q. therefore f o f (x) = f ( f (x)) = f ( - x) = - (-x) = x. If x ∉ Q then f o f (x) = f (f (x)) = f (x) = x. Thus for all x R, we have that f o f

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Impact of Internships on Graduate Employability Literature review

The Impact of Internships on Graduate Employability - Literature review Example 1). This practice is institutionalized in modern times as part of the academic requirements to immerse students to the community, hospital, companies and in multinational organization to provide practical dimension of the theories learned from universities and colleges. Every year, thousands of youths and fresh graduates flock to companies in search for opportunities to hone their knowledge and to gain competitive leverage in the market with limited opportunities for millions of job seekers. This year, there are about 370,000 graduates who will be competing for limited jobs in the market (Grunwald, 2012, p. 1). The economic recession however, became an impetus for companies to accommodate interns to maintain its operation in a cost-effective measure. For the company, the jobless wanting to be registered under internship program is a remedial opportunity in response to economic depression. Recently, youths began complaining that their rights and welfares are abused as unpaid workers o f the company. Introduction Internship is an opportunity to gain empirical experiences in a specific career field. This could be an academic requirement, like those who are taking medicine, nursing, and in hotel or restaurant management (Loretto, 2012, p. 1). Others avail of this program to gain personal leverage for employment. Most of those who embarked on this system are fresh graduates of colleges and universities with capacity on communication, organizational management, and good interpersonal relations aside from good academic standing (Loretto, 2012, p. 1). These interns are generally held under a supervisor who would assign them on some tasks and monitor their progress. Those taking internship with credited hours for academic grade, the faculty closely relates with the company’s management to ascertain that the desired outcome of the training is achieved. Those interns with genuine interest to learn may find this experience as a relevant part of understanding the care er path they have chosen and hopefully develop a service-oriented culture based on excellence and professional relation with the management and clienteles (Beard, 2007, pp. 207-220). This review will critically discuss the correlation of internship with employability of graduates. Internship and Opportunities In this post-modern period, students and graduates are encouraged to take job placement role from workplaces to value knowledge earned from these on-job trainings that are either paid or unpaid. Experts believed that this is a valuable mechanism for those who are willing to undergo practical training and those who wanted to attain leverage to market’s economic opportunities. Human resource experts have already advised students to make their job portfolio and experiences earlier. They thought that learners shouldn’t be dissuaded from undertaking part-time jobs as an added value of work experience in their respective curriculum vitae. This adds to their credentials as potential employee. Nowadays, there are many universities and colleges that offer internship programs on placements to hone their skills and abilities. This promotes their employability after graduation as companies these days would prefer human resources that have attained positive record and recommendations from internship program (Kadlec, 2009, p. 1). Economically, internship has been adopted as socially acceptable

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Impacts of Fuel Price Increase on Logistics and End User Assignment - 2

Impacts of Fuel Price Increase on Logistics and End User - Assignment Example The researcher states that over the past decades, logistics executives tried to cut down inventory costs by moving the goods as fast as possible through the supply chain. However, growing fuel costs changed the whole scenario, and hence today companies tend to keep more inventories on hand. In addition, organizations consider shipping larger loads and increasing buffer stocks as two potential ways to fight mounting fuel prices. Reports indicate that companies are relying on more fuel-efficient modes of goods movement such as rail and water in response to rise in fuel costs because those transportation facilities are beneficial to ship larger loads and to reduce congestion. In addition, the logistics industry focuses more on short sea shipping and moving freight along inland waterways to mitigate the adverse effects of growing fuel prices. The drastic increase in inventory costs is a direct impact of rising fuel costs. Increased product density is another major consequence of hiking f uel prices in the logistics industry. Logistics sector would be compelled to establish central warehouses when fuel prices increase constantly. Companies may be forced to depend more on in-sourcing in order to trim down logistics costs, and the situation, in turn, would drive changes in warehousing and distribution. In the worst case, firms may consider relocating their production at customer plant sites to reduce transportation costs or near-shoring to achieve optimized inventory levels. In the context of increasing fuel prices, logistics departments of competing firms may operate collaboratively to cut down unnecessary transportation costs. Gross, Hayden, and Butz point out that adverse increase in fuel costs over the past few years have resulted in the optimal degree of centralization of logistics networks. The authors add that the optimal configuration of logistics network is greatly influenced by varying fuel prices.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Nature is such a beautiful place Essay Example for Free

Nature is such a beautiful place Essay Life is getting hard and expensive as the years are passing by. The prices on food, and other utility prices are going up. People have school, work and a family to look out for and do not have the time to enjoy the simple things in life that earth has to offer which is nature. In the essay of â€Å"An entrance to the Woods† Wendell Berry. He admits to living such a fast paste of life that is hard to come back down to the ground and enjoy what is in front of him. People pass by things so quickly and don’t pay attention that they fail to appreciate them. Once a person slows down, they could see what surrounds them. Nature is a good way to find yourself because it is easy to escape from the influence society has. Nature has away of taking away the things that are stressing us and giving away a chance to become refreshed. â€Å" In the middle of the afternoon I left off being busy at work, and drove sixty or seventy miles an hour, hardly aware of the country I was passing through, because on the freeway one does not have to be. The landscape has been subdued so that one may drive over it as seventy miles per hour without any concession whatsoever to one’s whereabouts. One might as well be flying. Though one is Kentucky one is not experiencing Kentucky. One is experiencing the highway, which might be in nearly any hill country east of the Mississippi.† (Berry, 88) During berry’s time in the woods, he writes â€Å"A man enters and leaves the world naked. And it is only nakedor nearly so that he can enter and leave the wilderness. If he walks, that is; and if he doesn’t walk it can hardly be said that he has entered. He can bring only what he can carry the little that it takes to replace for a few hours or a few days an animal’s fur and teeth and claws and functioning instincts. And comparison to the usual traveler with his dependence on machines and highways and restaurant and motelson the economy and the government, in shortthe man who walks into the wilderness is naked indeed. He leaves behind his work, his household, his duties, his comfortseven, if he comes alone, his words. He  immerses himself in what he is not. It a kind of death.† (Berry, 90) We came to this world naked, and that is how we should enter and leave the wilderness. If we walk using our feet and explore the wilderness that’s how we can say that we entered the wilderness. The little that we bring to survive, it is gone in a few hours or days. An animal uses its fur, teeth and animal instincts to survive versus a traveler that needs machines, highways and restaurants and motels. To be in the wilderness one has to leave behind the work, the household, duties and comforts and even his words. One has get out of its comfort zone, and use your own abilities to survive the wilderness. It is like taking a risk of death. Wendell Berry own experience where he is up and left civilization. The work setting to enter a nature environment devoted to being self efficient on nature. Berry loved and respected nature, he wanted to develop his appreciation further, as he wanted it to evolve and understand for it. He wanted to know how nature worked, and learn it’s reason for being. Berry’s goal was met through this act and it was gratifying experience to escape from moderation and become organic. Berry realizes the purpose of the trip, but the connection to nature cannot replace to connection to man. In the essay of â€Å" Why I went to the woods† by Henry David Thoreau. Thoreau tried to produce his own crops, to live from the labor of his own hands, and to get rid of all the complicating things that distracted him from life’s true meaning by living in the woods. †Thoreau wanted time to read, write, and think. He wanted to make time for nature. And he wanted to test himself, to see just how much he could simplify his life, to determine how much time he could save to do what he really wanted to do with every minute of everyday†( Thoreau, 700) Thoreau mentions that he wants to live a deliberately life. To live deliberately means to take care and think of everything that you do in life, and not to do anything just for the heck of it. Everything that we do has to have a purpose and a meaning, and that is not a waste of time. â€Å"slow down rather than to speed up, to saver a few things fully rather than sample many things fleeting, and have time to decide what, in the long run of his short  life, matters most and why.† (Thoreau, 700) â€Å" I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essentials fact of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not live I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to proactive resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner and reduce it to its lowest terms, and if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it and publish its meanness to the world, or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion.† ( Thoreau, 701) By living in the woods he will be living a simple life away from civilization and to see his strength and weakness. By not being accustomed to that type of lifestyle he might die. When all hope is gone he realizes there are many things he have not tried. The simplest things in life could be and mean much more. Life is precious.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Bioanalytical Technique Practical

Bioanalytical Technique Practical Introduction Improvement in technology has widened the domain of bioanalytics, reliable and reproducible data can be obtained from several instruments and protocols. The drug arena has become really competitive and it is thus imperative that an understanding of the different techniques is crucial to the isolation and analysis of biomolecules. This report is focused on the BCA assay for protein estimation and data analysis of SEC using a UPLC system. The BCA assay is a modified assay that is used for the detection and quantification of total protein in a given sample. The assay generates a purple colour which is as a result of the chelation reaction of bicinchoninic acid with cuprous ions. The complex formed as a result of the reaction is known to exhibit a very strong absorbance at a wavelength of 562nm and this shows an increasing linearity with the amount of protein in a given sample. Two main components make up the assay; the standard curve and the unknown protein sample. The BCA assay is widely used because of its sensitivity and compatibility with detergents and several other buffer types. The drawback however with the assay is that it is not as rapid as some other estimation method such as the Bradford due the incubation time required and moreover it is not an endpoint reaction as colour continues to develop even af ter incubation. The second part of this report is concerned with running a system suitability test on the waters BEH200 SEC UPLC instrument. The American and European Pharmacopeia specifically mentioned that the requirements for a system suitability testing on the day of analysis showing that it is fit for its intended use. It is worth mentioning that this has no bearing with the qualification of the instrument. Failure of any of the parameters simply means that an assay cannot commence. This testing is concerned more about the method on the day of analysis rather than the instrument per se. 1.1 Materials: Pipettes and appropriate tips Microcentrifuge tubes Microwell Plates HPLC Vials Bovine Serum Albumin Protein 2mg/ml BCA Reagent Deionised Water Perkin Elmer Plate Reader 100Mm sodium Phosphate Buffer Waters Aquity H Class Bio UPLC instrument Waters BEH200 SEC UPLC Column 1.2 Preparation of Standards: Standards were prepared as per instruction manual Table 1: Preparation of Protein Standards Calculations: Dilution factor = concentration of stock solution / concentration of diluted solution Volume of stock to add to water = Required volume of diluted solution/ Dilution factor Volume of water to add = required final volume / Volume of stock required 1.3 Preparation of Sample: The sample was prepared as per the instructions on the practical manual. Table 2: Test Sample Dilution 1.4 Preparation of BCA Reagent and Well: The BCA reagent was prepared and the 96 –well microplate was prepared and read in the [emailprotected] 562nm as per the instruction manual. 1.5 Data Analysis: Calculation: Equation of the linear least square fit can be represented as outlined below. Y = 0.0008 (X) – 0.0051 0.035691= 0.0008 (X) – 0.0051 X = 0.035691 + 0.0051/0.0008 X = 0.040791/0.0008 X = 50.98875 Taking the dilution factor into account we multiply by 5 The protein concentration is thus 50.98875 x 5 = 254.94mg/ml Discussion: The sample data had an anomaly, showing a negative reading on the third well. This is suggestive of contamination. The possibility of interference from the reagent can be ruled out because the standard was treated the same way and also taking into cognisance the fact that the experiment was not carried out under a non-denaturing condition. The likely cause could be due to dirt on the Microwell thus blocking out the necessary wavelength for the absorbance reading or the sampling pipette not delivering the right amount of reagent. The intensity of the colour change for the third well was observed to be less than the other two wells. There is also the possibility of the sample not being vortexed properly or sample settling to the bottom of tube. As mentioned earlier there seem to be an anomaly with our absorbance reading and this can be validated from our standard curve as it is not quite linear and on this basis we cannot absolutely rely on the result of the experiment. 2.1 Size Exclusion Chromatography Experiment The priming and purging of the UPLC instrument was carried out by the trainer as per the instruction manual. System suitability testing was then carried out to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The test serves to assure the reproducibility of the instrument and the method. It is a regulatory requirement which was mentioned in both the EU and US pharmacopoeias. The testing is important as it can allow for critical factors that could affect the performance of the instrument to be adjusted to meet the test criteria. Parameters such as the resolution, efficiency of the column, tailing factors, relative standard deviation etc. are used as criteria for comparison with regards to standards and test samples. The table below details the results obtained from the system suitability testing, reference standard and our test sample. The UPLC system used in our experiment can be said to be fit for purpose taking into consideration, the system suitability test. The results obtained were within our test criteria. The resolution of the peak and standard deviation of the different retention time was less than 1 which as a rule of the thumb is quite acceptable. Comparing the test sample to the reference standard one would not fail to notice that the first peak in the reference standard was a dimer while the second peak was a monomer but in our test sample the retention time of the first peak was really short showing evidence of a high molecular weight aggregation .Also from our result the second peak was our product dimer while the third peak was our product monomer. This result serves to highlight the mechanism of protein aggregation and the reason why it should be minimised as it impacts on the yield of the product and moreover it can affect the potency and therapeutic potential of the parenteral. It is also worth mentioning that sometimes early elution may not necessarily mean that there is aggregation, it could be for the simple reason that sometimes intrinsically unstructured proteins can elute so fast that they tend to behave like aggregates. A molecular weight comparison testing can be used to differentiate them. From our experiment the test sample showed increase aggregation and this can be explained given the fact that the experiment was not carried out under a non-denaturing environment. The possibility of column contamination or buffer contamination can help to encourage aggregation. It is also important that samples should be free of extraneous particles during injection as this can also be a determining factor. The changing environment of the mobile phase can also be construed as a possible cause of the aggregation observed. The temperature of the instrument is another factor that can play a role and as we all know that the Arrhenius theory of a 10Â °C increase in temperature speeding up a reaction does not relate to proteins as it rather opens up the pathway of denaturation and aggregation. Questions: Estimation of protein concentration is important as we have to know the amount of protein in our final product after fermentation to know if the bioprocess has to be optimised with regards to the expected titre value. The concentration of the protein can also allow for the portioning of the product into the right dosage formulation, certain therapeutic proteins are required in a very high dosage form and their production can be sometimes targeted at a particular section of the population e.g. during an epidemic outbreak to ensure potency and biological activity. The knowledge of the concentration of proteins can also allow us to work out the economy of scale with regards to the profit margin taking into account, the expense incurred in research and development and other aspect of the production process. It is also important to estimate the amount of protein in our biomass so as to be able to optimise our subsequent purification steps. The estimation of the protein concentration can a lso give us an idea of product related impurities and those associated with the process. Proteins are very complex molecules and are prone to several types of condition than cause instability from the starting stage of production to the end of their shelf life. Aggregation can be described in a layman’s term as the propensity for proteins to stick together under conditions such as a slight increase in temperature, pH, shear force, ionic strength of the solution they are contained in etc. Aggregation have been seen to cause delay in several novel biologics due to the debilitating effect on the health of the population that the drug is directed at and also in the context of compliance to regulatory authority as there is a specification to the amount of aggregates that can be allowed. It is extremely difficult if not impossible to totally eradicate aggregation from the process. It is worth mentioning however that the mechanism of aggregation is still subject to debate as it has not been fully understood. Aggregation can be reversible or irreversible depending on the stage it has attained as can be loss of primary structure. The potency of biologics as we all know are normally related to them being in their native structure, in most instances aggregation leads to the loss of activity and moreover the overall yield of the biotherapeutic is greatly affected. Aggregation has also been known to spur immune response in patients that have been administered with protein therapeutics affected by aggregation this could be by way of the neutralisation of antibodies that helps to ensure the effectiveness of the drug. In a worst case scenario the immunogenic reaction can lead to incurable conditions such as seen in patients with pure red cell aplasia where the red blood cells are attacked and blood transfusion is needed for life. The route of administration of biologics is intravenous and the presence of aggregation especially those of very high molecular size can result in the blockage of blood vessels. It is thus very important that at each stage of our production testing should be carried out to check for aggrega tion. Size exclusion chromatography is a purification system that exploits the molecular size of the compound of interest. Simply put it works just like a molecular sieve, smaller particles passes through the sieve which is the stationary phase and could be a bead coupled to a resin. The pore size of the beads are defined and on this basis it will only allow certain particle sizes to pass through while excluding those that are too large for the pore. The larger particles because they are not passing through the beads are thus excluded quickly, their retention time is thus said to be short. The smaller particles are retained longer while the larger particles earlier mentioned are eluted through the void volume. Different gels in use would typically have different pore sizes and can be used to determine the size of the molecules to be separated. Despite all the numerous advantages of size exclusion chromatography which has made it the gold standard over the years for analysing protein aggregation there are still some limitation associated this method. The possibility of the stationary phase and the analyte reacting together can be sometimes rife thus leading to a longer retention time which serves to mimic the compound as being of low molecular size. The cost associated with running this type of separation technique can also be enormous due to the fact that large columns and eluents are required and this serves to add to the overall cost of the unit operation. In comparison to other modes of separation, size exclusion chromatography can be said to have an inherent low resolution as there is a limited range of molecular weight that can be separated as a result of dependence on the pore size of the beads in use. There is also the possibility of proteolytic degradation as the protein of interest can become targets for proteolyt ic enzymes still present in solution. The accuracy of this technique can sometimes come into question due to the fact some aggregates will remain in solution and as such would not be detected. Also taking into consideration the fact that larger molecular aggregate leaves the column through the void volume, there is also the possibility. The possibility of the polymer in use to degrade is also a drawback as this can occur at a very high flow rate. The high flow rate as mentioned earlier can degrade the polymer and it also has the ability of altering the geometry of the beads in use making the separation technique inefficient

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Drew Rivera English 4 Ms. R. Crow December 11th, 2013 NSA spying, what is it and how can we stop it? The National Security Agency was created in 1952 through a top secret memorandum signed by President Truman. At the time of its creation, the NSA was secretive, with only a few members of Congress knowing about it. Existence of the agency had been a deep secret until it was unveiled in a Senate investigation called the â€Å"Church Committee† in 1975 (2nd Source Title: Timeline of NSA Domestic Spying). The Committee uncovered illegal domestic spying by the NSA, and recommended it make reforms, this was one of the earliest incidents / scandals for the NSA. Prior to that, in 1973 the Supreme Court ruled that warrants are required and that the NSA are to provide the names of all US citizens and residents it wished to monitor. After 9/11, President Bush ordered the NSA to eavesdrop without court approved warrants technically breaking breaking previously set â€Å"rules† on domestic spying. Leaked reports from whistleblower and former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, claims the NSA reviews millions of phone records collected by Verizon (source title: NSA said to be spying on millions of Verizon users.), does this sound legal to you? The NSA collects and keeps record of calls made in the U.S., this includes the phone number of the telephone that is receiving and making the call, and the duration of the call. This is known as â€Å"metadata† it doesn’t include a recording of the call. This information was discovered through a leaked secret court order, that states Verizon is to turn over all information meeting this criteria every day. Phone Companies including AT&T and Sprint, are also said to be giving up records to the NSA on a daily basis. All of... ...vering information about the programs. In that sense, the supposed â€Å"Congressional oversight† seems more like an illusion of accountability. The NSA claims its mission for domestic spying is â€Å"simple† that they are here to : collect, process, and store U.S. citizen data for the good of our nation. They NSA further elaborates that they cope with the overload of information we have in our country and use it to their strategic advantage. This in turn, helps them find new ways to detect, report, and respond to all domestic threats. â€Å"We work through you. For you. For our Nation.†(Source:, this means they are trying to justify that spying on civilians is being done for the good of our nation. Though they claim this is for the sake of our nation, does this violate any previously set laws that are in the constitution or amendments in the Bill Of Rights?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Aphra Behns Oroonoko †Slaughter of the Human Spirit Essay -- Behn Or

Oroonoko – Slaughter of the Human Spirit   Aphra Behn introduces her characters in Oroonoko as beautiful people who possess a pure, innocent love.   Behn does this in an effort to make her readers feel and question.   Her poetic description of their emotions magnify the horror of the final scene.   Behn's romantic love story is brought to a tragic end through brutality and death.   Why did she choose such an ending?   Her decision to have Oroonoko take the life of his wife and unborn child leaves her audience questioning.   Was what they had love?   If not, what was it?   What had killed their innocence?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The story of Oroonoko and Imoinda began with him approaching her and ended with the cut of his knife.   Oroonoko both began and ended the story that was "theirs."   Therefore, when analyzing their relationship it is most important to examine Oroonoko's behavior.   Oroonoko is the one who determined what path their story would take.   What drove him to end "their" story in such a brutal way?   What caused him to act so uncontrollable?   The truth is that his heart couldn't stand to lose her again.   He couldn't risk not finding her.   He was scared because he realized that he could not protect her.   Even the strong, powerful Oroonoko was not able to rescue her and her unborn child from slavery.   His hope and innocence were killed by fear.   He finally met a force that could beat him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout the story, Oroonoko exhibits his power and control.   In order to once again prove his courage, Oroonoko goes hunting to kill a tiger that had been too fierce and powerful for others to conquer.   When Oroonoko comes upon the tiger, she is devouring her new kill.   Upon Oroonoko's approach, the tiger stares at him with a "very fierce rag... ...heaven.   This is a beautiful image.   Does it really matter how they chose to exit this world?   The truth is that it does.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Aphra Behn's tale of Oroonoko is not only a tragic love story.   It is also a story about slavery and how it can kill a person.   The relationship between Oroonoko and Imoinda is described as pure and innocent.   Their story compliments the point that Behn was trying to make about slavery.   Slavery can kill hope, purity, and innocence.   Slavery does not only kill the human spirit.   It slaughters it. The student may wish to begin the paper with the following quote: "And these two People represented to me an absolute Idea of the first State of Innocence, before Man knew how to sin." (pg.10) Works Cited: Behn, Aphra. â€Å"Oroonoko.† The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. AH Abrams. New York. WW Norton and Company, Inc 2000.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Free Will in a Clockwork Orange Essay

Choice and free will are necessary to maintain humanity, both individually and communally; without them, man is no longer human but a â€Å"clockwork orange†, a mechanical toy, as demonstrated in Anthony Burgess’ novel, â€Å"A Clockwork Orange†. The choice between good and evil is a decision every man must make throughout his life in order to guide his actions and control his future. Forcing someone to be good is not as important as the act of someone choosing to be good. This element of choice, no matter what the outcome, displays man’s power as an individual. â€Å"A Clockwork Orange† starts with Alex posing the question: â€Å"what’s it going to be then, eh? â€Å". Burgess begins the story by demonstrating that Alex and his gang are free to do as they choose. Alex and his â€Å"droogs† are rebellious modern youth in an oppressive society. The â€Å"droogs† are tempted like all humanity by sin and try to show their hatred for the government with acts of extreme violence. The violent and rebellious behavior is a result of free will, but without the presence of evil, there would be nothing for humanity to choose. Throughout part one of the novel the droogs’ choices often result in violent actions harming innocent people. Examples of their â€Å"ultra-violence† are rampant: Alex and his droogs choose to rob and assault a man, Alex rapes young girls, and the droogs rob an old â€Å"ptitsa† who later dies from Alex’s assault. As Burgess says : â€Å"evil has to exist along with good, in order that moral choice may operate? Unfortunately there is so much original sin in us all that we find evil rather attractive†. God gave individuals free will, and they are responsible for their actions. The government has no right to interfere with human nature. A person can choose to be good or evil as Alex tries to demonstrate when he says: † what I do I do because I like to do†. With this statement, Alex clearly demonstrates that he is responsible for his actions and he chooses to act out against society simply because he likes to, because he is attracted to sin. When Alex and his gang attack F. Alexander and his wife, we again witness horrible acts of violence that are ultimately the result of Alex’s choice. This appalling scene is another example of Alex using his free will and his temptation towards evil. Evil is not only part of Alex’s life but the government’s as well. The evil of the government can be seen in part two of the novel when Alex’s mind is controlled and forced to have no moral choice. The government controls Alex’s free will by means of the Ludovico Technique, which makes Alex physically ill at the mere consideration of violent thoughts. When Alex is in the â€Å"staja† the Governor states that criminals â€Å"can best be dealt with on a purely curative basis. Kill the criminal reflex? â€Å". The Governor does not understand that criminal intent is not an unrestrained reaction, but the result of autonomy. The voice of reason in the prison is the prison Chaplin who questions the ethics of interfering with God’s gift of moral choice, â€Å"goodness comes from within?. goodness is something chosen. When a man cannot choose he ceases to be a man†. Again through one of his characters, Burgess is stating that inhibiting a person’s free will is more evil than a person’s ability to choose evil over good. If one cannot choose, one ceases to be human and is exactly like a machine controlled by the government. After Alex undergoes the Ludovico Technique, he stops asking â€Å"what’s it going to be then, eh?† only to prove that Alex has lost his free will. Alex’s question that was so prominent disappears and the mere thought of violence makes him physically ill. Dr Branom explains the effects of the technique to Alex : â€Å"you are being made sane, you are being made healthy†. The government and the doctors are convinced that they are making Alex â€Å"sane† and â€Å"healthy†. On the contrary, they are controlling his ability to have a choice in his actions. The doctors are attempting to eliminate Alex’s moral choice, which is neither sane nor healthy. The doctors go even further when they discover Alex’s love for classical music. Dr Branom says: â€Å"here is the punishment element, perhaps. The Governor ought to be pleased†. They go beyond trying to reform Alex and continue to punish and torture him, for after this torment is complete hearing a beautiful piece of music makes Alex sick. Alex’s reaction to music becomes violent and painful because of the government’s manipulation and the side effects of the Ludovico Technique. Alex did not choose to have his free will and love for music taken away. After the procedure is complete, the prison Chaplin comments † he has no real choice , has he?†¦ he ceases to be a wrongdoer. He ceases also to be a creature capable of moral choice†. The government limits Alex’s moral choice to only good which is truly the essence of evil for it interferes with the gift of free will given to humankind by god. After Alex is released into society, he has a difficult time adjusting since his world has drastically changed. Alex is now forced to behave oppositely to what he desires. The doctors have forced him to be â€Å"good†. After Dim and Billyboy have assaulted Alex, he encounters F. Alexander who takes him in. Alex attacked F. Alexander earlier in the story and mocked him for explaining the concept of free moral choice. When F. Alexander hears Alex’s story he remarks: â€Å"they have turned into something other than a human being. You have no power of choice any longer. You are committed to socially acceptable acts, a little machine capable only of good? â€Å". F. Alexander understands that limiting a man’s free will is a sin, but as we soon learn, F. Alexander and his faction use Alex for their own cause and form Alex into a martyr by manipulating and influencing his will. This act of selfishness proves that F. Alexander’s faction is no better than the government they are criticizing. They are willing to sacrifice Alex to make him â€Å"a martyr to the cause f Liberty? â€Å". F. Alexander and his faction are so ruthless that Alex sees suicide as his only way out. He decides to â€Å"do myself in, to snuff it, to blast off forever out of this wicked and cruel world†. Alex’s thoughts, feelings and choices have been altered and he feels that he can only escape his evil manipulation by suicide. To Alex, F.Alexander’s faction turns out to be as evil as the government they are fighting. While Alex is in the hospital, after his failed suicide attempt, F. Alexander says: â€Å"you have served Liberty well†. It is clear to Alex that there is no distinction between the oppressive government and the deception of F. Alexander’s faction. Once Alex has regained his free will, he is released back into society and attempts to go back to his old ways. The beginning of part three mirrors part one; however, Alex is starting to change. Alex seems less interested in senseless violence, and since his free will has returned, he starts â€Å"dreaming and wondering what it was like changing and what was going to happen to me†. Alex is beginning to realize that he has choices to make in his life. After meeting Pete who has matured Alex has a revelation, he imagines himself as a husband and father and realizes â€Å"I was like growing up†. Alex is attracted by love and parenthood, not by sin. He uses his moral choice to choose to righteous path and finally answers the question with â€Å"that’s what it’s going to be, brothers†. Alex willfully chooses to change his ways; he decides to be productive, and chooses love over sin. He realizes that what he did in the past was wrong, as well as the immorality of his ways. It is through free moral choice that Alex arrives at this conclusion, not through a government technique forcing him to make the â€Å"right† decision. As part of the process of maturity, Alex would have likely selected this path naturally. However, the interference of the government and F. Alexander’s interference with Alex’s moral choice ultimately drove him to attempt suicide to escape the evil ways they chose for reform. Moral choice can lead to violence, but without the risks, there would be nothing for humanity to choose. The government and F. Alexander’s faction control Alex’s free will to justify their own political agenda. They control his ability to choose without realizing that interfering with humanity’s ability to exercise free will is evil. Both the government and F. Alexander’s faction claim to be â€Å"the good guys† when they are the true faces of pure evil. One has to remember that evil is a master of disguise. It often hides behind the mask of the hero.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Post-Apocalyptic Essay

Philip K. Dick leads his readers into understanding the relationship between humanity and the environment and how changes when humanity is struck with adversity. It is asserted that the human condition will continue to place importance on material possessions, although society and the possession itself changes in â€Å"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?† by Philip K. Dick. In the novel â€Å"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?† by Philip K. Dick the only humans left living on earth are able to prove superior social status with the ownership of an authentic animal. The owners begin a relationship with animals because they symbolize what’s left of mother-nature in which heightens an individual’s rank. The protagonist in the novel is Rick Deckard who is known as a bounty hunter. Since there is little life on earth he owns an electric sheep, but his neighbor Bill Barbour owns a Percheron Colt. In the novel Deckard beliefs: Humans are able to radiate their s ocial status through living animals. In the novel owning an animal is essential because there rare and significant in comparison to modern times when we take animals for granted. One of the main themes in the novel is empathy and they seem to only have it towards animals. Since they have killed off possibly all living things they are trying to grasp the little life left on earth. Having the possession of a real animal is seen as an economic gain. Rick Deckard is not too fond of his electric sheep because it’s not real and he does not feel he could feel empathy for and electric sheep.: The aftermath of World War Terminius has made every character value the small things in life. Rick says he wants more than a domestic pet he says, â€Å"I want what I originally had, a large animal. A sheep, or if I can’t get the money, a cow or a steer or what have, a horse.† (14) He will not settle for less, he wants something he could be proud of and have to showcase just like his neighbor Barbour that owns a real s tallion. This aspect of the novel displays human relationship to the environment only exists due to the deterioration of animal life. If it were not for the limited living animal circumstances then perhaps humans would not have empathy for the animals. It is apparent that  they did not take precaution before the war since they did not realize the damage of the war would jeopardize the environment ecosystem. So much so that Rick states, â€Å"having two animals is more immoral than not having any.†(10) This shows how limited real living animals are in 2021 and that no one should have more than one. Some people are unable to at least have one and Rick’s neighbor was considering having two. Deckard is bothered by his neighbor’s greediness to want more than one real animal. Especially after the fact that Ricks expresses to how he wishes he could own a real animal. This also shows how people have become one for one. They seem to have lot the possibility to care for one another throughout the novel, what is important now is their social status. This novel tries to send a message early on about the importance of our priorities as humans. American values have shifted over the years. According to an article on PBS called The Rise of American Consumerism it states â€Å"After World War II, consumer spending no longer meant just satisfying an indulgent material desire. In fact, the American consumer was praised as a patriotic citizen in the 1950’s, contributing to the ultimate success of the American way of life.† Spending on material goods was more than just a want it was a way of life. Americans at this time were getting over the depression and so once the economy began to rise so did there spending habits. The problem was not that they were spending but they were over spending on everything and anything. Since then the way that Americans spend has only increased. In the novel Philip K Dick writes from the future and shows the horrid side to the ways of Americans, and the outcome of human’s values. Dick challenges our perception towards humanity and animal life and convinces to make animal existence a priority. Throughout the novel Rick Deckard is portrayed in different perspectives. Deckard is really motivated as a bounty hunter, so he retires androids for a living and he depends on his income in order to purchase an animal. This reflects that the novel is relevant to American consumerism and how we look forward for a better economic status. In the novel, Animal consumerism is key, but not to consume to nurture and protect. And Americans are so common to consumerism that they well purchase anything and eat anything. That being said, we as Americans tend to be careless about what arrives on our dinner plates without  realizing that it was once a living thing. Dick’s novel brings awareness to our mindset that we should acknowledge the value of things instead of making them secondary and neglecting them. Its main focus is to give importance to mother â€Å"nature†. Ideas that are claimed throughout this novel are very concurrent to present time. The idea of empathy and how humans must feel alive through other living things is very powerful. Owning a real live animal most certainly is a way to keep humans grounded. Phillip K. Dick gives a theoretical statement on how we as human beings should give more recognition towards life values, or prepare to pay consequences that will lead to animal shortage. Work Cited Ewe Robot: ‘Philip K. Dick and Philosophy’ Anthology ‘Philip K. Dick and Philosophy’. 24 May 2011. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. Dick, Philip K., and Philip K. Dick. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? New York: Ballantine, 1996. Print. WGBH. â€Å"General Article: The Rise of American Consumerism.† PBS by WGHB EducacationFoundation.Web.1996-2013.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Honors lab Chemistry Essay

0.032 g Volume of gas collected (mL) 30mL Barometric pressure (atm) 1.1 atm Room Temperature ( °C) 22  °C Vapor pressure of the water (torr) 19.8 torr Calculations: 1. Write the balanced equation for the reaction conducted in this lab, including appropriate phase symbols. (2 points) Mg(s) + 2HCl(a) + H2O(a) -> MgCl2(s) + H2 (g) 2. Determine the partial pressure of the hydrogen gas collected in the gas collection tube. (3 points) 1.1 atm = 0.026 atm + h2 3. Calculate the moles of hydrogen gas collected. (4 points) ! n = 1.074 atm x 0.03 L / 0.0821 x 295.15 K = 0.00133 mol H2 4. If magnesium was the limiting reactant in this lab, calculate the theoretical yield of the gaseous product. Show all steps of your calculation. (4 points) .032 g Mg * 1 mol Mg / 24.305 g Mg * 1mol h2 / 1 mol Mg = 0.0131 mol 5. Determine the percent yield of this reaction, showing all steps of your calculation. (3 points) Percent Yield = 0.00133 /0.0131 mol H2 Ãâ€" 100 = 10. 15 % Conclusion: 1. Would the following errors increase, decrease, or have no effect on the calculated moles of gas collected in the experiment? Explain your answers in complete sentences. a) The measured mass of the magnesium was smaller than the true mass. (3 points) It would not affect the number of moles calculated because it was not used to measure the moles of the gas. b) The actual temperature of the hydrogen gas is less than room temperature. (3 points) If the gas was cooler than its surroundings, its density would be greater, and the volume would appear to be smaller. Charles’ Law says that a gas’ volume is directly proportional to its temperature, if the pressure on it is constant. 2. Explain in terms of particle collisions and Dalton’s law why it can be assumed that the total pressure inside the gas collection tube is equal to the atmospheric pressure outside of the tube. (4 points) The particles inside the container are exerting force on the walls of the container, while the particles outside of the container are also exerting force. If there were any less pressure from the inside, the tube would collapse. If there were any less pressure from the outside, the tube would explode. 3. If an undetected air bubble was trapped inside the gas collection tube, how would this affect your calculated percent yield? Explain your answer. (4 points) The bubble would take up space in the container and the volume would decrease. Therefore the percentage yield would be incorrect.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Real Problem Behind White-Collar Crime

White-collar crime is a term that has been applied to a wide variety of non-violent crimes that are often committed in offices and boardrooms rather than on the street. Crimes are committed by means of unlawful paper transactions rather than with weapons, by middle-class people rather than by career criminals (Sutherland, 1983). It includes the crime of fraud in its many variations, as well as violations of government regulations that might not even result in immediate, ascertainable harm. The term refers to crimes committed by individuals, as well as wrongs inflicted by corporate entities (which are also subject to criminal prosecution). White-collar crime is investigated and prosecuted by the federal and state governments. For most individuals, white-collar crime is not viewed as a crime at all, because of its non-violent nature. Violent crime has an immediate and obvious impact on its victims, which raises the attention of the public, whereas white-collar crime frequently goes undetected or is viewed as a bending of the rules (Geis, 1982). White-collar crime; however, can have more of an impact than violent crimes. The victim of a violent crime can recover (most times, but not always), were as the victim of fraud can have immeasurable impact, that can devastate his/her home, family, and even life. The real problem behind white-collar crime is not defining white-collar crime, but developing the appropriate means to correct this type of crime. One of the most popular white-collar crimes is embezzlement. Throughout the rest of this literature review, embezzlement will remain the focus of the discussion. Embezzlement is the most popular financial crime in the nation, and is the predominant factor in the failure of all types of businesses (Barlow, 1978). Also, embezzlement is an individual crime, not just a document or technological crime. It is often the most misunderstood and complicated crime to discover, or to investigate. The crime of embezzlement accounts for the majority of all financial institution crimes investigated by the FBI (Geis, 1982). It is often a function of an employee†s circumstances and/or attitude combined with employer naivete and carelessness and with the decreasing threat of prosecution and other detrimental consequences (Weisburd, Wheeler, Waring & Bode, 1991). Embezzlement may occur because an employee who is in a position of trust with access to company funds is experiencing difficult, personal financial problems. The temptation becomes too great and the employee resorts to embezzlement to solve his/her financial problems. It also occurs because employee loyalty is less now than in the past years and employees often believe that they are paid too little and treated unfairly. Law enforcement agencies have less and less manpower to pursue embezzlement so the fear of prosecution is less of a deterrent to employees. Embezzlements are generally both ego and habit crimes, and are rhythmic, predictable and cyclic (Jamieson, 1994). Embezzlers rationalize their behavior to conform to their own morals and ethics. Embezzlers realize that their actions will ultimately hurt people around them, and they just do not care. Embezzlements are secret crimes, but someone else within the institution often has knowledge of the crime. Most embezzlements are actually a series or combination of crimes, rather than a single crime. The majority of embezzlements begin as a simple misuse of the company†s funds for a short-term personal purpose (Geis, 1968). These occurrences then become a habit, requiring additional misuse to hide the original crime. Embezzlements are generally committed by one of three methods: By trickery, deceit or misrepresentation (e.g. account holder or rightful owner impersonation, official seals of fictitious accounts); by documents (e.g. check, â€Å"authorization note†, power of attorney); and by technology (e.g. on-line computer, FAX machines, ATM access)(Weisburd et al., 1991). Generally, embezzlements committed by staff personnel are more numerous, and the individual amounts taken are relatively small. Embezzlements committed by supervisors and officers are less frequent, and the amounts taken are more significant. Taking money to support a certain lifestyle or an employee†s family is the most popular motive. Revenge against the employer is the next most popular motive. Periodic surveys and statistics gathered by law enforcement agencies indicate that losses attributed to acts of embezzlement are more significant than losses attributed to all other types of business crimes combined (Barlow, 1978). The number of embezzlements increases annually, primarily because of: 1. Inadequate pre-employment screening by employers, 2. Changing morality in all segments of society, particularly the work force, 3. Decreasing law enforcement help and emphasis, and 4. Minimal punishment for offenders. Embezzlements include both misuse and misappropriation. Misuse is defined as the abuse of privilege or position without the specific intent to steal; misappropriation is defined as the taking of funds or property with the specific intent to steal (Geis, 1982). Estimates are that less than 10% of these crimes are reported. The true scope of the embezzlement problem may never be known for many reasons. Embezzlement is not just theft, it is also misuse. Thefts require a specific intent to steal, are relatively simple to prove and are reported more often than incidents of misuse. Acts of misuse require no specific intent to steal, and are often difficult to prove and are often categorized as â€Å"mysterious disappearances† (Jamieson, 1994). The discovery of embezzlement requires the institution to file a criminal report and a criminal referral form, which removes the control of an investigation from the institution. It is often believed to be more â€Å"convenient† to allow an embezzler to terminate employment and voluntarily repay the loss than to file a crime report and become involved with the criminal justice process (Weisburd et al., 1991). Embezzlement is also a secret or closet crime and is often discussed in the same â€Å"whispered tones† as crimes of child or adult sexual assault are. Denial of the act, a sense of violation and feeling shame for allowing it to happen are responses reported by victims of both assaults and embezzlements. These victims are then reluctant to report the crime, fearing public exposure and humiliation. Some people purposely embezzle (steal) while others simply misuse (borrow or use) the institution†s assets (service, equipment, supplies and facilities) without intending to steal. Both actions create losses to the institution. The disastrous effects suffered by the nation†s financial institutions and related industries, and the loss of public trust in those industries, have primarily resulted from acts of embezzlement or from self-serving transactions by key employees working within all levels of the institution (Geis, 1982). The misuse and misappropriation of assets significantly contributed to the crippling or failure of many industries such as: Financial institutions (e.g. savings and loan industry); defense contractors (e.g. overcharges, failed product design, diversion of funds); securities brokerage firms (e.g. junk bonds and diversion of funds) and insurance companies (e.g. investment in prohibited ventures and diversion of funds) (Weisburd et al., 1991). The very people who work within and manage these industries are disabling them. Their leaders have been the subjects of unfavorable from-page news stories. Their crimes and lack of corporate morals overshadow, and contribute to, similar behavior of their employees. In other words, creating an embezzlement environment starts at the top of the organization. It†s less expensive to prevent embezzlement than it is to investigate one. Estimates are that for each $1.00 lost to any crime, the institution loses and additional $4.00. These calculations are conservative, and don†t take into account the other losses the institution will ultimately suffer (Jamieson, 1994). Embezzlements are emotional as well as financial crimes. Victims of embezzlement display the same progression and range of symptoms displayed by victims of sexual assault or catastrophic disasters: shock, disbelief, denial, rage, grief and recovery (Geis, 1982). This cycle generally peaks within six months of the crime, and it may take up to three years for the institution to recover fully. While the actual monetary loss from an embezzlement may be significant, it will be relatively insignificant compared to the losses caused by these other factors that will become evident after an embezzlement has been discovered: lowered employee morals due to increased security measures, and aggravated by distrust of other employees; employees† disorientation and their accompanying mistakes, resulting in poor customer service; a reduction in actual tasks performed by employees, because of their pre-occupation with events related to the embezzlement; adverse publicity due to management†s likely inability to control the flow of information to the media; and the necessary interaction with the criminal justice system (law enforcement, courts and corrections) (Weisburd et al., 1991). Mistakes often appear to be embezzlements. The results of poor training and supervision often appear as clerical errors, as mis-coded or miscounted items, and as misapplied transactions. Appropriate training, supervision and the application of effective loss prevention techniques are necessary to protect the institution and its employees from both mistakes and embezzlements (Jamieson, 1994). Honest employees must be protected from suspicion of dishonesty, and embezzlers must be removed. A successful defense begins with a single action demonstrated by one concerned person. Someone must take a stand against the problem, and then become knowledgeable and concerned enough about the problem to persuade others to take a stand. You will likely find both supporters and detractors within every level of the institution. Embezzlers will continue to be successful until industry leaders acknowledge the magnitude and pervasiveness of the problem; until industry leaders believe that this activity is intolerable; and until industry leaders take an active role in embezzlement prevention and education (Weisburd et al., 1991). To truly understand the scope of embezzlement individuals must research and understand new policy techniques and educate themselves on the crime of embezzlement in order to combat this up and coming crime. Embezzlers violate all commonly accepted business and personal values, morals and ethics. Embezzlers are rarely prosecuted criminally, rarely receive jail sentences upon conviction, and rarely repay the victims or court costs. As we learn more about the criminal act of embezzlement, and more about the people who commit these crimes, the better prepared we are to identify behaviors commonly displayed by both the institution and the employee who embezzles. Corporations and business owners need to establish a code of conduct with their employees. This method would provide an excellent way to communicate with employees and describe acceptable standards of behavior within the company. Also, this method gives the employee a list of employee†s rights and obligations to follow. Employees who believe that they are treated fairly, and equally with every other employees, are less likely to become discontented and commit an embezzlement crime. If corporations follow the simple but effective methods mentioned above they should have more success in removing embezzlement from the business world.

Comparative Study Of Styles And Patterns Of Code Switching

Code-switching is known as the switch from one codification ( linguistic communication ) to another within the same context. It is besides known as a state of affairs where a individual is able to jump between two or more linguistic communications in his or her discourse. In her book, Myers-Scotton ( 1993 ) said that code-switching is a conventional method of communicating in any bilingual or multilingual society. Hence, in a multilingual state like Malaysia, it is customary for us to see a merger of one or more linguistic communications, idioms and manners in spoken and besides written signifiers. The promotion of the epoch of multimedia and engineering agencies that code-switching is no longer restricted to talk signifier but it can be observed in written signifier excessively. With a more developed communicating system, code-switching can be observed in changing interaction such as chat rooms, forums, web logs and web sites like Myspace, Friendster and Facebook. ( Montes-Alcala , 2007 ) . Therefore, different forms and manners of code-switching are emerging and people code-switch more frequently in written signifier of linguistic communications and this includes one of the ill-famed medium, web log. Blood ( 2000 ) and Werbach ( 2001 ) stated that John Barger was the first individual who came about with the term â€Å" weblog † in his web site on 17th December 1997 where the term was used to mention to a web site where an single updates on a regular basis ( Branum, 2001 ) . With the tendency of having a web log traveling ballyhoo over the state in recent old ages, we can somehow notice in each web log, code-switching in different spheres takes topographic point. These switches in term of forms and manners differ from people of each age group.Problem StatementSometimes, it crosses our head to utilize merely English as our manner of communicating but under certain fortunes, we tend to code-switch accidentally. This state of affairs happens particularly in a multilingual society. There are times when we realize that merely the usage of certain codification in a peculiar sphere can do linguistic communication meaningful. Over the old ages, in our state, we frequently face the quandary of taking the ‘appropriate ‘ codification to do a linguistic communication meaningful in different spheres. The codification or linguistic communication choice is dependent on the communicator ‘s age group every bit good. Sometimes, it confuses us whether or non a individual of a peculiar age group web logs utilizing same or different manners and forms of code-switching in web logs every bit good as the critical parts that domains play in finding which codification to take to exchange to.Significance of StudyMontes-Alcala ( 2007 ) noted in the yesteryear, there have been a batch of researches done on code-switching in spoken signifier but merely a minority of research workers focus their findings in written signifier. Hence, she conducted a survey on code-switching in the web logs of English-Spanish bilinguals to happen out the frequence of code-switching within their web log entries. Similarly, in our state, a figure of surveies on code-switching have been done on spoken discourses but so far, merely a minority of researches has been carried out to analyze code-switching in web logs in Malaysia. Therefore, this survey is important because it provides a new comprehensiveness for code-switching in written discourse by integrating the usage of CS in web logs. The ground is because different manners of communicating on the cyberspace such as confabs, web logs and chirrups are quickly catching traditional signifiers of communicating for both professional and leisure activities ( Norizah & A ; Azirah, 2009 ) . Therefore, surveies on CS in written signifier should be taken into history.AimsThis survey aims to look into the ground why a individual code-switch from one chosen standardized linguistic communication, English, to another in his or her web log, taking into history bloggers of different age groups. At the same clip, it besides serves to find in which spheres do these bloggers tends to code-switch the most every bit good as their manners and forms of code-switch. Simultaneously, it besides focuses on the factors that initiate and act upon code-switching in their web logs every bit good as the grounds why they chose a specific linguistic communication to code-switch to from English, for illustration, from English to Mandarin or from English to Malay.Scopes of StudyThis survey focuses on code-switching which involves more than two linguistic communications in the most sought-after on-line diary, web log. It focuses on bloggers from two age groups and how the bloggers from this age group web log, taking into consideration the frequence of code-switching within selected entries. Furthermore, different forms and manners they use in different spheres while blogging are highlighted.Restriction of StudyThe country of survey for this research is restricted to those bloggers who use merely English as their chief medium of blogging over a declared period of clip. Merely five bloggers of two different age groups will be selected to take part in this rese arch. Group 1 – 20 to 30 old ages old Group 2 – 50 to 60 old ages old In add-on, merely bloggers from an English instruction background will take part in this research. However, the Numberss of bloggers selected to take part in this research do non stand for the whole.Theoretical ModelThis survey is guided by the old work from assorted research workers such as Montes-Alcala ( 2005 & A ; 2007 ) and Norizah and Azirah ( 2009 ) in their surveies of the code-switching in written discourses.Research QuestionsWhat are the spheres and grounds that influence the bloggers of different age groups to code-switch? What are the differences in the forms and manners of code-switching between bloggers of these two different age groups?Literature ReviewBlom and Gumperz are considered the innovator research workers in code-switching as they did an early survey in the twelvemonth 1972 on the linguistic communication used in a Norse fishing small town through observation and analysis of tape recordings of the society. Through that, they discovered the society used and code-switched in several different linguistic communications when they were pass oning to each other. As the affair of fact, it was dependent on who the talker was turn toing to every bit good as the sphere both addresser and addressee was in. On the other manus, Valdes-Fallis ( 1976 ) , Poplack ( 1981 ) , McClure ( 1981 ) and Gumperz ( 1982 ) in the article, â€Å" Blogging in two linguistic communications: Code-Switching in Bilingual Blogs, † introduced the categorizations of code-switching maps – direct citations, accent, elucidation or amplification, contextual switches, lexical demand switches, triggered switches and others in support of the grounds why people code-switch. Montes-Alcala ‘s ( 2000 ) research merely to happen out that that most of those maps typically manifested in the literature of unwritten code-switching were besides present in the written signifier. Hence, it explains why she did a survey on code-switching jumping between English and Spanish in web logs.Research DesignQualitative method is chosen as the design as it is able to supply factual informations needed to back up the theory that linguistic communication does transform. On the other manus, with qualitative method, a comparative survey on the manners and forms of code-switching in two different age groups in selected spheres can be reasoned with the presence of sufficient informations. Data will be obtained through analysis of web logs to find the spheres of code-switching in selected entries. In add-on to that, a set of questionnaire will be distributed to the selected bloggers to get information of their backgrounds and experiences in blogging. The ground is to acquire to cognize the grounds why they want to code-switch and besides if there is any cause that influences them to code-switch from English to another linguistic communication, be it Mandarin, Malay or others.SubjectsFor this survey a entire Numberss of five bloggers from each age group as stated below are selected to take part in it: Group 1 – 20 to 30 old ages old Group 2 – 50to 60 old ages old These bloggers have to be bi- or multilingual in order to be selected, maintaining in head that English must be their chief medium of blogging. Lone entries with existent code-switching for illustration, alternation of different linguistic communications within the same entry are considered entries without incorporation of other linguistic communications is non considered as code-switching. The ground of restricting the range of the survey is to put a criterion and besides to homogenise the findings so that the informations collected can be more precise to peculiar age groups being studied.Data CollectionThe continuance for informations aggregation of this survey runs from September 2009 to March 2010. Therefore, in the period of six months, the entries posted by these 10 bloggers will be selected indiscriminately and analyzed, foregrounding the differences in forms and manners of code-switching in different spheres. At the same clip, questionnaires with consent signifiers will be distributed to these bloggers in the hope of happening the grounds why they code-switch from English to other linguistic communications and besides to detect the frequence of code-switching among them.Datas AnalysisThe information in this survey is analysed by utilizing the work of Montes-Alcala ( 2000 ) as a guideline. The spheres of which code-switching takes topographic point are noted from the entries of web logs collected. Then, the frequence of code-switching will be tabulated before analysis of findings. On the other manus, the distributed questionnaires will help in happening out under what fortunes or spheres does the bloggers code-switch? Thereafter, these spheres will be categorized and account for code-switching in each sphere will be included. Finally, a comparing of differences in manners and forms of code-switching among these bloggers will be drawn and analyzed.

Friday, September 13, 2019

ExxonMobil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

ExxonMobil - Essay Example In 38 countries Exxon has its exploration and production utilities and in 23 countries they have the production operation. The company has 38 refineries around the world. Close to 90% chemical business of Exxon is ranked first or second in the world, and they are the market leader in this field. ExxonMobil has invested $5 billion over the last five years in technological up-gradation (About Us, n.d.) Upstream In petroleum industry upstream indicates operation like search, recovery and production of crude oil and natural gas. This sector is also known as Exploration and Production sector. Under this division ExxonMobil have the following units- Earning from the upper stream as in 2008 was recorded $35.4 billion. The return on average capital in 2008 was 54% and earning per oil-equivalent barrel was $24.67. The total liquid production and the natural production which was available for sale was 3.9 million oil equivalent per day. The upstream capital and exploration spending was $19.7 billion. The graph indicates that the earnings from the upper division have been increasing constantly. In the year 2007, the earnings were $26497 million which further increased to $35402 by the year 2008. This indicates a sharp rise of 33.61%. This was possible because of the fact that the company managed to increase their production by 3.2 billion barrel oil equivalent per year through out the last five years. The finding and the resource acquisition cost has been gone to $0.66 per barrel which might go high in the coming years. If this happens then the company’s cost of production will go high leading resulting lower earnings in the future. The portfolio of ExxonMobil is one of the largest in the world which includes several units situated in the highly diversified region like extreme deep water heavy oil/oil sand, unconventional gas, arctic, liquefied natural gas, acid on sour