Thursday, October 31, 2019

Engineering parameters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Engineering parameters - Essay Example It also enables the disabled people with diminished strength, who can exert at least 5 lbf to open the door. It represents the maximum force requirement for a non-fire, interior related door. This is the surface texture or topography. It represents the nature of the surface as described by surface roughness, lay and waviness. It helps engineers in defining small local surface deviations from flat ideal. This is the extent to which production of a product complies with environmental safety requirement. It shows that manufacturing of a product does not lead to hazardous impact to the environment and the people around. This is the degree to which production or product is able to cope with the prevailing situations. It is important as it shows that a given product will withstand certain situational variants that are not anticipated during the production. This is the ambiguity and complicatedness of production or a product. It shows the complex mechanisms of product production and allows engineers to create awareness when dealing with products of complex nature This is the way in which a product operates without manual operations. It is important in assessing the conditions in which the product can be automated or the situations where manual operations may be

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Written Communication for Business Purposes Research Paper

Written Communication for Business Purposes - Research Paper Example It is necessary that accountability and responsibility chains of people working in the organization are fixed. The manager should communicate everything to his sub ordinates and people in the organization in a written way. Written messages can also be saved in the repository for future references. Business communication is a permanent mode of communication and is easier to follow through than oral communication mans. Good written communication is pivotal to the success of an organization. It helps in building its corporate image and good will. Written business communication comprises of various forms. These are letters, memoranda’s, emails, sales letters, agendas and business reports. Business letters should have an appealing and an appropriate lay out. The writer should be clear on the content of the letter and it must be divided into paragraphs. The subject of the letter should be written and should be enclosed within envelope. The letter must be saved for future reference a nd should be written carefully as it directly affects the good will of the organization. There are various types of business letters for instance sales letters, information letters and problem letters.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Vanessas Maturing Process Theme Of Entrapment English Literature Essay

Vanessas Maturing Process Theme Of Entrapment English Literature Essay The theme of entrapment is a dominant theme in Margaret Laurences A Bird in the House. This is the theme that the author uses to shape most of his characters in the literary work. Vanessa Macleod is a protagonist in this story growing as the environment around her suggests. Margaret takes a Vanessa into an observational status where she would monitor activities around her. This would in turn affect her tremendously as she grows up. At the beginning, Vanessa is only twelve and the story tells of her growth till marriage with Chris. Margaret suggests to the reader that a person is changed significantly from his or her associations with the surrounding. As the story glides on the reader sees the many forms that Vanessa assumes in a bid to attain personal freedom. It is a quest for personal freedom although no character in the work attains it. This whole nature affects the way in which Vanessa grows. Remembrance Day is the story that starts at the beginning of the Margaret literary work. Vanessa is a teenager being influenced so much by hormonal changes in the body. En route to the church she observes the nature in which her father is in. According to her she felt pity for him although she did not really understand why this should be the case. As she was taught heaven is a beautiful place, probably, hence people should enjoy in the passing of their loved one. This is not the case and the imagination makes her engage her father into a conversation; I wondered what he believed in. I did not have any real idea what it might be. It is the nature of inquisitiveness of teenager children. Her father answers some questions that she asks him but they are not satisfactory, another demonstration of curiosity. It is easily seen how observable Vanessa is; He was frowning deeply and I could see the pulse in his temple à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ When he raised his head, he did not look uplifted or anything like that. He merely looked tired. This is the observation status that Margaret puts her protagonist in the play. This characteristic will be evident all through the discussion because it is the property that makes Vanessa make choices. The past affects the future as brought out in this play. They are written as reflections or discussions in the play. At the time when Vanessa discussed religion with her father, she would not understand his answer. Later he passed away from a short illness and while she was passing through her fathers belongings she came across a love letter and picture of a young French woman pp 107. Five years down the line she had grieved her father missing the companionship but is ignited by a single discovery that brings her fathers memories with nostalgia. It is at this moment that she understands that the past still lingers in the present. Imagination also plays an important role in Vanessas life and journey to growth. She was not going to participate in the activities of Remembrance Day owing to the fact that she despised military men. She did not understand the meaning of the day not until she had a brief epiphany of what death really is. He came to understand the meaning of this day by imagining what his dad felt while he watched his brother fade away in his death. Moreover the day too was important to her grandmother and by imagination she understood the pain of a mother. It was real when she lost her father. Vanessa learned the importance of the day when she found the love letter. The reflections of the past bring about moments of truth when the departed dwelt among their loved ones. Again she learns from the past and how the past affects the future. It is her journey towards maturity. It is also important to point out the relationships that Vanessa has. Some are distant without direct associations, while some are observational and others are interactive. In addition there is that solitary part which is marked by realizations and reflection, devoid of relationship. There are plenty of examples of these four categories of relationship. In Social Learning Theory of psychology studies, there are references of child growth in cognitive abilities through relationship hence the name social. In this breathe a great deal of learning that brings about maturity in Vanessa is through relationship. Some lessons are learned earlier while others are learned immediately the relationship hits a rock bottom. The latter is the most common in Margaret Laurence book. Vanessa greatly learns from consequences rather than having the intelligence to postulate in the future the results of certain actions. As seen with the relationship with Chris, Vanessa harbors important information that is crucial to her boyfriend; Chris was twenty-one. The distance between them was still too great. For years she had wanted to be older so she might talk with him, but now she felt unready pp. 140. Day in day out she tries to figure out how to communicate with Chris. All is late when Chris is admitted to a mental hospital. From this she learns the necessity to be open when she regrets having kept secret this information from Chris. She blames herself of Chris deterioration in health. It is the communication between partners that keeps relationship work out, a good lesson she learns. Grandfather Conner is a perfectionist but they had a distant relationship with Vanessa. There was no close contact between the two. However, through observation Vanessa was able to attain knowledge on the importance of being perfect. It is entrapment in discussion but learning from a distance. She understands this during t he sale of the brick house; She wanted to tell the new owners of the Brick house to trim their hedges, to repaint the window frames, to pay heed to repairs. She had feared and fought, yet he proclaimed himself in her veins pp. 191. Another aspect that contributes very much to her growth is the escape she has to reality. She exhibits resistance to a number of things in the story. At a tender age she attended the church just as her parents required. However at the time she was already curious of what she wanted to do with her life. As a result it is evident that she is always in conflict with her relatives. The interesting part is how she dealt with the resistance. Instead of showing it clearly, she actually blocked everything out. It is an attempt to independence. In particular during Sunday school lessons, she conceived stories in her mind with her as the main characters but without meaning; I was prepared, for the question was the same each week. I rarely listened in Sunday school, finding it more entertaining to compose in my head stories of spectacular heroism in which I figured as a central character, so I never knew what the text had been.. However, they were very important in passing time. In one way Vanessa knew what was important to him. She was interested only with certain things but ignorant of unimportant and uninteresting things. This way she was able to lean on a sided kind of growth and maturity. This form of resistance does not stop there. After her fathers death they move to the brick house where they lived with her grandfather. Occasionally she would get busy writing exaggerated adventure stories as a means to fulfill her thirst for personal freedom; I wanted only to be by myself with no one else around. She was so insecure to live on her own since the brick house represents strength where she may turn to. Even when Nanuk presents her with a relationship offer, she is still reluctant to be with him. In general Vanessas journey to maturity is an amalgamated package of life experiences with those who she came in contact with. Her relationship with her father made her indecisive in many occasions. Her father was indecisive as seen from the conversation he has with her daughter Vanessa. When asked about his thoughts about heaven, he gives thoughtless answers which affect Vanessa quite a bit. Down the line in her life, Vanessa meets with Chris. She is in a state of making a decision that is supposed to affect her life. However, she is unable to make the final decision whether to talk to Chris or not. Consequently, Chris is admitted in a mental institution. Her grandfather, Conner is a firm person and a perfectionist. He used to talk with a firm voice, raised all the time in a bid to make everything perfect. On the contrary he was able to analyze situations and make firm decisions about them. When Nanuk wanted to date Vanessa, he would constantly tell her that he was not fit for her. He stood with this decision till the end. Clearly Vanessa learned from her grandfather. When they left the brick house for new owners, she gave instructions on how to maintain the windows and hedges perfectly as they were. She reacted in a manner that her grandfather would. At another instant while talking to her brother, she engages in a conversation on how to name her dog. At one point she realizes her grandfathers voice echoes in her voice. When they moved to the brick house after the death of her father, Vanessa met her aunties who were soft spoken and humble. They had a loving character just like her mother. She immediately took their side and became humble, predictable and loving. In fact the story symbolizes her as a birch of logs in the basement. She is also similar to her mother. In the work it was evident that after a quarrel her mother and aunt would go in the kitchen and speak in whispers. In actual sense they would worry perpetually. This trait was adopted by Vanessa who would go about her worrying ways whisperi ng in inaudible undertones. Her grandfather also influences her in a number of ways. While she dated Nanuk, Conner would constantly resent him since according to him he was not to be trusted. In one way these were pointers thrown in here and there by grandpa. Although she loved him, she was taught not to follow love only in a person but to search for better qualities. They turned her into a self reflecting person who would ask rhetoric questions within, just to have better understanding of relationships. It was evident with Chris. In conclusion her journey to adulthood is one that is marked by influences through relationships between her and her immediate people who would throw pointers here and there for her. They nurtured her to what she became in adulthood. Work Cited: Laurence Margaret. A Bird in the House. Berlin: McClelland Stewart,2010.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Oedipus The King: Images Of Blindness :: Oedipus Rex, Sophocles

Oedipus the King has many images of blindness, both physical and blindness of the mind. The characters surrounding these images are Oedipus and Tiresias the prophet. When the play begins Oedipus has vision and Tiresias cannot see, but by the end of the play, it is clear who can really see and who is blind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Oedipus first encounters Tiresias, the blind prophet proceeds to tell Oedipus after much pressure that Oedipus is the one who has brought the great plague down upon Thebes and that he is the murderer he has sent the residents of the city to find and cast away. Although Tiresias is visually impaired, he can still see the truth of the contingency. However, Oedipus is blind to the truth and immediately begins accusing Tiresias of being involved in a conspiracy with Creon to overthrow him as king. Oedipus casts insults at Tiresias about his blindness saying â€Å"You have no strength, blind in your ears, your reason and your eyes.† (374-375). Tiresias responds by saying that the insults Oedipus has hurled will before long come back upon him. He also tells Oedipus that what has brought him greatness is the very luck that will ruin him. Tiresias says â€Å"Blind who could see, a beggar who was rich, through foreign lands he’ll go and point before him with a stick,† (460) implying that although Oedipus can see now, the truth will eventually blind him and cause him to loose all he has.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oedipus remains blind to the truth until he can deny it no longer. After hearing the testimony of the herdsman it is perfectly clear to Oedipus that he has fulfilled the prophecy by killing his father and marrying his mother, in turn bringing the great misfortune about the city of Thebes. Upon discovering this, along with discovering Jocasta’s dead body, Oedipus blinds himself with the pins on her dress and shouts that his eyes â€Å"would no longer see the evils he had suffered or had done, see in the dark those he should not have seen.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Historical Theology Essay

I. Introduction: As I said in my first Reflection Paper, my knowledge and exposure to Christianity has been somewhat limited. Throughout my life I have been a person who wanted to know â€Å"Why† and have factual proof to support my thoughts and ideas. I have chosen Historical Theology and Fulfilled Prophecy as my two topics. By reading about Historical Theology I am developing a better understanding of some of the essential points of Christian Doctrine. Fulfilled Prophesies provide definitive proof to give my beliefs in Christianity and the Bible a solid foundation. I plan on using both to develop as a knowledgeable and responsible Christian. Since my knowledge of these two topics is in its infancy and I must always keep in mind to crawl before walking and walk before running. II. Part One: Historical Theology a. Historical Theology is described as the study of the development and history of Christian doctrine. While closely related to Historical Theology, Church History should remain separate from Historical Theology. Historical Theology records changes in doctrine that led to divisions and movements within church and Church History is the record of the divisions and movements. b. Luke gives us the Biblical Foundation for Theological History. He began by recording his account of â€Å"all that Jesus began to do and to teach† (Acts 1:1). The book of Acts is the account of what Jesus continued to do and teach through his church. Acts 28:30-31 conclude with, â€Å"For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!† c. While not one of my deepest thoughts, I’ve often wondered why there were so many different churches all claiming to be the one true path to the end goal of heaven. As I progress in my readings of Church History, I am awed by the impact relatively small revisions in doctrine have upon Church History and Historical Theology. A change in wording or different interpretation of a word, phrase or paragraph resulted in â€Å"A new and improved version.† I welcome and value the benefits of the church community, but since becoming a â€Å"Christian† the desire to belong to the right church doesn’t have the same strength as my desire need for salvation. III. Part Two: Fulfilled Prophecy a. The Bible is the Word of God and provides our path to salvation. Fulfilled prophecy provides positive and unerring proof of the validity and accuracy of the Bible. However, while I believe this, there are those who don’t. They use false arguments such as, man wrote the bible and since man is fallible how can the Bible be the Word of God? I have found references that agree there are about 2,500 prophecies of which nearly 2,000 have been fulfilled. That’s 2,000 prophecies fulfilled without error. Man can never achieve a perfect completion rate. A perfect completion rate is God’s territory. The prophecies that remain unfulfilled occur in the future. b. There are two examples of Biblical Foundation that apply to Fulfilled prophecy I’d like to use. First, Moses in Deuteronomy 18:21-22 sets the test for a true prophet. A true prophet’s predictions are 100 percent accurate. No errors. Second, in 700 B.C. Micah predicted the birthplace of the Messiah. (M icah 5:2). That’s an astounding feat. Of all the births that occurred in all the known cities, towns and lands in 700 years it is simply astounding that he predicted Bethlehem as Christ’s birthplace. c. Fulfilled Prophecy has been helpful to my Christian education and growth. People with greater Biblical knowledge and understanding than me have said the Bible is error free. I use internet the to find information about Biblical prophecies and am interested and intrigued by what I find. Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and other religious sects all may have written or oral guidance. None of them have, nor will they ever have, the fulfilled prophecies and promise of the Bible. Satan and his helpers have made prophecies. Unlike those in the bible, they are not detailed, but filled with generalities, may fit several situations and never 100 percent correct. Satan’s prophecies exclude a call for repentance, one of the key components in our path to salvation. IV. Conclusion: Inexperience and unfamiliarity with the Bible makes me avoid participating in discussions with the more skilled or better Biblically educated. Rather than participate verbally, I actively listen to identify points/events that I’m unfamiliar with or don’t understand. I research these points/events in order to try and better understand them. Studying Historical Theology helps me understand the history behind the doctrine. I believe the Bible is the Word of God and provides our path to salvation. A Biblical prophecy must contain evidence of divine inspiration. That is the prophecy must contain information the prophet could not have known or been aware of under normal circumstances in effect at the time of the prophecy. Fulfilled Prophecy is an essential element in the argument that the Bible is the Word of God. For me I believe God breathed the Word. That is it. No debate and no argument.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Modernisme in de architectuur

InleidingHet modernisme in de architectuur, dat zijn ontstaan vond rond de jaren '20 new wave vorige eeuw, maakt vandaag de dag duidelijk deel uit new wave de architectuurgeschiedenis en is op deze manier deel van de traditie dice zich onbewust voortzet in ons denken over architectuur. De kerngedachte new wave het modernisme is genuine rain trees met zijn grootste pionier, Le Corbusier, gestorven. Het modernisme is een belangrijke inspiratiebron geweest voor verscheidene denkers in architectuur nut daarbuiten. Omdat ze voor een radicale breuk zorgde met de bestaande traditie in het denken over architectuur en het realiseren van idee & A ; euml ; n. Maar na onderzoek te verrichten binnen het modernisme, blijkt Er een verschil Te zijn tussen het schoolse voorbeeld new wave modernisme en de toepassing op woningen. Zo vindt work forces de footing ideologie wel terug, maar hanteert work forces in woningen zachtere en voorzichtigere toepassingen. pDe kerngedachte new wave het modernisme stond haaks op wat de overblijfselen van de 19de eeuwse architectuur, dice zich vooral richtte op de fa & A ; ccedil ; aden new wave woningen, ons toont. Er was niet veel sprake van leef- nut woonkwaliteit, en de modernisten trachtten hierin een verandering Te brengen, heated interieur moest ALSs een woonmachine beschouwd worden. Hierbij krijgt het functionele karakter voorrang op de vorm, waarbij licht, lucht en zicht vooropgesteld werd. Ontwerpers verlaten heated decoration en zoeken naar eenvoud en eerlijkheid. Sobere en geometrische vormgeving wordt verwezenlijkt door het gebruik new wave moderne materialen. Op vlak new wave interieur betekende dot vooral digital audiotape Er meer unfastened ruimtes gecre & A ; euml ; erd werden, muren worden weggelaten, elektrisch licht die vanuit techniek omgezet wordt naar vormgeving. Inbouwmeubilair werd niet langer beschouwd ALSs een meubel, maar nam plaats in ALSs onderdeel van de ontworpen ruimte. Nog een belangrijke aanpassing was een eigen voordeur ALSs onderdeel van de identiteit van elke woning, wat voorheen niet gebruikelijk was. Het modernisme diende ALSs inspiratiebron op gebied new wave vorment aal, werkwijze en materialen in de latere stromingen. Vele new wave deze stromingen zijn echter een zwak afstammeling new wave wat het modernisme voor de architectuur betekend heeft. Wat de modernisten vaak verweten wordt, is dat de ruimtes die ze verwezenlijkten niet bestemd waren om in te wonen. De oorzaak is volgens ons te vinden bij de oorsprong van Hun inspiratie. Modernisten hanteerden Principes die afgeleid waren van gebouwen dice de tand diethylstilbestrols tijd doorstaan hebben. Zo vond Le Corbusier zijn typologie uit tempels, die voor hem zuiverheid voorstelden. Ook Mies Van der Rohe tekende ruimtes die een meerwaarde bieden, maar dice niet gebouwd zijn met de noden new wave een samenleving in het achterhoofd. Ze zijn het merchandise new wave een denken, en zijn dus logischerwijze ook een merchandise new wave de tijd waarin Mies new wave de Rohe leefde. Maar anderzijds Wilde hij zich bezighouden met de architectuur op zich, en niet met de fenomenen dice zich aandienden in de maatschappij. Zijn architectuur is op een bepaalde wijze volmaakt en correct, en cyberspace daarom wordt ze onbewoonbaar. Le Corbusier, echter, hield er geschriften op na waaruit zijn diepgaande interesse in de maatschappij bleek en de mate waarin zijn architectuur in die maatschappij voluit kon functioneren. Standaardisatie is, kort omschreven, wat Le Corbusier propageerde een kleine honderd jaar geleden. En dot is juist de paradox van het modernisme. Enerzijds brengt het vernieuwing teweeg, gesteund door idealisme digital audiotape onze grenzen verlegt. Maar eenmaal dice vernieuwing voor weelde zorgt, verdwijnt het idealisme. De vernieuwing verspreidt zich niet meer, maar evolueert ter plaatse. Een belangrijke zijstroming new wave het modernisme, is heated functionalisme, ook wel het Nieuwe Bouwen genoemd. Deze term wordt in de Nederlandse architectuurgeschiedenis gehanteerd tussen 1925 en 1940 voor modernistische architectuur binnen Nederland. Het gaat niet noodzakelijk om een nieuwe bouwstijl, maar eerder een nieuwe bouworganisatie, die een antwoord moest bieden aan de economische en demografische schaalvergroting, die problematisch bleek in die tijd. De aanhangers van heated modernisme waren er van overtuigd digital audiotape de stijgende bevolkingsdensiteit niet langer kon gehuisvest worden, indien work forces bleef vasthouden aan de gebruikelijke manier new wave bouwen. Standaardisatie en schaalvergroting stonden centraal bij het functionalisme. De voorgestelde oplossingen bleken echter radicaal. Ze richtten zich op collectieve bouw, met praktische indeling, comfort en licht. De publieke ruimte werd voorzien new wave parken en pleinen. Ontwerpers trachtten de confrontatie met de straat, dice in hun ogen Te direct was, te veranderen. Zonlicht en natuur dienden de agressiviteit van de straten te verzachten. Naar woningen toe werd dot uitgebreid door ruim verglaasde gevels te plaatsen. Zadeldaken, schoorstenen nut donkere gevels werden vervangen door pleisterwerk, glas- nut metaalconstructies. In de ogen new wave modernisten waren dot, stuk voor stuk, nederige materialen dice waardevol bleken vanwege de inherente schoonheid van Hun lijnvoering en vormgeving die ze teweeg brachten.1 De gebouwen hadden een zwaar uiterlijk, maar stonden dankzij staal- en gewapend betonconstructies verheven boven heated straatniveau. Architecten die tot het Nieuwe Bouwen gerekend werden, vonden steun bij het Bauhaus en Le Corbusier. Ze groepeerden zich in ‘de 8 en Opbouw ‘ , waaronder Van Eesteren, B. Bijvoet, J. Duikers, W. Van Tijen, J.J. Van Loghem, J.J.P. Oud, J.A. Brinkman en L.C. Van der Vlught. Deze laatste twee hebben de Van Nellefabriek in Rotterdam verwezenlijkt en zijn zeker noemenswaardige architecten binnen deze stijl. Wat ze voor ons in deze essay belangrijk maakt, zijn Hun bewoonbare woontypologie. Een new wave dice huizen is heated inmiddels gerestaureerde woonmuseum Huis Sonneveld. Het huis Sonneveld is ondertussen een boegbeeld geworden voor het Nieuwe Bouwen.Huis SonneveldOm het modernisme in zijn totaal beeld beter te begrijpen, leek het ons het beste een concreet voorbeeld te bespreken en hierin alle aspecten new wave het tijdsbeeld duidelijk Te maken. De verwezenlijking dat ons hiervoor uitermate geschikt scallion, is heated reeds eerder vermelde huis Sonneveld. Sonneveld is gelegen aan de Jongkindstraat nabij heated museumpark in Rotterdam. De woning werd omstreeks 1933 ontworpen door het architectenbureau Brinkman en Van der Vlugt. Zij hadden eveneens de fabriek ontworpen voor Albertus Sonneveld. Deze laatste was zodoende tevreden digital audiotape hij een verzoek deed om zijn woning ook Te ontwerpen. A. Sonneveld was een vicedirecteur van de Van Nellefabriek in Rotterdam. Door zijn reizen naar Amerika wist hij wat Er zich afspeelde op gebied new wave hygi & A ; euml ; ne, luxe en comfort. Van zijn functionalistische architecten verwachte hij ook niet anders dan dat dot ook werd toegepast op zijn woning. De opdrachtgever was gefascineerd door technologie dice het dagelijkse leven kon vereenvoudigen. Huis Sonneveld wordt gekenmerkt door ‘gesamtkunstwerk ‘ . De betrokken architecten hebben weliswaar niet alles zelf ontworpen, maar waren bij moose aspect new wave de woning betrokken. Op deze manier hebben ze doorheen het hele gebouw Hun stempel opdrukken. De woning wordt gekenmerkt door licht, lucht en ruimte. De vaststelling bleek duidelijk door het kijken naar de architectuur, het kleurgebruik en het interieur met modernistisch meubilair. Als we enkel naar het exterieur new wave het gebouw kijken, merken we veel gelijkenissen op met de bekendere designer, Le Corbusier. Huis Sonneveld werd opgebouwd uit drie bouwlagen met bovenop een dakterras. De voor- nut achtergevel zijn witgepleisterd en bevatten bandramen om een relatie Te cre & A ; euml ; ren tussen binnen nut buiten. Le Corbusier ontwierp woonmodules gelijkaardig aan waaruit deze woning is opgebouwd. De woonmodules worden op elkaar gestapeld en work forces tracht de buitenwereld binnen Te halen. Vandaag is er niet veel meer new wave Te merken, aangezien de natuurlijke omgeving in Rotterdam heeft plaatsgemaakt voor een museumpark. De toegepaste panoramavensters, het dakterras, de witte gevel en een vrij program, vinden we ook reeds terug in de pijlers van Le Corbusier. Om een vrij program te verzekeren werd een staalskelet toegepast. Betonvloeren verzekerde grotere overspanningen, waarbij work forces de aftekening new wave de bekisting in sommige ruimtes nog zichtbaar liet. Er wordt gespeeld met een verbinding tussen binnen en buiten, deels door een accurate toepassing new wave glas, anderzijds door unfastened elementen te hanteren. Alle vertrekken staan in directe toegang met de tuin of de verscheidene terrassen. Deze verbinding geeft digital audiotape de woning verlengd wordt new wave het interieur naar buiten toe. De ruime en talrijke buitenruimtes bieden lucht en ruimte aan het geheel. Behalve de woning, werd ook de tuin en het volledige interieur ontworpen door de architecten Brinkman en Van der Vlugt.Beschrijving ontwerpDe ideologie new wave het modernisme, het Nieuwe Bouwen, is duidelijk terug Te vinden in heated interieur new wave Huis Sonneveld. Zo werd er gebruik gemaakt new wave materialen dice het tijdperk kenmerken. In de woning treffen we betonnen vloeren, stalen kolommen en stalen kozijnen aan. Die kozijnen zijn inmiddels tijdens de restauratie vervangen door aluminum kozijnen. Door de toepassing new wave een stalen skeletbouw werd de woning vrijgesteld new wave dragende wanden. Zoals het werd voorgedaan door Le Corbusier, werd de binnenruimte ingedeeld met een vrij program en bandramen, die een overvloedige lichtinval verzekeren. Het Platte dhak biedt een plaats voor heated dakterras. Van de drie bouwlagen, is de begane grond new wave het huis de enige dice geen woonfunctie bevatte, vergelijkbaar met Villa Savoie new wave Le Corbusier dat enkele jaren voordien werd opgeleverd. Op dot niveau bevond zich de inkom, een garage en de dienstenvertrekken. Ook bevond zich hier de studeerruimte van de dochters Sonneveld. Aan de benedenverdieping te zien, is heated duidelijk digital audiotape het hier om een kapitaalkrachtig gezin ging. De twee bedienden dice steeds aanwezig waren in de woning beschikten over een eigen slaapkamer en een bescheiden leefruimte, afgescheiden new wave de werkgevers. Deze verdieping onderscheidt zich new wave de bovenliggende verdiepingen dice de woning huisvesten van de familie Sonneveld. Work force ontving gasten in de hal, waarna deze via de trap naar de woonvertrekken van het gezin kon worden geleid. Deze brede trap is bekleed met zwart marmer, waar gum elastic op stroken is bevestigd om het geluid Te dempen. De trap draait ALSs een schroef door het hele huis. De centrale as is unfastened en de glanzend chromen leuningen werken ALSs feestelijke serpentines, die de vorm begeleiden. Voor het personeel was er een apart trappenhuis voorzien om zich in alle bescheidenheid over de verdiepingen Te begeven. Deze stond in directe verbinding met de keuken en een elektrische lift voor de afgeleverde goederen. Work force had echt nagedacht over circulatie, privateness en voornamelijk technologie. De indeling new wave deze verdieping werd unfastened opgevat. De ontwerper concipieerde een leefniveau met vloeiende overgangen. Men kiest voor een enkele leefruimte Te ontwerpen, waarbinnen alle handelingen kunnen gebeuren, maar waarbij work forces steeds opteert de connecties van an dere functies te betrekken. Echter blijkt wel digital audiotape Er hier een beetje voorzichtig werd omgesprongen met die openheid. Er is namelijk een afscheidende schuifwand aanwezig. Hierin onderscheidt het Huis Sonneveld zich wel met het modernisme in vergelijking met Le Corbusier, waarbij meer gedurfd wordt Te experimenteren met het vrije program. Aan de andere kant kan dot ook toespelen op de discussie, i.v.m. de leefbaarheid van het modernisme. De schuifwand scheidt namelijk de woonkamer af van de bibliotheek en de eetkamer, waardoor binnen het gezin een soort new wave privateness kan gegarandeerd worden. De meubels dice in deze ruimte zijn geplaatst, werden door de architecten en de opdrachtgever uitgekozen via een catalogus new wave Gispen Dat voor A. Sonneveld technische voorzieningen een vereiste was, is eerder al vermeld. Maar wat opmerkelijk blijft, is de doorgedrevenheid new wave dice technische voorzieningen. Zo zou de woning vandaag nog steeds beschouwd kunnen worden ALSs een luxewoning. Een ingebouwde luidspreker verbond tien telefoontoestellen, voor de communicatie binnenshuis. Twee andere telefoontoestellen verzorgde communicatie met de buitenwereld. De goederenlift dice zich naast de openhaard bevond, werd gebruikt om hout vanuit de kelder naar boven aan te voeren. De keuken werd op alle manieren ALSs een laboratorium beschouwd. De oorspronkelijke aankleding new wave de keukenkastjes bestond uit stalen deurtjes, die nadien bij restauratie vervangen werden door houten panelen. Ook de aparte circulatie new wave het dienstpersoneel doet dot vermoeden. Vanuit de keuken kon eten worden doorgegeven via een luik naar de eetkamer toe. Op de bovenste verdieping, bevonden zich de grote slaapkamer, kleedkamer en badkamer new wave de ouders evenals de slaapkamers en aparte badkamer new wave de dochters. In deze badkamer waren een ligbad, een lavatory en twee wastafels beschikbaar. Ook was er een logeerkamer en een linnenkamer aanwezig. Op het dhak werd Er ook een dakterras voorzien. Maar ook op de eerste en tweede verdieping waren buitenruimten gecre & A ; euml ; erd, onder de vorm new wave balkons. De slaapkamers van de dochters waren beiden ingericht met identieke meubels en hier zijn ingebouwde kasten een deel new wave het geheel. De dochters bezaten elk over een Eigen balkon. Aan de andere kant new wave de gang van deze verdieping bevond zich de riante slaapkamer van de ouders. Deze bezat aan twee zijden een buitenterras. Vanuit de ruime slaapkamer was ook een Eigen badkamer bereikbaar voor de ouders. Deze badkamer symboliseerde in de jaren '30 de apotheose van het modernisme. Ze was ruimer dan de andere badkamer, bezat eveneens een ligbad. Een ultramoderne Amerikaanse douche vervolledigde het tijdsbeeld. De douche bezat 1 grote douchekop en werd aangevuld met 9 massagesproeikoppen.Vernieuwingen in materialenIn het huis werd moeite noch geld gespaard om de nieuwste materialen en technieken voor Te stellen. In tegenstelling tot donkere parketvloeren met handgemaakte tapijten, vindt work forces hier vloeren uit linoleum en gum elastic. De leidingen werden doordacht weggestoken in schachten, die soortgelijk waren aan hedendaagse leidingschachten. Deze detaillering werd nagedaan new wave fabrieksontwerpen. Behalve de studeerkamer van de dochters, werd Er in elke kamer een linoleum of rubberen vloer gelegd. Dit materiaal was in die tijd vrij duur en werd tot dan Department of Energy enkel geplaatst in ziekenhuizen, vanwege zijn hygi & A ; euml ; nische kenmerken. Linoleum is ook niet vochtdoorlatend nut werd naar onderhoud toe Ge & A ; euml ; xalteerd door gebruikers. De bewoners bevonden dot materiaal eerder kaal en ongezellig. Er werd daarom geopteerd om de ruimte aan te kleden met een heater materiaal, digital audiotape een leefbaarder antwoord bood. Moderne tapijten bleken de geschiktste aankleding. Het meubilair en de verlichting werden door Gispen ontworpen. Meestal ging het over een meubelstuk digital audiotape verkrijgbaar was in de bestaande Handel new wave Gispen, maar sommige meubels werden aangepast aan de visie van de architecten. Gispen begon Al in een vroeg bowl new wave het modernisme Te experimenteren met moderne verlichting. Hij stelde zijn lampontwerpen rain trees uit zuivere vormen. Liefst waren zijn creaties zuiver geometrisch opgebouwd, zoals van een modernist werd geacht. De buislampen, die reeds veel weg hebben new wave TL-lampen, in Huis Sonneveld, zijn van de manus new wave Gispen. Zijn bewondering voor de buisstoelen van Marcel Breuer, zorgde ervoor dat hij zelf begon Te experimenteren met buismeubelen. In 1928 startte de productie van zijn stalen buismeubelen. De stalen buismeubelen paste door vormgeving, functionaliteit en transparantie bij het Nieuwe Bouwen. Door met een minimal aan materiaal een stoel Te ontwerpen werd een unfastened structuur verkregen. Verder maakte een minimalisering new wave stoffering, glanzende chroomafwerking en de toepassing new wave transparante tafelbladen, het mogelijk om de meubels seriematig Te produceren. De serieproductie gaf ook aanleiding om heated produceren new wave een catalogus, waardoor nieuwe meubels toegankelijker werden voor het grote publiek. Het algemene devies ven heated Nieuwe bouwen: â€Å" licht, lucht en ruimte † werd hier wel gealterneerd in een luxe uitvoering ervan: â€Å" sfeer, hygi & A ; euml ; ne en comfort † .2 Kenmerken die A. Sonneveld eiste. Het totaalconcept moest ook kloppen en work forces ging zelfs zo ver digital audiotape Er ook serviesgoed en glazen speciaal werden ontworpen.KleurgebruikHet kleurgebruik werd voor de restauratie geanalyseerd om de juiste kleuren te kunnen weergeven, aangezien de tijd ervoor had gezorgd dat kleuren vervaagden of overschilderd werden. Het kleurenprogramma van Huis Sonneveld werd ontworpen door kunstenaar Bart new wave der Leck. Volgens de restauratiearchitect, Joris Molenaar, kan heated kleurgebruik opgedeeld worden in drie zones. De eerste zone was de woonkamer, de tweede zone betrof de eetkamer en studio en de laatste zone bestond uit de dienstenvertrekken. De woonkamer met bijhorende bibliotheek werd uitgebeeld in aardtinten. Bruin, brons en beige waren de aangenamere versies van heated puristische humor, waar door modernisten zo graag naar werd gegrepen. Elk item new wave deze ruimte werd door een kleurenschema bepaalt, zo zijn de gordijnen, de tapijten en zelfs de schuifwand in diezelfde kleuren. De bekleding new wave de meubels steekt een beetje meer af ten opzichte van de sobere ruimte, maar blijven steeds binnen hetzelfde thema. De volgende kleurgroep spreidt zich over de eetkamer en de studio. In tegenstelling tot het vorige kleurenschema, waar de kleuren aan elkaar aangepast waren, domineren de kleuren de ruimte hier. Primaire kleuren confronteren de pasteltinten die aanwezig zijn. Tenslotte werden de dienstvertrekken uitgevoerd in beige met ALSs accentkleur dieprood. Op de gangen wordt datzelfde ecru gecombineerd met gele deurvlakken. In elk facet new wave het huis is even modern en conceptueel opgevat, zo werd Er opgemerkt digital audiotape de kleedkamer van de ouders en de badkamer van de dochters afweek new wave het kleurenschema. De kleedkamer werd uitgevoerd in appelgroen. De badkamer new wave de meisjes werd dan weer bekleed met bolle tegeltjes in een pastelgroen. Deze twee vertrekken lijken eerder Art Nouveau dan Modernisme.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Solar Flares Work and the Risks They Pose

How Solar Flares Work and the Risks They Pose A sudden flash of brightness on the Suns surface is called a solar flare. If the effect is seen on a star besides the Sun, the phenomenon is called a stellar flare. A stellar or solar flare releases a vast amount of energy, typically on the order of  1 Ãâ€" 1025  joules, over a broad spectrum of wavelengths and particles. This amount of energy is comparable to the explosion of 1 billion megatons of TNT or ten million volcanic eruptions. In addition to light, a solar flare may eject atoms, electrons, and ions into space in what is called a coronal mass ejection. When particles are released by the Sun, they are able to reach Earth within a day or two. Fortunately, the mass may be ejected outward in any direction, so the Earth isnt always affected. Unfortunately, scientists arent able to forecast flares, only give a warning when one has occurred. The most powerful solar flare was the first one that was observed. The event occurred on September 1, 1859, and is called the Solar Storm of 1859 or the Carrington Event. It was reported independently by astronomer Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson. This flare was visible to the naked eye, set telegraph systems aflame, and produced auroras all the way down to Hawaii and Cuba. While scientists at the time didnt have the ability to measure the strength of the solar flare, modern scientists were able to reconstruct the event based on nitrate and the isotope beryllium-10 produced from the radiation. Essentially, evidence of the flare was preserved in ice in Greenland. How  a Solar Flare Works Like planets, stars consists of multiple layers. In the case of a solar flare, all layers of the Suns atmosphere are affected. In other words, energy is released from the photosphere, chromosphere, and corona. Flares tend to occur near sunspots, which are regions of intense magnetic fields. These fields link the atmosphere of the Sun to its interior. Flares are believed to result from a process called magnetic reconnection, when loops of magnetic force break apart, rejoin  and release energy. When magnetic energy is suddenly released by the corona (suddenly meaning over a matter of minutes), light and particles are accelerated into space. The source of the released matter appears to be material from the unconnected helical magnetic field, however, scientists havent completely worked out how flares work and why there are sometimes more released particles than the amount within a coronal loop. Plasma in the affected area reaches temperatures in the order of tens of million Kelvin, wh ich is nearly as hot as the Suns core. The electrons, protons, and ions are accelerated by the intense energy to nearly the speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation covers the entire spectrum, from gamma rays to radio waves. The energy released in the visible part of the spectrum makes some solar flares observable to the naked eye, but most of the energy is outside the visible range, so flares are observed using scientific instrumentation. Whether or not a solar flare is accompanied by a coronal mass ejection is not readily predictable. Solar flares may also release a flare spray, which involves an ejection of material that is faster than a solar prominence. Particles released from a flare spray may attain a velocity of 20 to 200 kilometers per second (kps). To put this into perspective, the speed of light is 299.7 kps! How Often Do Solar Flares Occur? Smaller solar flares occur more often than large ones. The frequency of any flare occurring depends on the activity of the Sun. Following the 11-year solar cycle, there may be several flares per day during an active part of the cycle, compared with fewer than one per week during a quiet phase. During peak activity, there may be 20 flares a day and over 100 per week. How Solar Flares Are Classified An earlier method of solar flare classification was based on the intensity of  the  HÃŽ ±Ã‚  line of the solar spectrum. The modern classification system categorizes flares according to their peak flux of 100 to 800 picometer X-rays, as observed by the GOES spacecraft that orbit the Earth. Classification Peak Flux (Watts per square meter) A 10−7 B 10−7 – 10−6 C 10−6 – 10−5 M 10−5 – 10−4 X 10−4 Each category is further ranked on a linear scale, such that an X2 flare is twice as potent as an X1 flare. Ordinary Risks From Solar Flares Solar flares produce what is called solar weather on Earth. The solar wind impacts the magnetosphere of the Earth, producing aurora borealis and australis, and presenting a radiation risk to satellites, spacecraft, and astronauts. Most of the risk is to objects in low Earth orbit, but coronal mass ejections from solar flares can knock out power systems on Earth and completely disable satellites. If satellites did come down,  cell phones and GPS systems would be without service. The ultraviolet light and x-rays released by a flare disrupt long-range radio and likely increase the risk of sunburn and cancer. Could a Solar Flare Destroy the Earth? In a word: yes. While the planet itself would survive an encounter with a superflare, the atmosphere could be bombarded with radiation and all life could be obliterated. Scientists have observed the release of superflares from other stars up to 10,000 times more powerful than a typical solar flare. While most of these flares occur in stars that have more powerful magnetic fields than our Sun, about 10% of the time the star is comparable to or weaker than the Sun. From studying tree rings, researchers believe Earth has experienced two small superflares- one in 773 C.E. and another in 993 C.E. Its possible we can expect a superflare about once a millennium. The chance of an extinction level superflare is unknown. Even normal flares can have devastating consequences. NASA revealed Earth narrowly missed a catastrophic solar flare on July 23, 2012. If the flare had occurred just a week earlier, when it was pointed directly at us, society would have been knocked back to the Dark Ages. The intense radiation would have disabled electrical grids, communication, and GPS on a global scale. How likely is such an event in the future? Physicist Pete Rile calculates the odds of a disruptive solar flare is 12% per 10 years. How to Predict Solar Flares At present, scientists cannot predict a solar flare with any degree of accuracy. However, high sunspot activity is associated with an increased chance of flare production. Observation of sunspots, particularly the type called delta spots, is used to calculate the probability of a flare occurring and how strong it will be. If a strong flare (M or X class) is predicted, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issues a forecast/warning. Usually, the warning allows for 1-2 days of preparation. If a solar flare and coronal mass ejection occur, the severity of the flares impact on Earth depends on the type of particles released and how directly the flare faces the Earth. Sources Big Sunspot 1520 Releases X1.4 Class Flare With Earth-Directed CME. NASA. July 12, 2012.Description of a Singular Appearance seen in the Sun on September 1, 1859, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v20, pp13, 1859.Karoff, Christoffer. Observational evidence for enhanced magnetic activity of superflare stars. Nature Communications volume 7, Mads Faurschou Knudsen, Peter De Cat, et al., Article number: 11058, March 24, 2016.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Studying Abroad â€

Studying Abroad – Free Online Research Papers Great deals of countries such as America, England, Australia and China have attracted a large number of students from all over the world. This essay will argue that the choice of such study is excellent. This is because students will usually stay in a pure English environment, they will get an eye-opening experience, they will receive more advanced educations and finally they will obtain better treatments by employers in their homeland after graduation. To begin with, the overseas students will be surrounded by a real environment of a foreign language. It can help them to improve their foreign language skills which are the first step of living abroad. As a result, studying abroad can lay a firm foundation for a foreign language. Secondly, studying overseas will widen their eyes to the whole world. It can help the students comprehend cultures, customs, thinking modes and ways of behavior which are quiet different from their home countries. It is a key diathesis which is essential for the labor career in the future. Furthermore, such students will contact a plenty of advanced educations from the whole world. It means they can grasp the greatest technologies, ideas and capabilities. A spokesman for the ministry said that by using the advanced technologies and administration methods of overseas students, the national economy and society have a rapid development (Overseas study spells success 2007). This kind of benefits even can give their country- education some assistance. As will be readily seen, study-overseas not only can make them professional, but also let them contribute to their countries. Lastly, international students will receive some particular opportunities from their home countries after graduation. It is no other than their desire. Listing a study abroad experience on your resume can also enhance your chances for job success. Now, some countries are seeking for this kind of people indeed, such as China. Zhou report that China is badly in need of international students who can assist the development of economic and society, especially to promote the construction of XiaoKang society Obviously, international students have superiority in the aspect of finding jobs; they have more opportunities to receive better jobs than others as well. To sum up, it appears obvious that the benefits of studying overseas far outweigh the problems. Overseas students will live in good language surroundings, they will broaden eye-reach, they can learn advanced knowledge and finally such students will hold larger development space in their home countries. Ministries of educations of all countries have responsibilities to encourage more students going abroad and making contribution to communications between different states. Research Papers on Studying Abroad -Standardized TestingDefinition of Export QuotasPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NicePETSTEL analysis of IndiaAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into Asia19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraGenetic Engineering

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The History of Swimming Pools

The History of Swimming Pools Swimming pools, at least man-made watering holes for bathing and swimming, go back at least as far as 2600 B.C.E. The first elaborate construction are probably The Great Baths of Mohenjodaro, an ancient and elaborate bathing site in Pakistan made from bricks and covered in plaster, with terraced decks that wouldn’t look out of place in a modern pool landscape. Mohenjodaro probably wasn’t used for general lap swimming, however. Scholars believe it was used in religious ceremonies. Ancient Pools More man-made pools surfaced throughout the ancient world. In Rome and Greece, swimming was part of the education of elementary age boys and the Romans built the first swimming pools (separate from bathing pools). The first heated swimming pool was built by Gaius Maecenas of Rome in the first century BC. Gaius Maecenas was a rich Roman lord and considered one of the first patrons of arts- he supported the famous poets Horace, Virgil, and Propertius, making it possible for them to live and write without fear of poverty. Growth in Popularity However, swimming pools did not become popular until the middle of the 19th century. By 1837, six indoor pools with diving boards were built in London, England. After the modern Olympic Games began in 1896 and swimming races were among the original events, the popularity of swimming pools began to spread According to the book Contested Waters: A Social History of Swimming in America, the Cabot Street Bath in Boston was the first swimming pool in the U.S.  It opened in 1868 and served a neighborhood where most of the homes did not have baths. In the 20th century, a number of leaps in science and technology took swimming pools to a new level. Among the developments, chlorination and filtration systems that delivered clean water into the pool. Prior to these developments, the only way to clean a pool was to remove and replace all the water. Technological Advancements In the U.S. the pool business expanded with the invention of gunite, a material that allowed faster installation, more flexible designs, and lower costs than previous methods. The post-war rise of the middle-case, coupled with the relative affordability of pools accelerated pool proliferation even further. There were even less expensive options than gunite. In 1947, above ground pool kits hit the market, creating an entirely new pool experience. It wasn’t long before single unit pools would be sold and installed in a single day.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Admission Eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Admission Eassy - Essay Example A specific industry that interests me a lot is enervation. I want to become a world leader in new enervation technologies and implementing them into a business environment. Completing an MBA degree will help a lot towards achieving my professional goals. The MBA program will improve my analytical abilities, market research capabilities, and quantitative reasoning. The enervation movement is important to me because the planet depends on the efforts of corporations in order to find ways to save energy and protect our environment. My professional experience includes working as a business analyst, instructional support technician, and salesman. These experiences have helped me improve my people skills. I have learned to work and deliver under pressure. My background in business at the undergraduate level and my working experiences make me an excellent candidate for the MBA program. Studying at the graduate level is going to be a very gratifying experience for me because I will get the ch ance to improve my knowledge base and meet a lot other students that have similar professional

Friday, October 18, 2019

Enterprise Architecture Q&A Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Enterprise Architecture Q&A - Assignment Example The business principle aims at ensuring that disruptions to the enterprise operations resulting from system interruptions are decreased. Therefore, technical architecture must provide users of the enterprise the capability to continue their business functions (Minoli, 2008). Hence, because the business principle is business continuity then the technical architecture is likely to adapt to ensure continuity of business function through capabilities established by the enterprise. When the business principle changes to maximize benefits of the enterprise, this ensures little fragmentation of the technical architecture while maximizing investment that serves enterprise-wide purpose as opposed to solutions that serve individual business units (Minoli, 2008). Because the business principle changed to maximize benefits, the technical architecture would now need to focus on priorities set by the entire enterprise to avoid duplication that can be expensive. In the above CRUD matrix, three processes are identified that include student registration, tutor support and coaching. Online registration provides information regarding the student that can be edited and accessed as needed. Tutor support and coaching enable a student to access the necessary course document while relating with the tutor

NUMBERS DROP FOR MARRIED WITH CHILDREN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

NUMBERS DROP FOR MARRIED WITH CHILDREN - Essay Example To be more precise and clear, a few statistical data can be taken into consideration. Over the last five decades, cohabiting couples in the United States have increased tenfold from 0.44 million to 4.2 million. Divorce rates have increased from 9 to 20 per 1000 married couples for the same period. Births to unmarried women have increased from 11% to 38% from 1970 to 2006. Nationally, more than 1.3 million children are born out of wedlock each year. While cohabitation, divorce and unmarried childbearing have increased, marriage in America has alarmingly declined over the last few decades. Married couples with children are one quarters of the total number of households and half of what was in 1960. Some are of the opinion that only the well educated and the well paid are interested in the institution of marriage. It has been observed that marriage not only declined less among the well educated and well paid, but also that they are less likely to divorce. Though college educated women i nitially prefer to live with a partner, they eventually do get married. However, it is worth noting that the constant increase in the number of people attaining college degree from 16.60 million to 88.75 million from 1950s to 1990s has not helped much in improving the statistics related to marriage. So, education is not the sole reason for the changes that are taking place. The increase in the well educated may not have made a direct impact, but indirectly, it has changed various other aspects of life. It has caused a gradual shift in people's priority from religion to science and technology. In the 1950s and 60s, religion played a vital role in keeping the count of cohabitation and unmarried childbearing low. But with the priority shifting, the emphasis is more on career and wealth maximization. Well educated men and women are less likely to marry those who are less educated. This has largely resulted in growth of income inequality. Before 1970, there was a broad based economic pro sperity which has gradually vanished. ( Apart from the economic dimension, some look at the same issue with the racial dimension in mind. Childbearing out of wedlock seemed to be more among the black people than the white. However, statistics in the recent past have shown that there has been a drastic decline in such births among the black teenagers (86% to 35% per 1000) as compared to the whites (24% to 12% per 1000). Hence, class based analysis seems to be a better tool. ( The question still lingers around as to what made the biggest impact, what is the reason for the way things are today. It is a well accepted fact that the present day situation is nothing but an outcome of the past. The number of marriages in the past may have been on the higher side, but there is no reliable statistical information on how many marriages out of those were actually doing well. People, who have spent their childhood in the shadow of a troubled marriage, most of the times, develop a fear towards getting into a serious relationship. Young people who have lived most of their lives in poverty would be of the opinion that marriage is not a commodity they can afford. Therefore, negative aspects in the past have made a negative impact now in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 10

Business Law - Essay Example e quoted by the Hard water Co was  £15,000 which was changed to  £10,000 in the terms and conditions defined in Door’s Software and it was signed by the Hard Water Co. Hence it should be accepted by the Hard Water Co. Similarly, the time frame mentioned in the terms and conditions of Hard Water Co was only 3 months which was modified to 5 months in the terms and conditions of Door’s Software and was also acknowledged and signed by the Hard Water Co and hence the final validity of the contract reflects 5 months as the main time frame. At the same time, the price variation clause put by the Hard Water Co was not mentioned in the terms and conditions of Door’s Software and hence it cannot be made liable for its application. As Hard Water Co agreed to the terms and conditions of Doors Software, the price variation cannot be given effect. Moreover, this doesn’t come under Unfair Contract Trade Act of 1977 (UCTA, 1977) and Sale of goods act (1979) and hence it cannot be challenged legally. (1) According to Part II of Sale of goods Act (1979), it was mentioned that any contract of sale of goods is a contract by which the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration, called the price. It also stated that an agreement to sell becomes a sale when the time elapses or the conditions are fulfilled subject to which the property in the goods is to be transferred. Here in this conext, Doors Software didn’t violate the norms of the contract law and hence need not be liable for the price variation. Assuming that software products are goods and referring to the proper statutory instruments, explain whether the software provided by Doors’ Software to Islington District Council was of satisfactory quality. No. The software provided by the Door’s Software to Islington District Council was not of satisfactory quality. It was reflected in the form of disproportionate printing matter when printing instruction was

5step Approach to Biomedical Science Research Essay

5step Approach to Biomedical Science Research - Essay Example But these molecular determinants were undefined. In an another report thapsigiargin , a sesquiterpene lactone inhibits both mammalian and malarial SERCAs. These findings led to hypothesis that artermisins interact with a region of PfATP6 that binds thapsigargin-binding cleft of malarial and mammalian SERCAs, and are the determinant of the arteminisinin.Based on the previous data and literature, the authors identified PfATP6 as a target site. Using bioinformatics the researchers compared the amino acid sequences of mammalian and malarial SERCAs, and found that the leu263 residue is unique along with few more amino acid. After identification, different mutant were constructed to determine the affinity of arteminsins towards these mutated forms to establish its role of each amino acid towards arteminsins sensitivity.To determine the role of leu263 and other amino acids in PfATP6 doain. Different mutant of PfATP6 were express in Xenopus oocyte and functionality test were performed. It wa s shown that in case of altered Leu263 sensitivity decreased to almost three fold. Whereas alteration of other amino acids along with leu263 lead to 10 fold decrease in sensitivity. Similarly, introduction of Leu263 in non-sensitive sps. like Plasmodium vivax and P. berghei ether increased or decreased sensitivity.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Potential for Energy Savings Firms in Singapore Essay

The Potential for Energy Savings Firms in Singapore - Essay Example Singapore is one of the largest oil refiners in the world. It has a distinction of being the world’s busiest bunkering port and the world’s third-largest oil trader. The Asia Pacific oil prices are set by the Singapore oil price. Singapore has to buy all the oil resources needed for the country from abroad. Like any other country, Singapore is also facing the challenge to the sustained energy resources supply. Since the country depends solely on imported oil and gas for its energy needs, Singapore is highly vulnerable to the risk of loss of supply. The competition for energy resources between nations is tightening day by day. Hence the requirement of energy security is very crucial for the country. In the national energy policy report, Lim HNG Kiang, the Minister for trade and industry of the Singapore Government, says that â€Å"Moving forward, we need a holistic national energy policy framework to meet our objectives of economic competitiveness energy security and environmental sustainability. As a small island state with limited indigenous resources, a strong and growing economy is our best defense against high energy prices and climate change.†Ã‚   The Singapore’s energy system is largely based on imported oil and natural gas. In order to sustain their economic growth and support civilization, Singapore must take serious consideration of their energy sector and should have a clear view on energy security. There is a need to become more energy efficient. Alternative resources for energy can be utilized by Singapore, but the resources are limited. Turning to nuclear energy like major countries in the world is not easily possible for the small island city nation. For that, they should consider oceanic nuclear power plants in international waters. Biofuel and solar energy are the other two alternatives for Singapore’s energy sector.

5step Approach to Biomedical Science Research Essay

5step Approach to Biomedical Science Research - Essay Example But these molecular determinants were undefined. In an another report thapsigiargin , a sesquiterpene lactone inhibits both mammalian and malarial SERCAs. These findings led to hypothesis that artermisins interact with a region of PfATP6 that binds thapsigargin-binding cleft of malarial and mammalian SERCAs, and are the determinant of the arteminisinin.Based on the previous data and literature, the authors identified PfATP6 as a target site. Using bioinformatics the researchers compared the amino acid sequences of mammalian and malarial SERCAs, and found that the leu263 residue is unique along with few more amino acid. After identification, different mutant were constructed to determine the affinity of arteminsins towards these mutated forms to establish its role of each amino acid towards arteminsins sensitivity.To determine the role of leu263 and other amino acids in PfATP6 doain. Different mutant of PfATP6 were express in Xenopus oocyte and functionality test were performed. It wa s shown that in case of altered Leu263 sensitivity decreased to almost three fold. Whereas alteration of other amino acids along with leu263 lead to 10 fold decrease in sensitivity. Similarly, introduction of Leu263 in non-sensitive sps. like Plasmodium vivax and P. berghei ether increased or decreased sensitivity.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

John Keats when i have fears 2 Essay Example for Free

John Keats when i have fears 2 Essay John Keats’ poem â€Å"When I have Fears that I may cease to be† is about the poet’s contemplation of his own mortality. When Keats woke one day with blood on his pillow, the doctor in him knew that stain to be the mark of his own undoing by consumption. This poem is one way of dealing with that knowledge by asserting that the things that seem the most important at the moment—poetic fame and love—are really nothing compared to the great wide world. The poet has finally come to accept his place in the grand scheme of things, so the tone shifts from questioning hesitancy to peaceful acquiescence. Lines 1-2 discuss how the poet’s brain is filled with possibility—ideas not yet written down by his pen in mounds of important books—and his fear that he may die before he is able to reach his poetic potential. This idea is compounded by the use of both imagery and alliteration in the first quatrain of the poem. The description of the â€Å"full-ripen’d grain† in line 4 compares his poetic imagination to a grainery; that is, a place chock full of ripe food that will nourish the body the way his poetry will fulfill the mind. His use of repeated sounds in â€Å"glean’d,† â€Å"grave’d,† â€Å"garner,† â€Å"garner,† and â€Å"grain† show just how fertile his imagination can be and raise the question of how tragic it may be if he dies before he has reached his peak. Lines 5-8 continue this contemplation of his poetry by considering the raw materials of his work—â€Å"night’s starr’d face† and â€Å"high romance† in the â€Å"huge cloudy symbols†Ã¢â‚¬â€in other words, Keats is seeing everything that he would render into meaningful poetry given the time, but without that chance, he can only mourn the loss of the possible poem that exists in his mind. He also gives a glimpse as to his view of composing poetry when he claims that â€Å"the magic hand of chance† could aid him in rendering mystical nature into a poem. Keats is using the mystery of nature as a symbol for the mystery of his future poetry, poems that will be lost if he ceases to be before committing them to paper. Lines 9-12 move beyond his poetic potential to consider the possibility of love lost in the event of his untimely death. These lines are halting, a nod to the â€Å"faery power of unreflecting love†; it is almost as though Keats worries more over the loss of his future poetry moreso than any chance at love. Love itself is a sham here, an attempt at happiness that, when compared to the power of harnessing nature, loses any real chance at success. This section is only three and a half lines long, not even a full quatrain, a rhythm that gives the reader a sense of rushing; this is the same quality felt by Keats, and it reinforces the essence of the poem—time is running out. The repetition of the word â€Å"when† also conveys the sense of time passing; with each moment, death approaches. Yet for all of these considerations, Keats realizes in the last two and half lines that the things he seeks the most, Fame and Love, are really nothing when compared to the grand scheme of things. The image of the shore is crucial here; when compared to the ocean, Keats’ personal struggles are meaningless, but beyond that, the shoreline represents a boundary line. Just as Keats fears crossing the lines between life and death, he can come to terms with mortality when he finds himself in another in-between zone. Overall, â€Å"When I have Fears that I may cease to be† is a poem about accepting the limitations placed on one by life and time. Though material gains like fame or spiritual experiences like love may seem like all-encompassing purposes for a life, Keats shows that, upon reflection, these things pale in comparison to the larger issues in the world. Through the clever use of specific words and rhyme schemes, Keats conveys his message using poetic techniques.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Prototype of 3D Cadaster Polygonal Model

Prototype of 3D Cadaster Polygonal Model Abhijit Gujar Table of Contents 1.Introduction 1.1.Background and Justification 1.2.Literature review 1.2.1.Review on concept though and ideas 1.2.2.Review on approaches 1.3.Research problem 1.4.Research objective 1.4.1.General objective 1.4.2.Specific objective 1.5.Research questions 1.6.Research limitations 2.Research design and methods 2.1.Study area 2.2.Data 2.3.Software and hardware requirement 2.4.Research design matrix 3.Framework 3.1.Research framework 3.2.Thesis framework 3.3.Work plan framework 4.Reference 1. Introduction 1.1. Background and Justification Urbanization is an inevitable part of the economic development process for any country and is considered a global phenomenon (Rigg et al., 2009) . However, it is only in recent years that the rate of urbanization has begun to accelerate. More than half of the world population is dwelling in urban area. Urbanization is one of the inevitable phenomenon right now, as the result of this there is need and growth of high rise buildings which are having many types of uses and new types of shared ownership and also underground infrastructure such as sewage, train tunnels (subway), electrical and communication network is becoming dense and complex more over multi-use of land parcel creates new problems and challenges. (Jazayeri, Rajabifard, Kalantari, 2014) Traditionally the land parcel information which includes geometric, visual and legal data is managed in 2D. It is difficult in 2D map to make simple operation such as volume of space, cannot perform various spatial analysis that is necessary in various other field of urban planning as the data is in 2D. 3D visualization for dissemination is very difficult using just the 2D data in cadaster system (Mohamed Anders, 2012). This is where the 3D cadaster comes into light.endi One of the biggest hurdle in developing the 3D cadaster is the creating the 3D building geometry representation that are suitable for 3D cadaster. Although there are CAD model available that represent the 3D blue print of the building, the real on ground situation can be different then what is on the CAD model so it is necessary to calculate the 3D measurements of actual built building. I want to research how we can create a 3D model that is suitable for 3D cadaster, one of the possible methods can be using laser scanning data. Laser scanning data has very high accuracy which is suitable for land administration needs. AHN -2 (Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland) is the project in Netherlands that aims to collect high resolution laser data of entire country (van der Sande, Soudarissanane, Khoshelham, 2010). Although AHN-2 data is accurate the point density is not enough to be able to convert it into a polygonal geometry model as the AHN-2 is taken from high altitude it covers the roof of buildings adequately but the facades of the building generally have less point density which results in anomalies. The proposed solution to take multiple images of the building from all the sides (facades) to construct a point cloud of that building, the minimum number of images required will be analyzed using techniques discussed in (Alsadik, B., Gerke, M., Vosselman, G., Daham, A., Jasim, L. ,2014), then register this point cloud with the AHN-2 point cloud then this point cloud is used to generate 3D model 1.2. Literature review This section talks about the concepts, ideas that are discussed throughout this proposal. Cadaster: Urbanization is a process by which town cities are slowly transformed from rural form to urban form 3D cadaster: Cadaster registers real status of real estate objects until now the spatial information use to register the legal status of land in two dimensional systems that is a parcel is defined by 2D juridical boundaries. 3D cadaster What is a 3D Model A 3D Model is a mathematical representation of any three-dimensional object (real or imagined) in a 3D software environment. Unlike a 2D image, 3D models can be viewed in specialized software suites from any angle, and can be scaled, rotated, or freely modified. The process of creating and shaping a 3D model is known as 3d modeling Laser scanning Laser scanning is technique of controlled deflection of laser beam visible or invisible to capture the information of target in 3D from airborne or terrestrial platform. Airborne laser scanning is carried out from aircraft while terrestrial laser scanning can be done from a stationary or moving platform. Point cloud: point cloud is a set of 3D points in the same coordinate system. Often intended to represent a external surface of an object. Point cloud file is just the set of numbers representing X, Y, Z in coordinate system. Point cloud registration: Point cloud registration is a process of merging 2 separate point cloud having different origin and into one . Stratified sampling method: Stratified is probability sampling technique in which the researcher divides the entire population into different groups and then sample is collected from equally from each group. So that the selected sample can represent the population well. 1.3. Problem statement In past recent years there has been a lot of development in 3D. Netherlands is actively promoting for participation of over 65 private, public and scientific organizations to promote the use of 3D information covering issues such as acquisition, standardization, storage and use (Elberink, Stoter, Ledoux, Commandeur, 2013). Although there are many paper that suggest different methods to extract building from point cloud I want to look into alternative way of designing a 3D model of building by combining two point cloud from different sources. 1.4. Motivation 1.5. Research objective Research objectives are divided into general objective and specific objective. General objective is overall goal of research and specific objective are the objectives that are needed to complete general objective. 1.5.1. General objective To develop and test a prototype of 3D cadaster Polygonal model of building by combing the AHN-2 data with point cloud created by multiple high quality images of the building from all the facades. 1.5.2. Specific objective To formalize a benchmark for constructing a prototype 3D modelof buildingsatisfying the requirement for 3D cadaster. To create a prototype 3D model of a building using the benchmark. To evaluate applicability of developed 3D model based on developed benchmark. 1.6. Research questions Specific objective 1: To formalize a benchmark for constructing a prototype 3D model of building satisfying the requirement for 3D cadaster. What are important feature, constrain and requirement to construct a 3D model of a building for 3D cadaster? What are the criteria of sampling buildings (e.g height, type, length, width, building complexity of structure) Specific objective 2: To create a prototype 3D model of a building using thebenchmark. Which image processing techniques are better for 3D cadaster? Which is appropriate 3D model for 3D cadaster? And why? (wireframe , surface or solid) Specific objective 3: To evaluate applicability of developed 3D model based ondeveloped benchmark. What is the strength and weakness of derived 3D model? What are the reasons of strength and weakness? How can we access the accuracy (X,Y) of the 3D model using the existing 2D cadastral database? How can we access the accuracy (Z) of the 3D model using the CAD model? What are the possible recommendations to improve developed method? 1.7. Research limitations The current research limits extracting the model of building from the exterior of the building and does not covers the interior design and structure of the building. 2. Research design and methods In this section briefly describes the how the research will attempt to accomplish the formulated research questions. It includes the description of study area, people, data requirement, software to be used, proposed workflow/methodology. 2.1. Study area Study area for this project is Enschede. Results from the specific objective one will be used to select sample building of different type, height, volume so that it can represent the building population well. 2.2. Data Data description Data use Data source Airborne laser data for study area To create model PDOK Images of building taken from all the sides For Image base modeling field work CAD model of the building To assess accuracy (z) of developed model Cadaster, Netherlands. 2D Cadastral data of the selected buildings To assess accuracy (x,y) of developed model Cadaster, Netherlands. 2.3. Software and hardware requirement Software / Hardware Use/ application PCM Point cloud segmentation, manipulation and visual interpretation ImageModeler To convert point cloud to 3D model Matlab Coordinate system transformation 3DF Samantha AutoCAD CAD model analysis Endnote Reference management Microsoft Word Thesis preparation Professional camera To capture building images 2.4. Research design matrix Research Sub-Objective Research Question Research Method Required input data Anticipated Output To determine important factors for constructing 3D model ofbuilding satisfying the requirement for 3D cadaster. What are important feature, constrain and requirement to construct a 3D model of a building for 3D cadaster? Literature review, expert consultation, Case study, previous research papers, Case study, Literature, research paper, sample data from cadaster. List of important characteristics/functions/ features. In order to select the buildings for modeling, what are the parameters of sampling (selection)? Stratified sampling method Building type database Selection of types of building to study for modeling To create a prototype 3D model of a building. How can we create a point cloud from the images of building? Literature review, expert consultation, Case study, previous research papers High quality images of the building from all facades. Point cloud data How can we filter unwanted data (noise) from both of the point cloud? Literature review, expert consultation, Case study, previous research papers Two point cloud from previous objective Noise free point cloud How can we create a 3D model of building from point cloud? Literature review, expert consultation, Case study, previous research papers Noise free point cloud 3D model of a building To evaluate applicability of developed 3D model in context of 3D cadaster standards derived from objective one. What is the strength and weakness of derived 3D model? What are the reasons of strength and weakness? Comparison with the result derived from first objective. Visual and statistical analysis. Output from the first objective. Output from second objective. A summarizing list of strength and weakness of the derived output, discussion, conclusion and recommendation. How can we access the accuracy (X,Y) of the 3D model using the existing 2D Kadastral database? Output from second objective. Database for that specific building from Kadaster Table of accuracy analysis. How can we access the accuracy (Z) of the 3D model using the CAD model? Output from second objective. CAD model of same building 3. Framework Framework is structure to organize concepts or steps of the research process for better communication with intended readers. 3.1. Research framework Research framework will depict the overall structure and sequence of the major activities, task within each activity are of equal importance and cannot be skipped. Figure 2: Research Framework 3.2. Thesis framework Thesis framework describes and introduces the chapters that will be included in the main thesis. Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter one offers the justification background of research it also discusses the research problem, research objective, research questions, any previous work done related to this research Chapter 2: Literature Review and concepts Chapter two will go more deep into the concepts and the terms their meaning.Various terminology used in research. Chapter 3: 3D Cadaster In this chapter we will talk about what is 3D cadaster? Why it is useful? Which countries are implementing/ implemented 3D cadaster? How these countries have implemented it? Chapter 6: Field work This chapter discuses about the pre field work and field work . Chapter 5: Source of 3D data In this chapter we will discuss about the various sources of the 3d data that are available in Netherlands. We will compare the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Chapter 6: Technique of modeling In this chapter we will discuss about the various methods, procedure, software’s, algorithms related to 3D modeling. Chapter 7: Accuracy assessment In this chapter we will discuss technique and method of analysis and comparison of the derived model with the benchmark that we obtained from the first objective of research. Chapter 8: Prototype In this chapter we will display the obtained results and then will discuss the finding of the prototype. Chapter 9: Conclusion and Recommendation This chapter consists of the conclusion derived from the results and recommendation for further improvement. 3.3. Work plan framework Work plan framework depicts the activity and time allocated for each activity. Table 1: Work Plan 4. Reference Elberink, S. O., Stoter, J., Ledoux, H., Commandeur, T. (2013). Generation and Dissemination of a National Virtual 3D City and Landscape Model for the Netherlands. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 79(2), 147-158. Jazayeri, I., Rajabifard, A., Kalantari, M. (2014). A geometric and semantic evaluation of 3D data sourcing methods for land and property information. Land Use Policy, 36(0), 219-230. doi: Mohamed, E.-M., Anders, Ãâ€". (2012). Feasibility of Building Information Models for 3D Cadastre in Unified City Models. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 1(4), 35-58. doi: 10.4018/ijepr.2012100103 van der Sande, C., Soudarissanane, S., Khoshelham, K. (2010). Assessment of Relative Accuracy of AHN-2 Laser Scanning Data Using Planar Features. Sensors, 10(9), 8198-8214. doi: 10.3390/s100908198 Rigg, J., Bebbington, A., Gough, K. V, Bryceson, D. F., Agergaard, J., Fold, N., Tacoli, C. (2009). The World Development Report 2009 â€Å"reshapes economic geography†: geographical reflections. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 34(2), 128–136. doi:10.1111/j.1475-5661.2009.00340.x FACULTY OF GEO-INFORMATION SCIENCE AND EARTH OBSERVATION – UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE

Sunday, October 13, 2019

GALILEO :: essays research papers

Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564 to Vincenzo Galilei and Giulia degli Ammannati in Pisa, Italy. His father, Vincenzo, was a musician. Galileo was the first of six children (though some people believe seven). His family was not rich but they were of nobility. His family moved to Florence in the early 1570’s. Galileo never married but he did have a brief relationship with Marina Gamba. He met her on one of his trips to Venice. She lived with Galileo and bore three children to him. His two daughters, Virginia and Livia were sent to convents. In 1610 Galileo moved to Florence where he took a position at The Court of the Medici family. He left his son, Vincenzio with Marina. In 1613 Marina married Giovanni Bartoluzzi. Vincenzio joined his father in Florence. In 1581 Galileo went to study at the University of Pisa. His father hoped he would study medicine there. Galileo did not study medicine there but he did study the pendulum. According to legend Galileo watched a suspended lamp swing back and forth in the cathedral of Pisa. Galileo did not make his most notable discovery about the pendulum until 1602. He discovered that the time in which a pendulum swings back and forth did not depend on the arc or isochronism of the swing. At the University of Piza Galileo studied physics. He mainly studied and eventually disproved Aristotle approch on physics. Aristotlians believed that heavier objects fell through a medium faster than lighter objects. Galileo disproved the idea by asserting that all objects (no matter the density) fell at the same rate in a vacuum. To be sure of this Galileo performed many experiments. In most he dropped objects from a certain height. In an early experiment Galileo rolled two balls down a slightly sloped hill and then he would determine their positions after equal time intervals. He then wrote a book about his discoveries called De Muto which means â€Å"On Motion†. In 1592 Galileo was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Padua. While there he often visited a place called the Arsenal where Venetian ships were docked. Galileo was always interested in mechanicle devices and this was the perfect place to study them. While at the Arsenal Galileo became interested in nautical devices especially the sector and ship building. In 1593 Galileo was faced with the problem involving the placement of oars in the galleys.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Privacy In Turkey :: Research Private Essays

Privacy In Turkey Introduction What is privacy? Who decides what is private and what is not? Is it acceptable if someone interferes or discloses personal information? These are some of the questions that we face everyday in our lives. It is mostly up to the individual to keep some information private but what happens when the flow of information occurs based on the trust to the underlying infrastructure, such as phone lines? Should we, as individuals, expect that every phone conversation is being monitored or as confidential? It is known that knowledge of information is vital, especially in the 21st century where the timeliness, accuracy, and confidentiality of information mean everything. In 1988, United Nations Commissioner on Human Rights Article 17 states that integrity and confidentiality of messages should be guaranteed; despite this fact, many countries, primarily the US, have involved in an effort to limit individual privacy and improve the ability of governmental agencies to listen in personal conversations.1 As an example of such activities, this paper will provide information regarding an actual case that took place in capital city of Turkey, Ankara in 1999. The case will be followed by some facts that will be relevant; then an analysis from different ethical perspectives on this issue will take place. This paper will conclude by depicting my personal ideas and reasoning on the ethical aspects of this particular privacy case. Privacy Case In 1999, Ankara police was sued because of listening in personal telephone conversations of Prime Minister.2 It was later discovered that, Prime Minister was not the only person whose phone lines were tapped, an additional 962 people’s private conversations were interfered with also.3 Among the victims there were governors, businessmen, attorneys at law, and journalists. This was a much publicized incident due to its scope and effect on the privacy and notion of privacy for individuals. As a result, Interior Ministry of Turkey was sued for invading privacy of individuals but Interior Ministry declined these allegations and stated that nothing really bad happened at the end.2 None of the information that was gathered during the eavesdropping sessions was disclosed. In addition to suing of Interior Ministry, some of the officers from Ankara Police Department were sued and some of them were convicted.3 Facts In Turkey, there are laws that are similar to the US Fourth Amendment. Individuals have expectation of privacy. Article 20 of Turkish Constitute states that the privacy of individual and family life is protected under the law.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Can Lord of the Flies be Classified as a Fable? Essay

A fable, by strict definition, is a short tale conveying a clear moral lesson in which the characters are animals acting like human beings. A fable is intended to provide moral instruction and its characters and scenes are drawn to suit this purpose. William Golding has referred to his novel, Lord of the Flies, as a fable. This essay will demonstrate that in the moral lessons it offers us and in the symbolic nature of its setting, characters and literary devices, the novel functions as a fable for the inherent tendency in man to revert to primal savagery once he is removed from civilization. We are left with the caution that evil must be acknowledged and consciously opposed. The novel’s status as a fable is demonstrated strongly through the moral lesson it presents to his responders. Golding’s message is dark one, emphasizing the bleaker aspects of human nature. Rejecting the conventional, romantic notions that man ‘is basically noble’, Golding insists that evil is inherent in man. Indeed, Golding would say that the central idea behind the Lord of the Flies is that man is fallen from grace. He would go on to state that once the faà §ade of civilization is stripped away, man is fundamentally motivated in his behaviour by primal and brutal instincts. Evil is a force which is instinctive in man, which must be recognized and controlled. Golding’s message for the inherent tendency in man to revert to primal savagery once he is removed from civilization is presented through the boy’s gradual loss of order and descent into savagery. When the boys conduct their first meeting on the island they establish rules and methods of proper conduct. Ralph is elected by the boys as Chief and a democratic ‘political’ system is established. The boys are excited at the prospect of rules and meetings, even Jack ironically states, â€Å"We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English; and the English are best at everything. So we’ve got to do things right†. However, later on in the book, when Jack deserts Ralph to form his own tribe he declares, â€Å"Bollocks to the rules!† and assures the boys that their tribe will not be based on rules-instead they shall have ‘fun’, hunting and feasting. The call of the conch is disregarded and autocratic system of governing commences. This new warrior cult establishes fortifications, political feuds, wars and methods  of torture. The loss of order and descent into savagery is further presented through the boy’s progression from vegetarianism to carnivorous hunting. When the boys first arrive on the island they are content to eat the ripe fruit available to them, however as the book progresses their lust for blood and meat becomes more and more evident. Jack’s first attempt to kill a pig ends unsuccessfully, but he claims that next time there will be no mercy. Ralph however realizes the truth of his hesitation, that he is still faintly attached to the civilized life he once lived and because â€Å"of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood.† Jack’s first kill is significant in the stories plot, as it a revelation of his own darker side and shows the extent to which his primal instincts and bloodthirstiness have taken over him. As the boys establish the technology of hunting, their kills become more violent and eventually they begin to turn their bloodthirstiness on each other. Barbaric chants such as, â€Å"Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in!† develop, as do savage dances that often end in the hurt of one of their peers. It is these rituals that eventually end in the death of Simon. The boy’s loss of order and descent into savagery is further shown through their worship of the Beast. Jack proposes that â€Å"when we kill we’ll leave some of the kill for it† , in order to keep the threat of the Beast at bay This conduct is similar to ancient, primal rituals where offerings and sacrifices would be left in order to please the gods. The boys have invented their own primitive religion which is a crude form of totemism and their worship is of blood and ultimately, the devil. Overall, like a fable, Lord of the Flies enforces a very strong message. Humans as a race have a tendency to revert to their primal, savage instincts and in doing so reveal their true sadistic and evil nature that lies within. This moral message is expressed in several ways by the author, however especially through the boys gradual loss of order, their blood lust and their worship of the devil. The novel’s symbolic nature further enhances the books status as a fable. The  disintegration of civilization is charted through the use of symbols, one of the major tools of the fabulist. Almost every detail in the novel has a meaning of its own and a representational meaning in terms of the theme and the development of evil on the island. The setting of the novel is particularly symbolic. The island functions as a microcosm of the wider world and parallels our society in competitiveness, destructiveness and violence. The island is a perfect place in which Golding can test his theories, as being isolated it lacks society and societal laws and rules, allowing the boys to run wild and show their true inner selves. However, the presence of the wider world is never forgotten, as there are constant mentions to the war occurring outside the island. References such as the boy’s evacuation, the crashing of the plane and the pod, the dogfight over the island at night and the arrival of the naval officer on the beach and his warship, show the corruption of what is happening in the real world. The island starts off as a paradise with â€Å"food and drink and-rocks-blue flowers† and in many ways is similar to the Garden of Eden in biblical stories. The book corresponds to this biblical story further, in that man is given a chance of Paradise but destroys it, which shows mans potential for evil. Indeed, at the end of the book the entire island is set alight. The â€Å"roughly boat shaped† layout of the island is symbolic in itself, the boat being an ancient symbol of civilization. The water current flowing backwards around the island is also meaningful, as it leaves the impression that civilization may be going backwards for the island and its inhabitants. The disintegration of civilization in the novel is demonstrated particularly in the symbolic nature of the characters. Described as a â€Å"skinny, vivid little boy, with a glance coming up from under a hut of straight hair that hung down, black and coarse,† Simon represents the highest aspirations of the human spirit towards beauty and holiness and can be interpreted as a Christ figure. His name, which comes from the Hebrew word ‘listener’, further enhances his spiritual role, as it is also the name of one of Jesus’ apostles Simon Peter. Simon participates in an important symbolic dialogue with ‘Beelzebub’, who represents the lowest part of man, the source of violence, hatred, fear and murder. The meeting represents the recognition of  these forces in all men, even the saintly. Like Christ, Simon brought a radical new message to those around him; however instead of heeding this message, his peers took him and killed him. Jack is another symbolic character in the story, however in contrast to Simon, he represents savagery and anarchy. Originally a prefect, Jack rediscovers in himself the instinct and compulsions of the hunter that lie buried in every man. From the beginning he is surrounded by symbolism. For example the fact that â€Å"his hair was red† connects him immediately to connotations often associated with the devil and his name means ‘one who supplants’. Throughout the novel, Jack is a significant figure for evil and destruction and hungers for leadership positions. Jack disregards order and it is through him that the responder sees the innate evil of man, since he was the one cast off from society the earliest. Ralph is another central character to the novel and is the embodiment of democracy. Ralph is a likeable character from the start; strong, handsome and comes from high British society. It is Ralph who establishes the use of the conch at assemblies, using it to carry out fundamental principles of democracy; â€Å"I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak†¦And he won’t be interrupted† . Ralph, whose name in the Anglo-Saxon Language means ‘counsel’, is fair, rational and understanding, as is democracy. It is through Ralph that the responder sees the degradation of society on the island, and thereby shows them the innate evil within man. This is particularly evident when â€Å"Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart.† The symbolic literary devices Golding uses also enforce this novel’s genre as a fable. The evolution of the conch as a symbol reflects the boy’s gradual loss of civilization and all its fragility, beauty and innocence. In the beginning of the novel, the conch is regarded as a toy, beautifully coloured and â€Å"ever so valuable† . However, when the boys discover the true power of its voice it is used to summon meetings. As the book progresses, it becomes to be the centre of order and organization and is instrumental in creating order. It develops into a symbol of civilization, common sense and  discipline. The fact that it is beautiful, powerful and fragile gives us an idea of how we should view civilization itself, especially later when the primal forces of evil and disorder are breaking down its influence over the boys. As the story progresses the shell summons the boys and pulls them into order from even the wilds of the island. However, as the boys descend into brutality they grow impatient with the order the conch represents, disregarding the power it bestows on the holder to speak at meetings. This is evident at Jack’s feast when Ralph threatens, â€Å"I’ll blow the conch†¦and call an assembly† and Jack refutes, â€Å"We shan’t hear it.† The conch’s destruction towards the end of the novel destroys once and for all the boys own sense of beauty, fragile innocence, order and civilization. The title Lord of the Flies is symbolic in itself; a reference to who the boys are submitting to as they give in to savagery. It is a translation of the Hebrew name Beelzebub, the devil beneath Satan himself. This title suggests the boys are becoming more evil as they establish the Lord of the Flies on a stick and begin to worship the mysterious forces of the jungle. The Beast is another important literary device used by Golding. The Beast is symbolic of the evil residing within everyone-the dark side of human nature. The Beast is first introduced by a littun who has nightmare. Initially dismissed by the older boys as imaginary, the fear of the Beast in the boy’s minds continues to linger and haunt them. Indeed, its presence grows stronger and more frightening with each day on the island. With the discovery of the parachutist on the mountain top, the boys are convinced it is a living thing. Jack and his tribe make sacrifices to it, whilst Piggy and Ralph opt to avoid it completely. It is only Simon who has the insight to discover the truth-that the beast resided in the boys themselves, â€Å"Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill †¦ I’m part of you. Close, close, close†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In addition, Piggy’s glasses are a symbol of political insight and clear-sightedness. As an inadequate leader, Ralph depends on Piggy’s judgment. Ralph must see through eyes that themselves need corrective lenses. Although Piggy’s vision is imperfect, even with glasses, it is all  Ralph has. The glasses are first damaged by Jack, who blurs them whilst attempting to light the fire. While the lenses remain intact, Ralph can at least go through the motions of statesmanship, however the smashing of one of the lenses diminishes Piggy’s effectiveness and the theft of the other by the hunters renders Piggy and Ralph helpless. Overall, the symbolic nature of Golding’s setting, characters and literary devices, enforce its status as a fable. The symbol is an important tool used in writing fables, as can be seen in Lord of the Flies. Whilst the figurative temperament of the setting helps to show that what is happening on the island is just a mirror of what’s happening in the wider world, the representational characteristics of the characters and literary devices help to give the novel a more complex and powerful meaning. In conclusion, William Golding’s Lord of the Flies is a fable, in that it conforms to the structure and features of one. It offers us a moral lesson about the darkness of human nature, showing us that once the faà §ade of civilization is stripped away, man is fundamentally motivated in his behaviour by primal and brutal instincts. Golding delivers this message through the symbolic characteristics of his setting, characters and literary devices-important features of a fable. Lord of the Flies offers an important lesson to all of mankind, perhaps the one of the many reasons why this all time classic shall never die. â€Å"And in the middle of them, with filthy, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 