Sunday, January 26, 2020

Methods Of Montage In Battleship Potemkin Film Studies Essay

Methods Of Montage In Battleship Potemkin Film Studies Essay I am a huge movie buff. I anticipate big blockbuster hits and save up the money for the admission at the movie theater. Film strips are made up of still frames that when projected at an average of twenty-four frames a second gives the illusion of movement and continuity. Many films use different elements in their frames whether it is between shots or within them. This is an example of Montage. In this paper I will attempt to discuss montage, the film Battleship Potemkin, analyze Eisensteins methods of montage he used for the film, and come up with an idea as to how to transform this historical piece on to theater stage. Montage is the joining together of different elements of film in a variety of ways, between shots, within them, between sequences, within these. During the 1920s Russian filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein, who is considered the father of montage, created five methods to montage. These methods are metric, rhythmic, tonal, overtonal, and intellectual montage. With these methods Eisenstein was able to change the way a scene was brought to life in film. Metric montage is when pieces are joined together according to their lengths, in a formula-scheme corresponding to a measure of music. Realization is in repetition of these measures. Tension is obtained by the effect of mechanical acceleration by shortening the pieces while preserving the original proportions of the formula (Eisenstein Leyda pg73). When cutting to the next shot, no matter what was happening to the next image, it was used to bring out the most basal and emotional reactions from the audience. With rhythmic montage the length of the pieces, the content with in the frame is a factor possessing equal rights to consideration. Abstract determination of the piece-lengths gives away to a flexible relationship of the actual lengths (Eisenstein Leyda pg74). With this type of montage, it is based on timing of the visual composition of the shots to induce a more complex meaning than with metric montage. In tonal montage the movement is perceived in a wider sense. The concept embraces all effects of the montage piece. Here montage is based on the characteristics of emotional sound of the piece-of its dominant (Eisenstein Leyda pg75). Just like metric montage the shot is used to make a reaction to the audience. Only difference is that tonal montage uses shots that have emotion. Overtonal montage is an accumulation of the previous three montages. And give the audience an even more abstract and complicated reaction. Overtonal montage steps up the impression from a melodically emotional coloring to a directly psychological perception (Eisenstein Leyda pg78). The last is intellectual montage. This method of montage is sounds and overtones of an intellectual sort: i.e., conflict-juxtaposition of accompanying intellectual affects (Eisenstein Leyda pg82). With these shots combined you get an intellectual image. It starts out in act I, named Men and Maggots, it is June of 1905, and the armored battle ship Potemkin is near Odessa on the Black Sea returning after Russias defeat in the Russo-Japanese war. There are many sailors that are sleeping in their hammocks. A petty officer walks in checking on therm. One of the sailors that are sleeping with a shoulder and arm hanging outside his hammock is in the way of the officer who is trying to get through. When the officer cannot get through he reacts by whipping the young man. Some of the other sailors wake up this act. In the morning, the ships cook has displayed large pieces of meat outside the ships kitchen. The sailors saw this meat hanging and began talking and pointing to the meat and calling others to look. An officer on a railing higher up notices the sailors around the meat and the sailors start to complain to him that the meat is rotten. The officer calls the ships doctor, who goes down to check out the meat. The ships doctor after looki ng carefully at the meat says that the meat is not rotten it has no worms, only maggots that can be washed out with brine. The cooks prepare to serve a meal on table tops that hang from ropes in the ceiling. Large steel bowls are placed on the tables and soup is the only food that is being served. Some sailors do not eat the soup. Later it is shown a sailor is in the kitchen washing dishes after the meal. One dish had an inscription that read Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread. The sailor washing the dish hold it for a moment, read it again, and then smashes it. The sailors who were on wash duty walks off from their work stations. In the next scene of we see a lot of sailors at the ships commissary buying many cans of food. One of the higher ranking officers notices this and continues walking by. One point talking on one of the decks below, sailor Vakulinshuk says the treatment on the boat was worse than being a POW in a Japanese camp. Other sailor talked about the overall treatment. In Act II named Drama at the Harbour, it is all hands on deck as Captain Golikov comes up from a trap entrance to discipline the men that did not eat the soup. He says that there will be no disobedience or strike or that he will hang everyone in the ship if it is. Then the captain asks who ever at the soup with the rotten meat to step under the cannons to show their loyalty. All but a group of fifteen shows their loyalty. The captain decides that he wants to kill the fifteen for not eating the soup. The group tries to escape but the other officers step in their way. The captain throws a tarpaulin over them, making it easier for the other sailors to shoot the fifteen sailors. When the Captain gives the order to shoot, seaman Vakulinchuk stops the firing squad from executing the other sailors. Vakulinchuck gives a speech encouraging the shipmates to stand up and rebel against those who oppress them which would be the officers of the ship. While this is going on the captain is repeating the firing order but it is not carried out. Vakulinchuk and the other shipmates get together and turn on the officers. There is a chase after the officers and when caught they are thrown overboard, the doctor as well. The ships priest appears and plays possum when he gets pushed down the stairs pretending to be dead. Before being thrown overboard, one of the officers is able to grab a gun and shoots Vakulinchuk. Vakulinchuk falls from a high point of a ship on to a tackle and then tumbles into the water. The shipmates shout that Vakulinchuk has gone overboard and a couple of sailors jump in to save but it is too late as his body is brought back on the ship. Vakulinchuks death bonds the shipmates together. In Act III, A Dead Man Calls for Justice, The Potemkin is under the control of the sailor s and they dock at the port of Odessa. Vakulinchuks body is taken to the shore and laid under a tent that is set up on the pier. Vakulinchuk is holding a candle with a sign on his chest reading KILLED FOR A BOWL OF SOUP. There is talk amongst the people in the local area in small groups about Vakulinchuk. An obnoxious member of the bourgeoisie heckles a woman protester. During another heated discussion someone in the crowd says kill the Jews! But the majority of the citizens of Odessa get riled up and decided to destroy the oppressors and help the sailors who rebelled on the Potemkin. Large numbers of the citizens bring food to the battleship to support the crew. In Act IV, The Odessa Staircase, after they given the sailors quality food, many of the townspeople have gathered along the long and wide flight of stairs overlooking the harbor leading down towards the piers. In good moral, shouting encouragements towards the ship. All ages of men, women, and children of all ages have come to see what is going on. Then out of nowhere, troops in white tunics show up at the top of the stairs slowly marching down the steps. People start to scramble as the soldiers began their assault on the innocent men, women, the elderly, and children. Countless people scramble down the steps to get to the side. Some elderly people hide behind walls as the soldiers continue to slaughter the people fleeing. A woman who carried her dead sons body in her arms walks up to the soldier s telling them that her son is very ill expecting to let her pass. A second later people look in fear as she is gunned downed. People step over others who have fallen, dead or alive. We even see the soldiers stepping on a small child. One woman had a bullet shot through one lens in her glasses. Another victim included in this massacre was a mother who was pushing a baby in a carriage. As she falls dead, she hits the carriage on the way down to the ground. The carriage starts to make its way down the steps as onlooker watch the carriage travel untouched. Then soldiers on horseback arrive at the bottom of the steps to finish the innocent off. In the final act, ACT V:The Rendezvous with a Squadron, The sailors who have taken over the Potemkin mend their battle stations and turn their guns on the buildings that might have held Tsarist soldiers but by then the massacre on the stairs is over leaving only the soldiers standing. The sailors of Potemkin then sail out to sea to avoid an attack from the shore when suddenly a squadron of warships has a course headed straight toward the Potemkin to take it back. The crew of the Potemkin expected this and some mend sentry duty. Other sailors of the Potemkin try to sleep. They are soon woken up and mend battle stations as multiple ships are sighted far away on the horizon. As the ships get close, the Potemkin send a sort of morse code to the other ships crews to treat them as brothers. Potemkins cannons, despite being outnumbered, are aimed at the other ships as in an attempt at one last hurrah. But when the ships get into range, the ships allowed the Potemkin to pass through. The cre w of the Potemkin celebrates and they come on deck waving at the others ships, as they do the same, when the ships cross in opposite direction. As I was watching Battleship Potemkin, I thought about how I could transfer this film on to the stage and the first thing that came to mind was how you (as in you Joseph) and Lucius set up Vertigo. From a technical stand point, I would use only a limited amount of technology if space was limited to me. If I was to put this play in swain, I would use the projectors to display and identify what scene the actors were in on the back curtain.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Alfred Russel Wallace Essay

There are numerous advances caused by the development of science and technology in human life. Such discoveries and inventions led to the advancement of human civilization. Many definitive statements were given about science and most of these statements focus on the conventional approach in scientific endeavors. Little or no definitions were formulated exercising other non-conventional approach in doing researches in the field of science. Aside form the fact that there are other factors involved in recognizing one’s work and classifying it as a work of scientific methodology, human interventions on these processes are still influential in determining a specific work and accept it as a valid scientific research. As a result, proper recognition of a person’s work greatly depends on these limited criteria which are based on a narrow A person named Wallace ventured into the works of discovering things that he thought then as part of the laws of nature. He worked on the same area with Sir Charles Darwin with his evolution theory and findings. During that time, Wallace findings were not classified as a work of science due to a lot of reasons and as a result, he was not recognized then as a scientist but an outsider. Science then was defined in a narrowed approach wherein it encompasses only limited principles and classifications. A specific study can only be classified as a work of science when it is associated with human intervention brought about by the search for facts. All supernatural phenomenons were ruled out of contention and only those studies that involve findings from thorough experimentation are considered. Studies should follow the causality rule and must follow the laws of physics. Wallace study did not fall into this classification, thus, making his research disqualified. There are researches in the historical accounts that lead to statements that Wallace’s work did not suffice to the lists of scientific works. The authority responsible during that time in recognizing a work is the British Association. This body was founded by persons who hold good positions in the society. These people dictate the decision of the organization about the funding and citations of a given work. These people saw Wallace works as unacceptable and radically made, making it excluded from further recognition of the body. Religion also has a big factor in making up restrictions in the researches being made by people which provides a definite line between topics that are allowed to be studied and those that are not. Their decisions were greatly influenced by the social, political, and cultural aspects which was very evident on the group’s dealings with Wallace and his research. Accounts tell about the decision of the British Association tagging Wallace’s work to be excluded for reasons including the fact that his findings only repeats that of Darwin’s theories about evolution. Another factor that made Wallace unfit to be called as a scientist is because he has no formal schooling, a clear standard emphasized by the body who classifies researches and studies to be scientific or not. Wallace belongs to the labor sector compared to those individuals who were classified to belong in the upper class. For some people, these criteria are unfair and uncalled for since this focuses on the personal circumstances of a person and not on his works or contributions. However, the decision made can also be traced with other factors other than what was classified to be more of a personal attack on a person’s life. Wallace developed his interests in the evolution topics during his stint as a land surveyor in England. He combined several disciplines in his works and findings in his field of interests which is on the evolution theory. During that time, evolution was unacceptable and firmly rejected by the church ministers and their teachings. As an advocate of evolution principle, Wallace continued with his study and made declarations that were found out to be eccentric. He included in his paper the principles that humans and orangutans have direct relationship with each other. He accepted this principle of believing people really came from the ape ancestors. These findings were made years before other papers were written establishing the same principle as he has made. His work and that of Darwin has a strong correlation but what made its distinction is that Darwin’s result was very conservative and was carefully illustrated in a well mannered style. He still declared the superiority of white men over the people who lived before, different from Wallace’s declaration on the same concept of study. His findings did not found enough support from the British land where conservatism and religion matters a lot. He did not receive due acknowledgments for his work but Darwin did have the recognition for the same work he has. However, this scenario did not bother him and he continued his openness in his works and findings. Such situation that happened to Wallace should open up the minds of other people who sees things only as they want to see. There should be no distinctions between individuals who have submitted their studies and researches that belong to various states in life. The concerned body responsible for the recognition of such works should be aware that having a formal education should not be a major factor in considering a person to be a great scientist or not. What should matter is the validity of the results obtained by the study and the totality of the work submitted by any individual hoping for due recognition. Each should keep in mind that what matters are the character and dedication in the work like that of Wallace’s. Even he was not recognized then, it cannot be denied that Wallace still has a vital contribution in our present society and he can be considered to be one of the giants that made us see things that we have and developed for our society as a whole. Works Cited Alfred Russel Wallace: A Capsule Biography. Retrieved on January 27, 2009. Retrieved from < www. wku. edu> Quanmen, D. (2008). The Man that wasn’t Darwin. Retrieved on January 26, 2009. Retrieved From

Friday, January 10, 2020

Using Best Personal Essay Samples

Using Best Personal Essay Samples It is possible to easily buy your individual statement or research paper or whatever you must be written. Professor Mitchell obtained a grant to have a category of students to Belgium so as to study the EU. If you're applying to more than a couple of colleges, there's a high probability you'll need to use the Common Application, and this means you'll likely have to compose a Common App essay. Allow it to sit for a couple days untouched. At times it's helpful to observe how others were able to get over the difficult first-line hump. Some men and women have a tendency to unnecessarily dramatize what's happening around. It's helpful to find different folks to read your statement and offer feedback. Prior to starting, the very first thing you ought to understand is that the personal statement has become the most significant part your admissions package. Recall unpleasant moments that you discover very handy for your private improvement. It's also required to compose a decent personal statement when you're applying to university or college. College education is really important for people if they need to get a great career ahead in their lives and if they'd love to be a respected area of the society. In addition to its growing cultural and ethnic diversity, State University is turning into a master at developing a niche for each student. Individual perspectives do not, at the present time, look like a trustworthy approach to get to the base of a subject. My own theory is that almost all personal essayists, as a result of a pure ability to extrapolate, do not struggle to come across subjects to write about. Lastly, the detail of real speech makes the scene pop. The intention of the essays is to express your own personal capabilities, character traits, ideas and ideas, which will force you to look different from several other applicants and present you as a creative, committed and intelligent individual. Our essay writers are there to help you with premium personal essay writing services which will allow you to get improved grades. You have an overall idea of the way to compose creative writing essays. Analyze what you have to write in the essay and the way you want the readers to react to it. The essay isn't about camping in any respect, but about the fragile character of nature. Let EssayEdge help you compose an application essay which gets noticed. Ask three distinct experts what a personal essay is and you will likely get three unique answers. In this instance, attempt to hit the minimal words required and guarantee that the essay you will write is packed with relevant info and beneficial information. Otherwise, consider the strategies to enhance your essay so as to be more persuasive. Today's tips concentrate on the personal essay. Then have a look at our most well-known stories of 2018. Don't skip a word of the most effective true stories, well told. The personal essay is extremely essential for the career, so there is not any opportunity to spoil it. At the conclusion of reading so, you must have a good deal of ideas for your own essays and directions to compose a really strong personal statement. As soon as you get a compelling topic, choose the most important idea that you want to communicate and introduce it using a bang. The ideal thing about us is that each and every time you can buy original essay papers for sale. It's a superb concept to begin by making certain you realize the composition of an essay. Nothing needs to be repeated in the major body of the essay. You'll observe a similar structure in several of the essays. This way you can seldom loose the key context of the essay.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Baron dHolbach and William James on Free Will and...

Baron dHolbach and William James on Free Will and Determinism 3. Discuss the issue between Baron dHolbach and William James on free will and determinism? Before we can discuss the issue between Baron dHolbach and William James we have to know the definitions of the items the issue is about. Free will according to the Encarta encyclopedia is The power or ability of the human mind to choose a course of action or make a decision without being subject to restraints imposed by antecedent causes, by necessity, or by divine predetermination. A completely freewill act is a cause and not an effect; it is beyond causal sequence or the law of causality. So according to this statement freewill is the ability for humans to make†¦show more content†¦James became an instructor in psychology and philosophy at Harvard, Columbia University, and the University of Oxford throughout his life. James died in Chocorua, New Hampshire during the year of 1910 he was 58 years old. The other philosopher is Baron dHolbach born in 1723 and died in 1789. DHolbach was German by birth and education, but French by fortune (he inherited his uncles money, estate and title). His estate was a meeting place for the leading French radical thinkers of the late 18th century. He also became a member of a group of notable thinkers and literary men including the Diderot, Helvà ©tius, Condorcet, and Rousseau. He was an atheist, a determinist, and a materialist. He was an opponent of absolute monarchy, state religions and feudal privilege. It is fair to describe him as one of the most radical intellectuals of his time. His most famous works are The System of Nature, Good (or Common) Sense, or Natural Ideas vs. Supernatural Ideas. Now that we know a little more about the issues and the philosophers we can discuss the issue between them. First, both of the philosophers believe in free will, but it is where free will comes from and why its necessary is where the differences be tween the two philosophers come in. William James believes in free will but related himself as an indeterminist while dHolbach on the other hand is a hard determinist. Now an indeterminist isShow MoreRelatedAre We Really Free?1634 Words   |  7 Pages The main questions for this paper is are we really free? This is for some people a difficult question to answer but for some they do not give it much thought. But when you look at it from a philosophical standpoint, it is not a simple answer. Some people look at the question with an open mind, some with a closed mind. I will be comparing and contrasting the three points that support the question are we free, and end with what I feel is the best viewpoint. Each point will be a summary of what IRead MorePhilosophy comparing libertarianism, compatibilism, and determinism2363 Words   |  10 Pagesï » ¿ Comparing Determinism, Compatibilism, and Libertarianism Patrick C Smith Ivy Tech Community College The question that the textbook poses at the very beginning of chapter four is, â€Å"Are you Free† (Chaffee, 2013, p. 172)? Most people would look at this question as pretty cut and dry and would answer a resounding yes. Philosophically speaking, it is not that easy of an answer. You have to be willing to look at the question with an open mind, and askRead MoreCompare and Contrast Three Major Philosophical Viewpoint Essay examples1790 Words   |  8 PagesThe question that the textbook poses at the very beginning of chapter four is, â€Å"Are you Free† (Chaffee, 2013, p. 172)? Most people would look at this question as pretty cut and dry and would answer a resounding yes. Philosophically speaking, it is not that easy of an answer. You have to be willing to look at the question with an open mind, and ask yourself if the choices you make are truly free or if they are governed by forces outside of your control. In the following paper I intend to compareRead MoreFree Will and Choices1546 Words   |  7 Pagessource that we do leads in result of our own free choices. For example, we probably believe that we freely chose to do the tasks and thoughts that come to us making us doing the task. However, we may start to wonder if our choices that we chose are actually free. As we read further into the Fifty Readings in Philosophy by Donald C. Abel, all the readers would argue about the thought of free will. The first reading â€Å"The System of Human Freedom† by Baron D’Holbach, Holbach argues that â€Å"human being are wholly