Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Hamlet Fortinbras Importance Essays - 540 Words

Fortinbras: An Important Character in Hamlet Oftentimes, the minor characters in a play can be vital and, among other things, function to further the action of the play or to reveal and illuminate the personalities of other characters. In Hamlet, Fortinbras, the Norwegian Prince, serves as the most important foil of Hamlet and provides us with the actions and emotions in which we can compare to those of Hamlet and better reveal Hamlet’s own character. Because Hamlet and Fortinbras both lost their fathers and have sworn to avenge their deaths, Fortinbras is a perfect parallel of Hamlet. He was also very crucial to the play’s ending and to bring a remedy to the corruption that has plagued Denmark. Fortinbras father, King of Norway,†¦show more content†¦It is inspiring to Hamlet and it pushes him forward in carrying out his plan to kill Claudius. Hamlet’s last lines, â€Å"How all occasions†¦my thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth!†(4.5, 34-69) say that Fortinbras has won him over from any further doubts and Hamlet, too, wishes to become a man of action who is ready to take his revenge at any cost. It can be said that Fortinbras is an energetic leader and soldier with clear intentions from the way he can quickly assemble his men to attack Poland. Although Fortinbras says that Hamlet was a soldier, too, â€Å"and for his passage, the soldier’s music†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (5.2, 444-445), the reader sees Hamlet only as a scholar because he seems to only think things out rather than take action. Though, Fortinbras’ statement helps us understand that Hamlet was once indeed a good soldier. Scene two of the last act of Hamlet reveals the true character of Fortinbras. After arriving at Elsinore, he immediately acts upon seeing the disturbing scene, much like he acts in battle, â€Å"Let four captains bear Hamlet like a soldier†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (5.2, 441-450). Fortinbras is necessary to the storyline and he is important to the resolution of the corruption in Elsinore Castle, â€Å"Something rotten in Demark†(1.5, 100). He is needed to correct the corruptness, as he is the only noble left to claim the throne, the task he had ironically set out for, and because he desires to fight for glory and to expand his empire, he is fitted by character to inherit the Kingdom of Sr. Hamlet.Show MoreRelatedHamlet - the Importance of Laertes and Fortinbras in Hamlet Essay1335 Words   |  6 PagesThe Shakespearean play, Hamlet, is a story of revenge and the way the characters in the play respond to grief and the demands of loyalty. The importance of Fortinbras and Laertes in the play is an issue much discussed, analysed and critiqued. Fortinbras and Laertes are parallel characters to Hamlet, and they provide pivotal points on which to compare the actions and emotions of Hamlet throughout the play. They are also important in Hamlet as they are impe rative to the plot of the play and the finalRead More The Importance of Laertes and Fortinbras in Hamlet Essay1274 Words   |  6 PagesThe Importance of Laertes and Fortinbras in Hamlet The Shakespearean play, Hamlet, is a story of revenge and the way the characters in the play respond to grief and the demands of loyalty. The importance of Fortinbras and Laertes in the play is an issue much discussed, analysed and critiqued. Fortinbras and Laertes are parallel characters to Hamlet, and they provide pivotal points on which to compare the actions and emotions of Hamlet throughout the play. They are also important in Hamlet as theyRead MoreFortinbras in Hamlet by William Shakespeare691 Words   |  3 Pages In Hamlet, one of these characters is Fortinbras. The character of Fortinbras is someone with an extremely similar background to the protagonist of the play, Hamlet. One might say that Fortinbras and Hamlet are parallel versions of each other, being in the same situation even though they have a different lineage. Though he is only mentioned a few times throughout Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Fortinbras has a very important role to play. Despite being in the same situation, Fortinbras and Hamlet areRead More The Foils of Laertes and Fortinbras in Hamlet Essay1031 Words   |  5 PagesThe Foils of Laertes and Fortinbras in Hamlet  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare wrote the classic play, Hamlet in the sixteenth century.   Hamlet would be a very difficult play to understand without the masterful use of foils.   A foil is a minor character in a literary work that compliments the main character through similarities and differences in personality.   The audience can identify similarities and differences between any of the characters and Hamlet, however, there are two characters thatRead MoreMinor Characters Of Shakespeare s Hamlet1595 Words   |  7 PagesShakespeare’s use of minor characters in his play, Hamlet, the playwright was able to subtly develop Hamlet’s character. In using minor characters, Shakespeare emphasized certain traits which the main character held. These minor character also personify the motifs of contrast between a sickly interior versus healthy exterior and contrasting life and death; the minor characters’ embodiment of these motifs further establish for the audien ce the importance of these motifs within the play. Three minorRead MoreAnalysis Of The Lion King Essay1348 Words   |  6 Pagesarguably the best Disney movie ever, is loosely based off of Hamlet; Mufasa, being the lion version of a King Hamlet, killed by his nefarious, and yet musically gifted, shabby younger brother Scar. This aforementioned, Hamlet has been adapted many times since it’s indeterminate publication sometime between 1599 and 1602. Many a high schoolers have had the honor of reading, or have been forced to read, the powerful and sometimes bawdy words of Hamlet, one of William Shakespeare s greatest works. One elementRead MoreThe Importance Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1555 Words   |  7 PagesIT reflects the popularity of Hamlet one of shakespeares greatest works a for good reason. Hamlet was story before a play it was a story that had a lot of variations then came shakespeare to give his twist upon it to change certain parts and it ended in becoming the story we all know and love. The story is an emot ional one it has been told in so many ways but this one relates most to the audience. Shakespeare was really changing the world with his plays like hamlet or Julius Caesar he work was stunningRead MoreTheme Analysis : The Tragedy Of Hamlet 1578 Words   |  7 PagesJackson F. Jones Mrs. Larr English IV 1st Period 16 December 2014 Theme Analysis of Hamlet The tragedy of Hamlet is a work of literature that contains a multitude of themes. Some of these themes are apparently obvious as you read through the tragedy. Themes such as revenge and madness present themselves openly through the progression of the story. However, there are other themes that lurk below the surface. You just have to dive a little deeper into the story to find them. On the surface, the themeRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet1172 Words   |  5 PagesHamlet is a complex story that uses many literary devices to help develop the characters in Hamlet. One dominant device is irony. The main plot of the story revolves around irony. Hamlet is a witty character and loves to use irony. Hamlet’s use of irony displays how he insults people, discovers useful information, and reveals his true character. The use of irony in this story helps to add depth to each character, which is why Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s most complex stories. There are three typesRead MoreThe Great Chain of Being in Hamlet1106 Words   |  5 Pagesorder. Where it is placed depends on the amount of spirit and importance in society it has. The chain commences at God and progresses downward to angelic beings, kings, princes, nobles, regular humans, animals, plants, and many other objects of nature. According to this theory, all existing things have their specific function in the universe, and causing any kind of disorder on the higher links of this chain courts disaster. In Hamlet, Shakespeare dwells on the idea of a disheveled natural social

Monday, December 16, 2019

Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 Free Essays

It’s your 18th birthday and your finally a legal adult. Immediately you can smoke cigarettes, vote, be a jury member, even join the military and fight for your country. But don’t think about a having a beer at your going away party the night before you depart for the Middle East. We will write a custom essay sample on Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 or any similar topic only for you Order Now No, you will have to wait until your 21. As an American citizens we are given many responsibilities at the age of 18. One of them not being the ability to consume alcohol. So I believe that at the age of 18 should come the responsibility of legally partaking of alcohol. If we are considered adults and expected to act like one at the age of 18, it isn’t right to restrict us to a drinking age of 21. At 18 you can get married, vote, pay taxes, take out loans or risk your life as a member of the U. S. military. But the law in our country says that no alcoholic beverages may be sold to anyone until the age of 21. Who says that 21 is the magical age that makes one intelligent and mature enough to consume alcohol. Sure some adults abuse alcohol and some teenagers would be able to drink responsibly. While 21 may be the legal drinking age in the U. S. no scientific evidence exists proving this is the age at which young people can safely begin drinking alcohol. (Bryan Knowles). By lowering the drinking age it would take away some of the temptation involved with alcohol. It’s not as much fun when its allowed! The most common reason for underage drinking is because alcohol is seen as â€Å"the forbidden fruit. In a study by Dr. Engs, professor of applied health and science, found that by increasing the legal drinking age, young people tend to abuse alcohol more. In actuality raising the drinking age was much worse than doing nothing. Drinking is more exciting when it is illegal. So many people go out and get drunk simply because they know that it’s illegal (Dr Engs). If we do away with this concept then we are left we people partaking in less booze filled nights. Leaving the decision of alcohol mostly to the family is the best scheme if the aim is to reduce underage drinking. We should also focus on safe drinking instead of age restrictions. Educating on the power of alcohol instead of just telling them not to drink it would create a better understanding for our young ones Other countries like France, have a much lower rate of alcohol abuse. This comes from educated and gradual drinking. American teens have not learned to drink gradually or in moderation. We need to focus on educating our young people on safe drinking and as a social activity, instead of a type of escape. Why is there still a problem if alcohol education currently exists? Because current alcohol education in high school and college teaches the following: This is how you drink responsibly, now don’t drink because you are too young. How does anyone expect students to listen to a teacher when this gibberish is coming from their mouth? First you need to properly educate young adults. Second, you need trust them. If you treat young adults like children they will act like children. If you treat young adults as responsible adults they will act maturely. While most parents agree that serving alcohol to groups of minors should be prohibited, many also reserve the right to introduce their teenage children to alcohol. Supervised, moderate exposure to alcohol in the home with family lays the foundation for a healthy respect for alcohol and its associated responsibilities. Bryan Knowles) In conclusion, is 21 really the prestigious age we all can’t wait to reach. At 21, does all the maturity and intelligence we need to navigate this earth finally dawn on us! Well, our country seem to think so. So at the end of the day when you are deployed to Iraq to serve your country, don’t even think about having an adult beverage. Because you’re not an adult until 21, you must wait three more years. But look on the b right side, there will always be a beer waiting for you when you are of age. How to cite Lowering the Drinking Age to 18, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Dramatic Device Persuasive Essay Example For Students

Dramatic Device Persuasive Essay Imagine that you are directing the play An Inspector Calls and have to explain to the actress who is playing Sheila how you think her part should be played. Write the guidance to her.  Dear Ms. Bolton,  An Inspector Calls is a moralistic play that was written in 1945 by J. B. Priestley. The play is set in 1912, two years before the start of the First World War. J. B. Priestley wrote the play to convey his socialist ideas to people. He believed that the capitalist system Britain was under need to be changed, along with peoples attitudes. Through his play, he wanted to show everyone that it isnt just themselves who they are responsible for, but others too, and that all your actions have consequences on others, even if you might not expect them to. At the beginning of the play, Priestley uses an extensive set of stage directions, which he uses as a dramatic device to show how cold and callous members of the Birling family are. Priestley also uses lighting skilfully as another dramatic device. He says that the lighting should be pink and warm at the start of the play, but when the inspector arrives, it should change to brighter and harder. This gives the impression that at first the audience is seeing the family through almost rose tinted glasses, however, once the inspector arrives, the truth is revealed. Before the inspector arrives, Sheila is just a normal girl of her time. She has just listened to her father make a speech on how every man should work for himself, but then the inspector arrives. It is a clever dramatic device used by Priestley to discredit Mr Birling, and therefore his capitalist ideas too. She has no responsibility, and has been brought up by a capitalist factory owner to believe that each man should work for himself only. Priestley uses dramatic irony very well as during Mr. Birlings speech, he claims that there will be no war and that the Titanic will not sink. The audience in 1945 would have known that those things had happened soon after, thereby making Mr Birling an unreliable character. At this point in the play, Sheila is confident because she is everything shes been taught is good in a woman; beautiful, a good wife and ready to start a family. She is light hearted and unaware of the outside world, and her only aims in life were to look beautiful and to get married. As she has got engaged to a man who has an even higher status than her, she has achieved what would be seen as one of her main aims in life. Therefore, at this point in the play, she is extremely jovial. She is pleased by small things and is rather excitable too. Oh yes, its wonderful! When she gets the engagement ring she wants, she needs to act extremely pleased. Her speech is split as she is unable to construct sentences to express her emotions properly, and this needs to be made clear to the audience so they can understand Sheilas character better. As she is still quite immature for her age due to the way shes been bought up, she needs to act almost like a young child. She should use lots of hand gestures and seem unable to control all her strong feelings of happiness. However, when the inspector arrives, her whole attitude should change. For probably the first time in her life, she is made to feel guilty about what shes done. She starts to think about the world outside of her environment, and can actually see that the things which she and her family do without a second thought can have an adverse affect upon other people less fortunate than her. She sees what life is like, outside of the protective bubble she has lived in for the past years. .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69 , .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69 .postImageUrl , .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69 , .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69:hover , .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69:visited , .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69:active { border:0!important; } .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69:active , .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69 .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0eaf1089d29838ba632b8c3f50689f69:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Blood Brother EssayImmediately she finds out about what happened to Eva Smith, she becomes rather distressed I cant help thinking about this girl. She has never had to deal with anything similar to this before, but is able to empathize with Eva. Shes still young, as she says I wish you hadnt told me which shows her wanting to be able to go back to how she saw, however, she is able to understand the problems. She is able to realize, before anyone else in her family, just how much of a part they all really played in Evas death. Sheila needs to act upset, so you need to use a high pitched voice, tremble slightly and use suitable facial expressions. However, she also has to show how greatly she has matured in just a matter of minutes, so she needs to be able to control her emotions, in contrast to how she was before. Show this by having Sheila take a breath a sign of trying to compose yourself- before speaking to ask questions on the affair. Also, look right into the inspectors eyes, to show how her concern is genuine. Sheila needs to show how far shes progressed when she says These girls arent cheap labour theyre people. That is an obvious sign of Sheilas changed view on the world, and the audience need to be able to notice this. When you say that line, say it very clearly and look at the audience so you can communicate the message to them well. Emphasize people as its the key word in the sentence because it shows that Sheila is starting to see the world from a completely different angle than what she brought up to see it as. Sheila was the one who was had Eva dismissed from her job so you must show what tremendous guilt Sheila feels for her part in Evas death. When Sheila is shown the picture of Eva, she needs to almost revert back to her old, immature and emotional self as she runs out of the room. However, she does return, which shows that she is able to face up to what she has done.  She asks So Im really responsible, which shows that she is embracing the idea of responsibility. That line clearly shows Sheila being able to take her share of the blame for what happened, unlike most of her family. It shows the clear differences between them, as they deny any of it was their fault, whereas Sheila accepts it.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

School Uniforms Essays - Uniforms, School Uniform, Military Uniform

School Uniforms Mandatory uniforms is an answer that some give to stop the recent and alarming rise in violence and drop out rates in our public schools. Those that support uniforms argue that uniforms disguise economic and ethnic backgrounds, so students are no longer jealous of others. The financial burden on parents is lifted. But do uniforms really give all of these benefits? Can just one change in public schools make them so much better? The wearing of uniforms in more of the nation's public schools has been a much-talked about issue recently, with President Clinton and several members of Congress voicing their support. Supporters of school uniforms say social and economic classes would no longer be revealed by students' clothing, schools will have more of a sense of community, and students' self-esteem will improve. Some gang members have hurt or murdered innocent people because of a colored item of clothing they chose to wear. Proponents assert that uniforms will reduce this type of violence in schools and, therefore, make classes safe and orderly. Uniforms have been shown to reduce absentee rates as well. In situations where there are several different financial backgrounds attending the same school students may be under pressure, and possibly ridiculed because of failure to conform to the latest fashion trends. Everybody wearing the same styles of clothes might eliminate that. In response to growing levels of violence in our schools, many parents, teachers, and school officials have come to see school uniforms as one positive and creative way to reduce discipline problems and increase school safety. They observed that the adoption of school uniform policies can promote school safety, improve discipline, and enhance the learning environment. As a result, many local communities are deciding to adopt school uniform policies as part of an overall program to improve school safety and discipline. California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, New York, Tennessee, Utah and Virginia have enacted school uniform regulations. Even though social and economic barriers can be torn down, some schools have not had as much success. In fact, implementing mandatory school uniforms can be dangerous because it provides the community with a false sense of security. It is like putting a small bandage on an enormous wound, instead of attempting to find ways to truly deal with the bleeding. Although this can happen, uniforms prove to continue to be a success. In a recent study of uniforms in Georgia Schools, eighty percent of students stated that they did not feel that the uniforms reduced fights and 68.7% felt that uniforms did not help to make them feel a part of school. One argument is that if our society is to ever get past bigotry and prejudices, it is imperative that students learn to accept people that do not dress like them, but others believe that uniforms bring different cultured people together. I believe that uniforms usually help in most areas, but I do not see a huge need for them in Ware County. The greatest effect of the school uniforms would be not having to wear labcoats! I myself would not feel at any way individually squashed if I were made to wear a uniform. Everyone must look at the main issue pertaining to this topic. Our Lives, without our individuality is meaningless. I would be more than willing to wear a uniform to school and be safe and let my personality express my individualism, and be judged for what I am than to be judged and be pput into a life threatening situation for what color I was wearing.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Diary Of A Hugger Analysis Essays

Diary Of A Hugger Analysis Essays Diary Of A Hugger Analysis Essay Diary Of A Hugger Analysis Essay Before shooting my documentary, I carried out some research on the typical conventions that they usually use. This was a challenge as each documentary in its own right has set out to create a different effect on its audience, and within that, each audience is different according to the documentary. Despite this, I found that documentaries always create a relationship between themselves and the audience, and make sure that their audience establish an opinion relating to the topic. For my filming coursework I decided to make the first three minutes of a diary style documentary. The main concept was surrounding a Free Hug Campaign and the events leading up to it in the form of a diary, so using a handheld camera was appropriate as it created an authentic and personal feel to the documentary. Although the shots were set up, they had to appear to be spontaneous moments of filming and merely a record of the events that were taking place. The title Diary of a Hugger seemed appropriate and clear, it emphasises the diary style and hugger is quite a colloquial word that adds informality. To add to the diary style of documentary, on certain shots I added text to the bottom left hand corner of the screen stating Day One or Day Two, this is a way of keeping the audience informed of the time scale of filming and also adds to the authenticity. Along with this, I have used white text on a black background when introducing the original project as this gives the appearance as the text being completely factual, and accurate. Each day of filming starts with an establishing shot to set the scene, and this is also a panning shot to show more of the frame for the audience. Usually these establishing shots are before a set of scenes that are filmed within the same place .The shot of the house shows that the area is fairly suburban and standard in a terraced house, so that the campaign is just being done by a normal person and therefore could be done by anyone, this is a way of creating a relationship with the audience. By creating this image, the idea could inspire the audience to do a free hug campaign themselves. When filming the shot of the station, I purposefully did a high angle shot, which gives the impression that something is foreboding or about to happen, and the view of the camera is over looking the event. I thought this would help to build up the tension for the audience, and was used in documentaries such as Touching the Void Within the documentary I have chosen to include two talking head interviews from two people who have different opinions of the free hug campaign. This way the audience get two different views, and it appears to be unbiased. A talking head shot was appropriate for this, as the attention is on the speaker and their opinions can be put across clearly. I found this to be effective in the three-minute documentary Smoking Day Zero, as it was one speaker throughout. Each interview was also filmed within the house which was in the first establishing shot, I thought this would add to the idea of these being normal people in natural surroundings, and not previously set up at all. For example, the second interview is filmed in the kitchen, and the first on a couch. At the beginning of the documentary, I have included some found footage in the form of some photos of the original free hug campaign, and ones that have followed after it to show the large impact that its already had on the world, and the 80 countries its been in. There is a famous video of clips from the original campaign, which is quite well known around the Internet, so by including some intertextuality, the audience may already recognise the campaign and images included. After this there is a MCU stood in front of a brick wall, talking about the effects of the free hug campaign. The brick wall could connote the formality and monotonous ways in which we live, and how the free hug campaign could change this and bring people together. I got the idea of having the first shot by a brick wall from Pink Floyds song Another brick in the wall, where many of the lyrics could be seen as challenging the idea of every one being the same, and living in a society where no one cares anymore. One of the aims of the free hug campaign was to challenge this and show the world that strangers arent that bad. The fade at the end works well as it leaves the results of the campaign to the audiences imagination. Going along with the idea of building tension, I decided to film on a train as the thought of travelling to do the free hugs creates even more anxiety. In addition to this, it is another talking head, speaking about feeling nervous about what is going to happen and this adds to the edgy situation. There were some technical difficulties when filming my documentary, for example when uploading on to the editing program, there was a fault that created lines across each shot, and after trying to overcome this with different cameras, I had to work around it and accept that some shots were partially distorted. As well as this, when filming a computer screen, the screen itself flickers which makes it difficult to see what is being shown. With more advanced equipment I would have been able to concentrate more on lighting, and making sure that each shot was clear and the lighting was directed on to the subject. I would have like to use a microphone as well to aid the narrative. As well as this, if the piece was able to be longer, I would have liked to go on to have the free hug campaign take place, and film the results of it and peoples reactions. Overall the documentary fulfils its purpose, and together with the camera angles and the narrative the effect on the audience is successful. I am happy with the outcome of my documentary, however I would have like to be able to make it longer, with more of an emphasis on the general publics point of views towards such a campaign that involves spontaneous human contact so that the audience can establish more of a relationship with the documentary. I feel that the diary style worked well, and that because of this, there was able to be a personal feel that the audience could identify with.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Analogous Structures in Evolution

Analogous Structures in Evolution There are many types of evidence supporting evolution, including studies in the molecular biology field, such as DNA, and in the developmental biology field. However, the most commonly used types of evidence for evolution are anatomical comparisons between species. While homologous structures show how similar species have changed from their ancient ancestors, analogous structures show how different species have evolved to become more similar. Speciation Speciation is the change over time of one species into a new species. Why would different species become more similar? Usually, the cause of convergent evolution is similar selection pressures in the environment. In other words, the environments in which the two different species live are similar and those species need to fill the same niche in different areas around the world. Since natural selection works the same way in these environments, the same types of adaptations are favorable, and individuals with favorable adaptations survive long enough to pass down their genes to their offspring. This continues until only individuals with favorable adaptations are left in the population. Sometimes, these types of adaptations can change the structure of the individual. Body parts can be gained, lost, or rearranged depending on whether their function is the same as the original function of that part. This can lead to analogous structures in different species that occupy the same type of niche and environment in different locations. Taxonomy When Carolus Linnaeus first began classifying and naming species with taxonomy, the science of classification, he often grouped similar-looking species into similar groups. This led to incorrect groupings compared to evolutionary origins of the species. Just because species look or behave the same doesnt mean they are closely related. Analogous structures dont have to share the same evolutionary path. One analogous structure might have come into existence long ago, while the analogous match on another species may be relatively new. They may go through different developmental and functional stages before they are fully alike. Analogous structures are not necessarily evidence that two species came from a common ancestor. It is more likely they came from two separate branches of the phylogenetic tree and may not be closely related at all. Examples The human eye is very similar in structure to the eye of the octopus. In fact, the octopus eye is superior to the humans in that it doesnt have a blind spot. Structurally, that is the only difference between the eyes. However, the octopus and the human are not closely related and reside far from each other on the phylogenetic tree of life. Wings are a popular adaptation for many animals. Bats, birds, insects, and pterosaurs all had wings. But a bat is more closely related to a human than to a bird or an insect based on homologous structures. Even though all these species have wings and can fly, they are very different in other ways. They just happen to fill the flying niche in their locations. Sharks and dolphins look very similar due to color, placement of their fins, and overall body shape. However, sharks are fish and dolphins are mammals. This means that dolphins are more closely related to rats than they are sharks on the evolutionary scale. Other types of evolutionary evidence, such as DNA similarities, have proved this. It takes more than appearance to determine which species are closely related and which have evolved from different ancestors to become more similar through their analogous structures. However, analogous structures themselves are evidence for the theory of natural selection and the accumulation of adaptations over time.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

International Business - Essay Example In this case, entrepreneurs are able to assess and identify businesses opportunity by evaluating different cultural requirements. As such, a close scrutiny of a specific culture will reveal the types of business opportunities that are viable in that particular area. Therefore, cultural diversity has its indispensible place in the heart of businesses. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that while businesses become big until they break cultural barriers, other regions suffer cultural infringement. This implies that globalization adversely affect cultural diversity. According to Kanuka (2008, p.117), globalization has lead to the loss of individualism and identity of a given group of people. In this case, many societies have blamed globalization for encouraging the Western ideal of individualism. As such, some cultural aspects are regarded as inferior to others. In this case, globalization has promoted a homogeneous set of beliefs and values. Moreover, the dominant population or culture overwhelms others and as such, globalization. Kanuka (2008, p.124) also argues that e-learning and technologies perpetuate colonization by designing prospectus that reflects the cognitive styles of the dominant

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Canadian history pre-confederation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Canadian history pre-confederation - Essay Example All the different groups of people who resided in geographical region of Canada added in one way or the other to the culture and identity that we recognize today. However, the popular version of history as it is taught to the masses often glosses over the contribution of and lifestyle followed by one set of people, that is, the slave groups who were also amongst the early settlers of the region. Canadian history, when it discusses the role of slavery and the slave trade within the region only highlights the fact that the government was amongst the first to hasten the demise of the abhorrent practice. The Canadian society as a whole has difficulty accepting the fact that slavery was actively practiced in New France and this fact has been documented as far back as 1629 with the arrival of the Kirke brothers and their young slave boy in Quebec2. The institution of slavery formed a significant part of Canadian society and hiding this fact is doing a disservice to the identity of the thousands of the African and Aboriginal men, women and children whose lives were impacted and molded by the practice. Slavery was a part of life in New France as well as under the Lower Canada during British rule. Slaves were owned by people from various demographics including religious, military and political leaders and the merchant class3. Popular historical narrative tended to portray that the slave trade had only reached the region after the British had conquered the region in 1760, however in the book â€Å"Canada’s Forgotten Slaves: Two Hundred Years of Bondage† historian Marcel Trudel provides extensive details of the people who lived as slaves before that time as well as the people who eagerly owned and ‘flaunted’ them. He states that â€Å"Slavery in Quebec was not some economic imperative, but rather a form of public extravagance which conferred

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Healthy Eating Essay Example for Free

Healthy Eating Essay I conducted research on a chosen topic for me to gain my secondary data, I research article on my chosen topic, printed them off and highlighted them in my appendix. I got the articles from books and online websites. I then produced a literature review of my articles. I also had to gain primary information which I got from my observations on 30 children at placement and 30 questionnaires send out to the parents but in order for me to do this I had to send out permission letters but before I was ale to do this I had to created my questionnaire and provision letter. Once I had all my permission letters and questionnaires back (managed to get 20 back), I collated my data and the produced charts by using bar charts, pie charts and tally charts. I was also able to carry out my observations because I had my permission slips and with this information I produced my data using bar charts, pie charts and tally charts. After producing all my charts, I had to analyse and summarise the date and find out the mode, range and median of each chart. I also produced my methodology, put into my appendix example of my questionnaire and permission letters as well as the printed out PowerPoint, say what topic I picked and why, the aims of my topic, what my sample target was and how many, who piloted my questionnaire and how I produced it, the ethical issues throughput my research project and confidentiality. An action plan was produced on each section in my research project by a grid which I filled out the dates of target completion and actual completion date. The last thing I did in my research project was state the strengths and weakness throughout the project, conclude what I have found out and reflect on the whole research project as well as having my bibliography which includes all the article I printed off, highlighted and reviewed. From carrying out this research project I found out that 13 children are healthy and 7 children are unhealthy out of the 20 children aged 4-5 years old. I also found out from my data that 4 year old boys are healthier than girls of that age and 5 year old girls are healthier than boys of that age. Another thing I found out was that 15 parents don’t follow the at well plate when providing their child with food however children are eating a variety of food from different food groups that are recurred for them to have a healthy diet. I also found out that children do eat fruit and the majority of parents don’t struggle to provide their child with a healthy diet as this can be seen in my data. Another thing I found out was that 15 parents don’t follow the at well plate  when providing their child with food. I chose to research the subject healthy eating because I believe it is important to give children a healthy lifestyle to help prevent and reduce their risk of anaemia, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity in the future. My research will be carried out by observing 30 children at placement between the age of 4-5 years and questionnaires on the parents. In order for me to carry out observations and questionnaires I will need permission from the parents of the children. I will gain permission by writing permission letters to the parents and get the signatures back to say whether they will complete my questionnaire and allow their child to be observed. I will get any secondary data/ literature information on healthy eating from books, articles, pictures and online websites which I use to help me back up my research and results. The type of data that will be used in my project is qualitive and quantitive data. My primary data will be shown by bar charts, pie chart and tally chart. I will select my participants by using every parents and child’s observation and questionnaire in order for me to gain the best information and results possible. The one and most important thing I will need to consider when collecting any data id to make sure it is valid and reliable and I will check whether this is by investigating the source to see if it is relevant. The problems that might arise during this research project maybe the lack of information and relevance of information. The ethical issues that I have to consider are confidentiality; keeping my observations and questionnaire anonymous a the way through my research project, person may withdraw their participants at anytime during my project, some parents may not want to provide the information in the questionnaire and therefore will not take part or want their child to contribute in the observation, remember to value and not judge the participants and allow them all to take part by sticking to equal opportunities and be sensitive to the children and their needs by balancing their rights of needs to protection and participants through applying the Children Act 1989 and 2004 as well as the UNCRC 1989 to this. I found that the strengths of my chosen methodology were that I could have a wide range of the sample target, the person doesn’t feel pressured into answering any questions, it was easy to generate quantitative date and easy to analyse. I found that the weaknesses of my chosen methodology were that not all people could have told the truth when answering the questions, people obtained different interpretations of some questions. When observing the children the strength I found was that it was easy to record down what I wanted to gain my information on and the weakness I found was that not all children were present at the day that I wanted to observe them therefore I had to carry out the observation on a day where all the children were present. I managed to receive back all 30 copies that were sending out to the parents which had all been completed the correct way. I had to stick to confidentiality all the way throughout my research project and in order for me to do this, I kept all my questionnaire and observations anonymous. I kept my questionnaires anonymous. I kept my observations anonymous by not including any child’s name when gaining my information. I recorded my information in bar charts, tally charts and pie charts. The recording methods I used were very useful because I was able to read the information from it need in order for me to gain my results. The figures which show this are that 13 children are healthy and 7 children are not healthy in chart 12. It also shows on chart 29 that only 4 children are unhealthy from the ethnicity groups; 1 child is unhealthy out of the 7 British children, 1 Polish child is unhealthy out of the 3 Polish children, the 1 Spanish child is unhealthy and the 1 Jewish person is unhealthy which meant that the other 16 children all together from each ethnicity group were healthy. This could have an impact on how many children understood what a healthy diet is or what a balanced diet is as seen in chart 13 which shows that 9 children understand what a healthy diet is or what a balanced diet is, 6 ch ildren don’t understand what a healthy diet is or what a balanced diet is, 1 child only know what a healthy diet is, 1 child understand what a healthy diet is or what a balanced diet is sort of, 1 child is only understood some of it and the other one child should do. Another thing that could have an impact on how healthy children are is chart 21, showing that 17 parents do the household shopping and 3 parents don’t therefore could have an outcome in how healthy the children eat because the parents are buying the food that  they will provide for their child to eat and these children could be given healthier food to eat e.g.: fruit and vegetables meaning they are eating a healthy diet. The fact that on 17 more children prefer to drink fizzy drinks to water didn’t have an impact on the majority of the 4-5 year olds having a healthy diet because we can see on chart 21 that 23 parents do the household shopping out of the 30 in the class and therefore these children could be given healthier food to eat e.g.: fruit and vegetables meaning they are eating a healthy diet. From chat 20 we see that 15 children mange to eat 5 fruit and vegetables per day and 5 children don’t eat 5 fruit and vegetable, however they many still mange to have some fruit during the day and this is than seen in chart 9 that 11 children have fruit and vegetable in their lunch boxes and on a daily basis. One thing that influenced the outcome of my research was most of the parents have jobs that enquire them to work with children or to look after peoples health, therefore because parents were doing this in their jobs, they know about why it is important to provide their child with a healthy diet and their children than was being encouraged to eat healthy and had a healthy diet. Another thing that influenced the outcome of my research is that the majority of parents provided their child with freshly cooked food meaning that the children were getting a variety of food to make up the healthy diet. 85% of the children were having a lot of energy during the day which had an influence on the outcome because if children eat a healthy food they are more likely to grow and develop better and don’t feel so sleepily during the day as seen in chart 23 that 16 children don’t feel sleepily during the day. The action plan that is in my appendix helped me complete my project as I was able to record the dates of completion on each section in the project and stick to it. It also helped me to manage my time effectively. I produced a questionnaire that links to my chosen topic healthy eating, where I wrote open-ended questions, yes and no questions and multiple answer questions in order for me to gain the information I want. I numbered each question 1 to 28 because the more questions in my questionnaire would give me more valid data to produce my charts and get reliable results. Once I had my questionnaire produced, a Level3 student in Health and Social Care piloted my questionnaire and found that there were no issues in my questionnaire. I therefore typed up my questionnaire and printed 30 copies for my sample target. I predict that if children aged 4-5 years old eat healthy, we should than find that they are having a healthy diet. If the reason for them having a healthy diet is eating a variety of food and getting the intake of mutations required from different food groups e.g.: fruit and vegetables. I expect to find that if parents provide their children with a healthy diet than they are more likely to eat healthy and have a healthy diet and if parents provide children with an unhealthy diet they are more likely to eat unhealthy and have an unhealthy diet. I expect to find the type of food that children eat on a daily basis to have an effect on how healthy they eat. I predict that if children are involved in helping with any type of preparing of food at home they are more likely to want to eat different kinds of food which means they will than be eating healthy. I expect to find, the ethnicity of children will not have an affect on how healthy they eat. I predict that if children have older siblings they will be influenced by their eating habits and they maybe passed down onto the younger sibling. I expect children who manage to have 5 fruit and vegetables per day will be  seen to have a healthier diet. From carrying out this research project on healthy eating I found out those 13 children are healthy out of the 20 children aged 4-5. I also found out that children do eat fruit and the majority of parents don’t struggle to provide their child with a healthy diet as this can be seen in my data. Another thing I found out was that 15 parents don’t follow the at well plate when providing their child with food however children are eating a variety of food from different food groups that are recurred for them to have a healthy diet. My research findings will help in my practice and support the development of my own practice when working with children and parents because I can be a good role model for the children and encourage the children that are not eating healthy to eat healthier, it gives me a better understanding of why children need to eat healthily and have 5 a day and I can back up my practice with evidence from NHS choices, The British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) and Food Standards Agency and I can also gain knowledge on anything I may not know. The perditions and expectations in my hypothesis about the findings of my research seem to be shown as testable statements because the whole outcome of the project gave me the results which i was hoping to find. Books: Bruce. T and Meggitt (2002) Child Care and Education Third Edition, Italy: Hodder Stoughton Tassoni. P et al (2007) Child care and education 4th edition, London: Heinemann Websites: ETC Network (2011) Healthy Lifestyle for Children [Online] available at: http://everychildhealthy.com/blog/healthy-lifestyle-for-children Accessed on: 18th March 2012 NHS Choices (2011) – 5 A Day and your family [Online] available at: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/5ADAY/Pages/Family.aspx Accessed on: 18th March 2012 KidsAndNutrition (2000-2012) How Many Calories Does Your Child Need? [Online] available at: http://www.kidsandnutrition.co.uk/how-many-calories-does-your-child-need.html Accessed on: 12th May 2012 BBC (2012) Nutritional needs in children [Online] available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/treatments/healthy_living/nutrition/life_children.shtml Accessed on: 4th June 2012 Department of heath (2004) – 5 A Day Made Easy: Just Eat More (fruit Veg) [Online] available at: http://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/@dh/@en/documents/digitalasset/dh_4088835.pdf Accessed on: 4th June 2012 British Nutrition Foundation (2009-2012) – Nutrition throughout life: School age children [Online] available at: http://www.nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/life/school-children Accessed on: 4th June 2012 Oliver (2008) Jamie’s manifesto (part II) [Online] available at: http://www.jamieoliver.com/news/jamie-s-manifesto-part-ii Accessed on: 15th June 2012 Weight Loss Resources (2000-2012) Good Nutrition for children [Online] available at: http://www.weightlossresources.co.uk/children/nutrition_calorie_needs.htm Accessed on: 4th June 2012

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fuel Systems :: essays research papers

Fuel Systems In this report I will explain the fuel systems in an automobile. I will cover different parts and how they work. First thing to do is explain how the fuel system works. The purpose of the fuel system is to store and supply fuel to the cylinder chamber where it can be mixed with air then vaporized and burned to produce energy. The fuel, which can be either gas or diesel is stored in a fuel tank. A fuel pump draws the fuel from the gas tank through lines and brings it through a fuel filter. Next it goes to either a carburetor or fuel injector and then delivered to the cylinder chamber for combustion. We will start with the fuel tank. A fuel tank comes in many different sizes depending on how much space is available. Most cars and trucks have only one tank but some trucks have two. Fuel tanks can be made of 3 different things. These are pressed corrosion-resistant steel, aluminum, or molded reinforced polyethylene plastic. The fuel tank has internal baffles or surge plates to prevent the fuel from sloshing back and forth. If you hear splashing in the tank on acceleration or deceleration, this means that the baffles could be broken. All tanks have a fuel filler pipe, a fuel outlet line to the engine and a vent system. All catalytic converter cars are equipped with a filler pipe restrictor so that leaded fuel, which is dispensed from a thicker nozzle, cannot be introduced into the fuel system. All modern fuel tanks include devices that prevent vapors from leaving the tank. All fuel tank designs provide some control of fuel height when the tank is filled. This is achieved by using ve nt lings within the filler tube or tank. With this design only 90% of the tank is ever full, leaving 10% for expansion. Some vehicles have a over filling limiting valve to prevent overfilling of the tank. Fuel is drawn from the tank by an in-tank or chassis-mounted fuel pump. The fuel pump is the device that draws the fuel from the fuel tank through the fuel lines, to the fuel filter and then to the engine’s carburetor or injectors. There are two types of fuel pumps: mechanical and electrical. The mechanical fuel pump is bolted on the side of the engine block or on the side of the cover of the timing gear.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Employee Survey Analysis (ESA) Scripts

Employee Survey Analysis ( ESA ) Scripts Yet Another Natural Language Processing Application Abstraction— With this paper of our, we have peculiarly worked on one of the application of Data Analysis. We have proposed a fresh method for happening out valuable information out of the clump of natural informations utilizing Python and NLTK libraries. We have processed the Remarks of the assorted Employees of a Company in the signifier of Raw Data. Each Remark follows different stairss such as Cleansing which removes all the errors in the remarks made by the user, Taging which tags word harmonizing to the different types of verbs or adjectives used in the remarks, Lumping which includes choosing a perticualr phrase out of the cleansed remark by usage of a appropriate grammar regulation, Category Generation which includes different types of class generated for the words which can be used for bring forthing different classs user remarks. This includes the usage of Python as a tool where NLTk is added as a Natural Language Processor which is used for different sorts of lingui stic communications. You may happen the elaborate account about our methodological analysiss in the ulterior parts of this paper. Keywords— Python, NLTK, Tokenizer [ 8 ] , Lemmatizer [ 9 ] , Stemmer [ 9 ] , Chunker, Tagger.I. IntroductionWith the growing of IT sector over the past few old ages, informations handling and its analysis had become really hard. Many companies trades with a big sum of informations and they have purchased different tools from different companies like IBM, Microsoft, etc for informations storage and its analysis. Data Analysis fundamentally provides us the method to pull out some valuable information out of some natural facts. It contains several Fieldss which are required to be undertaken such as taking all the errors, change overing it into that signifier which our tool can understand, saying regulations for it usage, happening the results and take supportive actions on the footing of these results. The field of Data Analytics is pity huge and have many attacks related to informations extraction and mold and in this paper we will be discoursing on the one of the of import appl ication of Data Analytics. Let us better understand what Data Analysis is with illustration of a individual named Lee who had a wont of composing dairy. He started observing each and every incident of his life get downing from his birth boulder clay now. With the class of clip, he have written a batch of information about himself which reflects different phases of his life. Suppose if another individual goes through each and every incident of Lee ‘s life and analysis what he used to wish when he was below 10 old ages of age or which portion of his life was unforgettable. This analysis of the natural information and happen out the valuable information out of it is categorized with the term Data Analytics. I think now we are in a place to understand the relevant nomenclatures used in this paper. So I would wish to depict the existent methodological analysis of our research paper.II. A Brief METHODOLOGYThis paper demonstrates a novel method which help user to pull out utile information from the clump of a n atural information. It includes a method/ codes which include the usage of set of categories and maps which help in pull outing a utile information out of input informations. There are many utile maps which help in pull outing information that are included here. Some of them may be named as, Tokenizer, Taggers, Chunkers, Stemmers, Transformation of Chunkers and Taggers and many more. These methods or categories work on the tool Named as Python 2.7.6 which is required to be downloaded and good configured in the system. Every Code that is executed required to be imported through assorted bundles present in the library. In this undertaking, we have processed the informations and produced the different classs out of it and through that we have extracted what user really meant to state in his/her remarks. You may happen the elaborate account as what this paper is all approximately in ulterior portion.A.PythonPython [ 1 ] is considered as a high degree linguistic communication, a degree i n front of C and C++ . It is fundamentally developed for developing applications or books for transforming different signifiers of linguistic communications like English, French, German and many more. Python have a alone characteristic which differentiate it from other linguistic communications like C, C++ or Java is that it uses white infinite indenture instead than curly brackets. Presently, the latest version of python in the market is Python 3.4.1 was released on May 18th, 2014. But we have used Python 2.7.6.B.NLTKNLTK [ 3 ] is described as Natural Language Tool Kit. It comprises of library files in different linguistic communications that Python may utilize for informations analysis. One is required to import the NLTK bundle in the Python Shell so that its library files can be used by the coder. NLTK includes several characteristics like graphical presentation of informations. Several books have been published on the alien belongingss and installations of NLTK which clearly exp lains things off to any coder who is either novice with python or NLTK or merely an expert. NLTK finds several applications in research work when it comes to Natural Language Processing. It helps in treating text in several linguistic communications which itself is a large positive for modern research workers.III. IMPLEMENTATION OF EMPLOYEE SURVEY ANALYSIS ( ESA ) SCRIPTSA.What ‘s the Requirement of ESA Scripts.In Today ‘s universe of Globalization and competitions, It is the tendency which is followed by every company to form a Engagement and Exit Survey for its employee within the organisation to happen out the grounds why people wants to fall in or go forth their company. When any individual leaves any company, he/she is required to make full an online study that comprises of assorted Fieldss which might be the grounds for his go forthing the Organization. In that study, the inquiries might be in assorted signifiers like Check Boxes, Scroll List, Text field, etc. It i s pity easy to enter and analysis those inquiries which involve replying through Checkboxes or Scroll List but state of affairs becomes really feverish for the individual who is analysing that informations if the reply is recorded through Text fields or Text Paragraph. When speaking about manually reading, the individual, who is reading that informations, will be required to travel through each and every employees remarks to happen what were the grounds why they have left the occupation. Each company comprises of 1000s of employees and it is really common in industries that people moves from one organisation to another organisation. So, maintaining the path of all those employees by merely manual reading is a tough undertaking. Figure 1– A Screen Shot of Employee Exit Survey [ 1 ] Each company spends a batch of money and resources on their employees on their preparation and growing and hence, wants to happen the grounds why their best employees are go forthing them. Therefore, we are in an pressing demand of something which can assist us happening the grounds why any individual is go forthing his/her organisation. Although, there are several tools in the market by some singular companies like IBM. But the major point is they all are paid and therefore, require a batch of money to invested to buy them. In comparing with these paid tools, these Python Script are unfastened beginning and are free of cost. Any organisation can besides do alterations in the books harmonizing to its demand. Hence, it is supplying us the best ground why to choose for ESA Scripts.B.Functionality of ESA ScriptsESA Scripts performs following actions as specified below: –It corrects all the Spelling Mistakes.It corrects all the Repeated Words.It performs Lemmatization, Stemming an d Tokenization of Data.It performs Antonyms and Synonym Operations on words.It find out what sort of Verb, Noun or Adjective is used by the Employee.It generates Phrases depending upon the type of Grammar Rule one select.Removal of Stop Words.Encoding and Decryption of Special Stop Words.Removal of ASCII Codes.There are many more of import operations which comes under these above specified operations which are discussed subsequently as their functions comes.C.Following Big MeasureFirst of all, Remarks of different employees are taken in a individual Column of a CSV file and read line wise. Each Remark comprises of different paragraph holding different Spelling errors, repeated characters in a word and many more errors which are required to be removed before we can happen out what individual meant in his/her grounds for go forthing his/her occupation. All the files are required to be stored by.py extension and all the of import methods or categories are required to be defined in a individual library file so that when utilizing those maps and classes we can import them in a spell and utilize them to make whatever we like to make. These methods/classes are defined in library file named as CustomClassLibrary.py and this file is required to be executed at the top before utilizing any of the map or category so that these categories work consequently whenever they are called in the chief book. There is yet another of import thing that we are required to take attention of. You must either topographic point all you scripts in the current on the job directory or you must supply the way where you have placed your books. It is extremely required and if we do non supply the way of our books decently so it will be traveling to demo mistakes which will return an mistake that current file do non be in our directory. Figure-2Block Diagram Representing Various Processes to be followed This Purpose has been divided into 3 Classs which are as follows: a. Cleansing. b. Tagging and Chunking [ 12 ] . c. Category Generation. The above described description can be better explained by the figure given below. A.Cleaning: –Cleansing, as its name suggests includes the methods which help in cleaning the information which the user has provided. It includes those methods or maps by which one can tokenize informations, correct the spellings, take all the perennial words like if any user wrote ‘love’ as ‘llooovvvee’ in a really passionate manner. So they are required to be corrected. There are several Abbreviations that people wrote which are required to be changed to their normal word signifier. Then there are several stop words in the sentences which do non lend much to the significance of that sentence are hence required to be removed from that sentence. The process of this is explained as below. First of wholly, we break Paragraph into Sentences and in that process some of the words are changed into ASCII Codes which created job when we further run the procedure on them and are required to be removed through strip_unicode bid. After taking ASCII Codes we tokenize Sentences into words. Now, explicating each class in item below. Figure-3Measure wise Explanation for Above Process These words are processed and all the perennial words like â€Å"looovvee† are changed to â€Å"love† by utilizing repetition replacer map. After that all the short signifiers or the Abbreviations are changed to their full signifiers. All the spelling errors are required to be corrected before continuing farther. This map is imported utilizing import bid and all the methods are required to be defined in our library file named as CustomClassLibrary.py After rectifying all of our spelling errors, we lemmatize our word if they are found to be of Noun, Adjective or Verb. For any other class of words, it traveling to go through the word as it is. After that all the punctuations are removed such as Commas, Exclamation grade, Full Stops, etc. Here, now we are required to code some of the particular words so that they can be used in approaching procedure. We will be coding some of the words and them taking stop words from that list of words. All those word which do non assist in analysing the sentences like can, could, might, etc are removed from the list of words. Once, Stop words removed, we once more decrypt those particular words once more so that they can be processed now. At this measure, we have got the list of words which are traveling to be passed to make Antonym of words which appears after â€Å"not† word. For Example, â€Å"let’s† , â€Å"not† , â€Å"uglify† , â€Å"our† , â€Å"code† is changed to â€Å"let’s† , â€Å"beautify† , â€Å"our† , â€Å"code† . Therefore, we are at that place with our Cleansed Data. A.TAGGING AND Unitization: –Tagging is a procedure of assigning different tickets to the word in conformity with the portion of address tagging. For this, we have used Classifier based POS tagger [ 5 ] [ 10 ] which is rather a good tagger. When calculated, its efficiency comes out to be over 90 % which is rather good. For labeling, we passed the information word wise and happen out to which portion of address class it belongs. Either it is a noun or it is a verb or adjectival like vise. We are making labeling in order to bring forth labeled word from where we can make a grammar regulation so that from them, all the words which comes, forms a meaningful phrase and therefore can be wrote in different file.IV. GRAMMAR RULE [ 11 ] AND UnitizationA.Chunk Rule NP:{ & A ; lt ; RB|DT|NN.*|VB.* & A ; gt ; ? & A ; lt ; VB.* & A ; gt ; ? & A ; lt ; .* & A ; gt ; ? & A ; lt ; JJ.* & A ; gt ; ? & A ; lt ; JJ.*|NN. ? & A ; gt ; + }This Chunk Rule can be described as the phrase formed will get down with optional Adverb or Determiner or any sort of Noun or any sort of Verb followed by any sort of optional Verb followed by optional any word followed by any sort of optional Adjective and stoping with as many figure of any sort of Adjective or any sort of Noun.B.Category Coevals:For Category Generation, we have selected those set of tokenized words which are generated from chunked end product. These words are written individually in different file and we manually create class for that . Like if â€Å"salary† appears in the file so we have created its class as â€Å"salary problem† likewise if â€Å"family† appears in the word so we generated its class as â€Å"Personal Issues† . Once this file is created so we compare each and every word of the file and if we find that word in our distinguishable words file so we are traveling to bring forth that class for that word.Figure-3Distinct Categories defined for Chunked words Once the class is generated, this class is used to bring forth the consequences for the different remarks made by user. It is here shown in the figure below.Figure-4Classs Generated for different Employees remarks V. APPLICATION OF EMPLOYEE SURVEY ANALYSIS ( ESA ) SCRIPTSWe can make sentimental analysis utilizing this application. Sentimental Analysis [ 7 ] – This is a procedure of analysing the sentiments of a individual, be it positive, negative or assorted emotions. We can utilize the same application for other spheres as good like battle of an employee with the organisation.VI. DecisionThis Paper provides a advanced thought which helps in cut downing the human attempts as individual who is analysing the information of assorted employees who had left every bit now, is non required to travel through each and every employee’s remarks. Therefore, by running these books we will be able to bring forth what an employee is speaking about, what are the assorted causes which he found in the company which forced him to vacate. Hence, the value of this merchandise goes up when you think analysing the information of different users of different states following different linguistic communications.VII. REFRENCEShypertext transfer protocol: //123facebooksurveys.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/employee-exit- interview-1.png.hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_ ( programing language ) .hypertext transfer protocol: //www.python.org/ download/releases/3.4.1/ .hypertext transfer protocol: //www.nyu.edu/projects/politicsdatalab/workshops/NLTK_Presentation.pdf.hypertext transfer protocol: //www.packtpub.com/sites/default/files/3609-chapter-3-creating-custom-corpora.pdf.hypertext transfer protocol: //caio.ueberalles.net/ebooksclub.org__Python_Text_Processing_with_NLTK_2_0_Cookbook.pdf.hypertext transfer protocol: //fjavieralba.com/basic-sentiment-analysis-with-python.html.hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ics.uci.edu/~pattis/ICS-31/lectures/tokens.pdfhypertext transfer protocol: //nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/html/htmledition/stemming-and-lemmatization-1.html.hypertext transfer protocol: //www.monlp.com/2011/11/08/part-of-speech-tags/hypertext transfer protocol: //danielnaber.de/languagetool/download/style_and_grammar_checker.pdf.hypertext transfer protocol: //www.eecis.udel.edu/~trnka/CISC889-11S/lectures/dongqing-chunking.pdf.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Urban Social Issues Concerning Tourism in PNG

This purpose of the research is to find out does squatter settlers is an impediment to tourism growth in Madang town. The social issues and problems arising in Madang town are always in relation to rising settlers (e. g. wagol, admin compound and govstoa). There are many factors of that can hinder tourism growth such as law and order problem, political unrest and the economy crisis of the country. In each province, they have their own problem or issues that can destroy their own image for example in Lae, pick pockets by street vendors.Tourism in Madang has been developing in a very rapid pace from the previous years and is one of model province in PNG. Alongside is the rise of mining industry outside Madang town, new businesses to cater for the new emerging industry such as the Marine Industry. All these development have cause settlements in Madang Town to increase. The research is to signify what are the main impacts of squatter settlements on tourism in Madang. The increase of sett lements in Madang can be result of tourism development and other recent industrial development such as the Ramu Nickel.Most of the people living in squatter settlements such as wagol, govstoa and admin compound are employed and contribute to the economy of Madang Province. However, most of the street sellers, pick picketers, drug dealers, beggers are also living in settlements. In addition, most tourism business in towns depends on its employees living in settlements. With the increase of social problems in Madang town are always the settlements are to be blame. This is a major barrier to the tourism industry as its give bad image to Madang Province and as Papua New Guinea.Moreover, living standards of settlements are in a very poor state such as wagol, gov stoa, and addressing this problem through tourism is a very challenging era of tourism industry. Hypothesis The hypothesis of this research is to find out why squatter settlers are main hindrance on tourism industry. If illegal s ettlers are to be blame for the rise of criminal activities in town, what are the impacts that might hinder tourism development? Is squatter settlement the only cause of social problems in destroying the status of Madang province as one of the major ourist destination in PNG? Apart from squatter settlers, are there other problems that are hindering tourism development in Madang Province? How can Madang provincial government and administration address the issue in relation to tourism and squatter settlements? Are there any links between tourism and squatter settlements in terms of community development through tourism? How can the provincial government intervene with tourism industry to solve this issue? The research needs to find out the challenges of tourism that might face through tourism development in Madang province.Decarmation of Terrain of Study Since the research is on the barrier between tourism and the settlers, the welfare of the people will be more considered in avoiding biased report. There could be limitations such as time to carry out the research, finance to fund the research and atmosphere where the research will be conducted. Defining of Terminology/Concepts The terminologies that will be use in this research will be tourism terms combined with social terms. It will be define clearly and explain accordingly to its origin.Most of the terms will be related to tourism and the social issues concerning its barrier to tourism development. Indication of the Importance/Significance of the Research The research should be taken because Madang town is experiencing the rise in domestic immigrants and illegal settlers. The tourism industry should consider the impacts of squatter settlements as they are seen as the contributing factor to criminal activities such daylight robbery, pickpockets, street sellers on the rise, pollution and poor living conditions.All this activities destroys the status of Madang and portray wrong image to the outside world. This research will determine well formulated strategies by the tourism industry and the Madang provincial government to minimize crime rates in Madang. Moreover, squatter settlers may not the only barriers to tourism and other industry development but an important part in the growth of the economy of Madang province. They also contribute to the growth of the economy which most of them are employed in the informal sector and formal sector.Literature Survey. David Kindak Gera (2003) does research on squatter settlement: A hindrance to socioeconomic development in Madang Town in partial fulfillment for the course requirements for the PG415 Research Dissertation in the Department of Arts/PNG Studies. He found out that Government departments and private employers see settlements and shanty towns as home of criminals, convicts, harlots and drugs addicts. As well as landowners blame settlers for the criminal activities done in Madang Town. These three stakeholders of Madang town development ent irely believe that settlements and slums are breeding grounds for rascal activities.He also argued that most people living in the settlements are decent citizen and do not get themselves involve in any criminal activities. Few of them especially the cognates and kinsmen who are seen as vagrants involve in criminal activities and tarnish the reputation and every settlement inhabitant seems to be the victim. The research done by David Kindak Gera is so significant to my research because it includes all point of views from three stakeholders on Squatter settlements spoiling the image image of madang town. John Connel and John Lea (2002) publish a book Urbanization in the Island Pacific towards sustainable development.They explore the diversity of the urban experience in the ten independent island states, focusing on strategies to secure long-term sustainable development. This book can help me formulate ideas and recommendations for tourism development alongside with squatter settlement s in Madang Town. According to the Papua New Guinea University of Technology, squatter settlements conference proceedings, Manandhar & Baloiloi (editors) presents the grips of the solution to the urban settlement crisis in Papua New Guinea that is becoming more and more acute in recent years.It hopes to help squatters in their quest for better living and in making cities a more livable place for everyone. These conference proceedings will help me in my research to create arguments on the current squatter settlements in Madang Town and how it could be manage in through tourism development. Resettlement Issues, Squatter Settlements and the Problems of Land Administration in Abuja, Nigeria’s Federal Capital research done by Ibrahim Usman JIBRIL, Nigeria This paper examines these problems and its implications on land administration in the FCT.It argues that policy inconsistencies as well as lack of serious efforts and political will by the government have militated against a last ing solution to these problems within the FCT. Until these issues are properly addressed, the implementation of the Master Plan would be a very difficult task to accomplish in the long run. It also examines the recent new Government approach involving all stakeholders. It is expected that once this programs succeed, it would serve as a model for future resettlement programs within the FCT and possibly for Nigeria in general.This literature could help indentify weakness and strength of the Government in handling the squatter settlements. Its also useful in formulating strategies for the Madang Provincial Government to tackle the issues of urban settlements destroying the image of tourism. For the purpose of this research, and in order to achieve the objectives will be collected and will be used both primary and secondary data. The secondary data will contribute toward the formation of background information, needed by in order to build constructively the project and the reader to com prehend more thoroughly the survey outcome.Research Method Primary data will be collected in two ways. Firstly, a questionnaire survey will be conducted with the local landowners. Secondly, interviews will be also carried out with providers of accommodation services and members of the local authority and if possible the visiting tourists. The main purpose of this study is to obtain an insight into the current development of rural tourism in the area of Bialla in order to propose further recommendations for efficient rural development.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Respiratory System Essays - Infectious Diseases, RTT, Free Essays

Respiratory System Essays - Infectious Diseases, RTT, Free Essays Respiratory System Respiratory System The main organs of the respiratory system are the lungs, trachea, bronchioles, mouth, nose and epiglottis. The accessory organs are the bladder, lungs, large intestine, kidney and pancreases. Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System The respitory system tract is divided into the upper and lower regions. The upper respoitory tract includes the nasal passages, sinuses, and the throat area where the epiglottis and larynx are located. The lungs are a pair of large , spongy organs found in the thorax lateral to the heart and superior to the diagram. Each lung is surrounded by a pleural membrane that provides the ling with space to expand as well as a negative pressure space relative to the bodies exterior The Bronchi and bronchioles is located at the interior end of the trachea, the airway splits into left and right branches known as the primary bronchi. The left and right bronchi runs into each lung before branching off. The main function of the bronchi is to carry air from the trachea into the lungs. Larynx also known as the voice box , is a short section of the airway that connects the larynopharynx and the trachea. The larynx is located in the anterior portion of the neck. Several structure make up the larynx and gives it its structure. Pneumonia and its Causes Pneumonia is a lower respitory infection by bacterial , viral, or fungal pathogens. Pneumonia can be acquired from the general community or from exposure in a long term care facility. The most common symptoms of pneumonia are: Cough (with some pneumonias you may cough up greenish or yellow mucus, or even bloody mucus) Fever, which may be mild or high Shaking chills Shortness of breath, which may only occur when you climb stair Sharp or stabbing chest pain that gets worse when you breathe deeply or cough Headache Excessive sweating and clammy skin Loss of appetite, low energy, and fatigue Confusion, especially in older people Symptoms also can vary, depending on whether your pneumonia is bacterial or viral. Causes of Pneumonia What Causes Pneumonia? Viruses cause many cases of pneumonia, but bacteria are the most common cause of pneumonia in adults over the age of 30. Fungi can also cause pneumonia. Many of these germs are all around us. They usually can't get past a healthy person's natural defenses. Pneumonia is most common in those with weaker or compromised immune systems, elderly people, cigarette smokers, alcoholics, and people suffering from other diseases such as the flu. Pneumonia Diagnosis and Prevention Pneumonia can be hard to diagnose because it may seem like a cold or the flu. You may not realize it's more serious until it lasts longer than these other conditions. Your doctor will diagnose pneumonia based on your medical history, a physical exam, and test results. Chest X Ray-achest x rayis a painless test that creates pictures of the structures inside your chest, such as your heart, lungs, and blood vessels. A chest x ray is the best test for diagnosing pneumonia. However, this test won't tell your doctor what kind of germ is causing the pneumonia. Blood Tests- Blood testsinvolve taking a sample of blood from a vein in your body. A complete blood count (CBC) measures many parts of your blood, including the number of white blood cells in the blood sample. The number of white blood cells can show whether you have a bacterial infection. Amoxicillin Amoxicillin(Amoxil) is from the same family of antibiotics as penicillin. AMOXIL is used to treat a range of infections caused by bacteria. These may be infections of the chest (pneumonia), tonsils (tonsillitis), sinuses (sinusitis), urinary and genital tract, skin and fleshy tissues. AMOXIL works by killing the bacteria that cause these infections. It can also be used to prevent infection. The drug is absorbed rapidly by the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration and is stable in the presence of gastric acid. Common amoxicillin side effects may include: stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; vaginal itching or discharge; headache; or swollen, black, or "hairy" tongue. Amoxicillin cont. Do not use this medication if you are allergic to amoxicillin or to any other penicillin antibiotic, such as ampicillin (Principen, Unasyn), dicloxacillin (Dycill, Dynapen), oxacillin (Bactocill), or penicillin (Bicillin L-A, PC Pen VK, Pfizerpen), and others. Before using amoxicillin, tell your doctor if you are allergic to cephalosporin's such as Omnicef, Cefzil, Ceftin, Keflex, and others. Also tell your doctor if you have asthma, liver or kidney disease, a bleeding or blood clotting disorder, mononucleosis (also called "mono"), or any type of allergy. Amoxicillin can make birth control pills less effective Zithromax (azithromycin) Thismedicationis an antibiotic used to treat certainbacterial infections. This medication is known as a macrolide (erythromycin-type) antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication is used to treatlunginfections (pneumonia) or female pelvic infections caused by bacteria. Azithromycin comes

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The History of Cartography

The History of Cartography Cartography is defined as the science and art of making maps or graphical representations/images showing spatial concepts at various scales. Maps convey geographic information about a place and can be useful in understanding topography, weather and culture depending upon the type of map.   Early forms of cartography were practiced on clay tablets and cave walls. As technology and exploration expanded maps were drawn on paper and depicted the areas that various explorers traveled. Today maps can show a plethora of information and the advent of technology such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allows maps to be made relatively easily with computers. This article provides a summary of the history of cartography and map-making. References to in depth academic studies on the development of cartography are included at the end. Early Maps and Cartography Some of the earliest known maps date back to 16,500 B.C.E. and show the night sky instead of the Earth. In addition, ancient cave paintings and rock carvings depict landscape features like hills and mountains and archaeologists believe that these paintings were used to navigate the areas they showed and to portray the areas that the people visited.   Maps were also created in ancient Babylonia (mostly on clay tablets) and it is believed that they were drawn with very accurate surveying techniques. These maps showed topographical features like hills and valleys but also had labeled features. The Babylonian World Map is considered the earliest map of the world but it is unique because it is a symbolic representation of the Earth. It dates back to 600 B.C.E. The earliest paper maps that were identified by cartographers as maps used for navigation and to depict certain areas of the Earth were those created by the early Greeks. Anaximander was the first of the ancient Greeks to draw a map of the known world and as such he is considered to be one of the first cartographers. Hecataeus, Herodotus, Eratosthenes, and Ptolemy were other well-known Greek map makers. The maps they drew came from explorer observations and mathematical calculations.   The Greek maps are important to cartography because they often showed Greece as being at the center of the world and surrounded by an ocean. Other early Greek maps show the world being divided into two continents – Asia and Europe. These ideas came largely out of Homer’s works as well as other early Greek literature. Many Greek philosophers considered the Earth to be spherical and this also influenced their cartography. Ptolemy, for instance, created maps by using a coordinate system with parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude to accurately show areas of the Earth as he knew it. This became the basis for today’s maps and his atlas Geographia is an early example of modern cartography. In addition to the ancient Greek maps, early examples of cartography also come out of China. These maps date to the 4th century B.C.E and were drawn on wooden blocks. Other early Chinese maps were produced on silk. Early Chinese maps from the Qin State show various territories with landscape features such as the Jialing River system as well as roads and are considered some of the world’s oldest economic maps (Wikipedia.org). Cartography continued to develop in China throughout its various dynasties and in 605 an early map using a grid system was created by Pei Ju of the Sui Dynasty. In 801 the Hai Nei Hua Yi Tu (Map of both Chinese and Barbarian Peoples within the (Four) Seas) was created by the Tang Dynasty to show China as well as its Central Asian colonies. The map was 30 feet (9.1 m) by 33 feet (10 m) and used a grid system with a highly accurate scale.   In 1579 the Guang Yutu atlas was produced and contained over 40 maps that used a grid system and showed major landmarks like roads and mountains as well as the borders of different political areas. 16th and 17th century Chinese maps continued to develop to clearly show regions under exploration. By the mid-20th century, China developed an Institute of Geography that was responsible for official cartography. It emphasized fieldwork in the production of maps focused on physical and economic geography. European Cartography Like Greece and China (as well as other areas throughout the rest of the world) the development of cartography was significant in Europe as well. Early medieval maps were mainly symbolic like those that came out of Greece. Beginning in the 13th century the Majorcan Cartographic School was developed and consisted of a Jewish collaboration of cartographers, cosmographers and navigators/navigational instrument makers. The Majorcan Cartographic School invented the Normal Portolan Chart – a nautical mile chart that used gridded compass lines for navigation.   Cartography developed further in Europe during the Age of Exploration as cartographers, merchants, and explorers created maps showing the new areas of the world that they visited. They also developed detailed nautical charts and maps that were used for navigation. In the 15th century, Nicholas Germanus invented the Donis map projection with equidistant parallels and meridians that converged toward the poles.   In the early 1500s, the first maps of the Americas were produced by the Spanish cartographer and explorer, Juan de la Cosa, who sailed with Christopher Columbus. In addition to maps of the Americas, he created some of the first maps that showed the Americas along with Africa and Eurasia. In 1527 Diogo Ribeiro, a Portuguese cartographer designed the first scientific world map called the Padron Real. This map was important because it very accurately showed the coasts of Central and South America and showed the extent of the Pacific Ocean.   In the mid-1500s Gerardus Mercator, a Flemish cartographer, invented the Mercator map projection. This projection was mathematically based and was one of the most accurate for world-wide navigation that was available at the time. The Mercator projection eventually became the most widely used map projection and was a standard taught in cartography. Throughout the rest of the 1500s and into the 1600’s and 1700’s further European exploration resulted in the creation of maps showing various parts of the world that had not been mapped before. In addition, cartographic techniques continued to grow in their accuracy. Modern Cartography Modern cartography began as various technological advancements were made. The invention of tools like the compass, telescope, the sextant, quadrant and printing press all allowed for maps to be made more easily and accurately. New technologies also led to the development of different map projections that more precisely showed the world. For example, in 1772 the Lambert conformal conic was created and in 1805 the Albers equal area-conic projection was developed. In the 17th and 18th centuries the United States Geological Survey and the National Geodetic survey used new tools to map trails and survey government lands. In the 20th century, the use of planes to take aerial photographs changed the types of data that could be used to create maps. Satellite imagery has since been added to the list of data and can aid in showing large areas in great detail. Finally, Geographic Information Systems or GIS, is a relatively new technology that is changing cartography today because it allows for many different types of maps using various types of data to be easily created and manipulated with computers.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Ancient Art Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ancient Art - Research Paper Example explanation on the manner by which the works of art fit into the context of the time period, as created between 30,000 BCE- 500 CE to be classified as Ancient Art. A research from the three official websites of the (1) The Metropolitan Museum of Art; (2) The Louvre Museum; and (3) The Smithsonian Institution Freer Gallery and Sackler Gallery, generated several suggestions of ancient art. However, given the specified time frame, two works of art fall within the category. One was the Terracotta amphora (jar) from The Metropolitan Museum of Art as it was disclosed to have been created within 490 BC. The other work of art was the Attic Red-Figure Amphora, which was classified as an aryballos, allegedly a perfume container, or a very small jar, which was created within the 500 to 490 BC time frame. These two works of ancient art have similarities in terms of the form, both are receptacles or jars. The Terracotta amphora (jar) was reportedly made from terracotta as the medium; while the Attic Red-Figure Aryballos was made from clay. These works of art were both created within the same time frame, about 490B.C. and shows the red figure as the images within these receptacles. The Terracotta amphora jar had the following dimensions H. 16 5/16 in. or 41.50 cm; while the Attic Red-Figure Aryballos was noted to be smaller with the following dimensions, to wit: H. 8.8 cm; or 8.6 cm. Both background colors were predominantly black to enhance the color red figures. Both the Terracotta amphora jar and the Attic Red-Figure Aryballos were was noted to be from the Ancient Greek culture. Both are also representational objects, where the former was noted to be apparently used for decorative purposes; while the latter was a perfume container, which was reportedly hanged in the wrists of athletes (Attic Red-Figure Aryballos). It was described in the first art work that the image was supposed to represent the â€Å"a musician in a long, slim garment accompanies himself on the kithara, a

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Engineering parameters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Engineering parameters - Essay Example It also enables the disabled people with diminished strength, who can exert at least 5 lbf to open the door. It represents the maximum force requirement for a non-fire, interior related door. This is the surface texture or topography. It represents the nature of the surface as described by surface roughness, lay and waviness. It helps engineers in defining small local surface deviations from flat ideal. This is the extent to which production of a product complies with environmental safety requirement. It shows that manufacturing of a product does not lead to hazardous impact to the environment and the people around. This is the degree to which production or product is able to cope with the prevailing situations. It is important as it shows that a given product will withstand certain situational variants that are not anticipated during the production. This is the ambiguity and complicatedness of production or a product. It shows the complex mechanisms of product production and allows engineers to create awareness when dealing with products of complex nature This is the way in which a product operates without manual operations. It is important in assessing the conditions in which the product can be automated or the situations where manual operations may be

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Written Communication for Business Purposes Research Paper

Written Communication for Business Purposes - Research Paper Example It is necessary that accountability and responsibility chains of people working in the organization are fixed. The manager should communicate everything to his sub ordinates and people in the organization in a written way. Written messages can also be saved in the repository for future references. Business communication is a permanent mode of communication and is easier to follow through than oral communication mans. Good written communication is pivotal to the success of an organization. It helps in building its corporate image and good will. Written business communication comprises of various forms. These are letters, memoranda’s, emails, sales letters, agendas and business reports. Business letters should have an appealing and an appropriate lay out. The writer should be clear on the content of the letter and it must be divided into paragraphs. The subject of the letter should be written and should be enclosed within envelope. The letter must be saved for future reference a nd should be written carefully as it directly affects the good will of the organization. There are various types of business letters for instance sales letters, information letters and problem letters.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Vanessas Maturing Process Theme Of Entrapment English Literature Essay

Vanessas Maturing Process Theme Of Entrapment English Literature Essay The theme of entrapment is a dominant theme in Margaret Laurences A Bird in the House. This is the theme that the author uses to shape most of his characters in the literary work. Vanessa Macleod is a protagonist in this story growing as the environment around her suggests. Margaret takes a Vanessa into an observational status where she would monitor activities around her. This would in turn affect her tremendously as she grows up. At the beginning, Vanessa is only twelve and the story tells of her growth till marriage with Chris. Margaret suggests to the reader that a person is changed significantly from his or her associations with the surrounding. As the story glides on the reader sees the many forms that Vanessa assumes in a bid to attain personal freedom. It is a quest for personal freedom although no character in the work attains it. This whole nature affects the way in which Vanessa grows. Remembrance Day is the story that starts at the beginning of the Margaret literary work. Vanessa is a teenager being influenced so much by hormonal changes in the body. En route to the church she observes the nature in which her father is in. According to her she felt pity for him although she did not really understand why this should be the case. As she was taught heaven is a beautiful place, probably, hence people should enjoy in the passing of their loved one. This is not the case and the imagination makes her engage her father into a conversation; I wondered what he believed in. I did not have any real idea what it might be. It is the nature of inquisitiveness of teenager children. Her father answers some questions that she asks him but they are not satisfactory, another demonstration of curiosity. It is easily seen how observable Vanessa is; He was frowning deeply and I could see the pulse in his temple à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ When he raised his head, he did not look uplifted or anything like that. He merely looked tired. This is the observation status that Margaret puts her protagonist in the play. This characteristic will be evident all through the discussion because it is the property that makes Vanessa make choices. The past affects the future as brought out in this play. They are written as reflections or discussions in the play. At the time when Vanessa discussed religion with her father, she would not understand his answer. Later he passed away from a short illness and while she was passing through her fathers belongings she came across a love letter and picture of a young French woman pp 107. Five years down the line she had grieved her father missing the companionship but is ignited by a single discovery that brings her fathers memories with nostalgia. It is at this moment that she understands that the past still lingers in the present. Imagination also plays an important role in Vanessas life and journey to growth. She was not going to participate in the activities of Remembrance Day owing to the fact that she despised military men. She did not understand the meaning of the day not until she had a brief epiphany of what death really is. He came to understand the meaning of this day by imagining what his dad felt while he watched his brother fade away in his death. Moreover the day too was important to her grandmother and by imagination she understood the pain of a mother. It was real when she lost her father. Vanessa learned the importance of the day when she found the love letter. The reflections of the past bring about moments of truth when the departed dwelt among their loved ones. Again she learns from the past and how the past affects the future. It is her journey towards maturity. It is also important to point out the relationships that Vanessa has. Some are distant without direct associations, while some are observational and others are interactive. In addition there is that solitary part which is marked by realizations and reflection, devoid of relationship. There are plenty of examples of these four categories of relationship. In Social Learning Theory of psychology studies, there are references of child growth in cognitive abilities through relationship hence the name social. In this breathe a great deal of learning that brings about maturity in Vanessa is through relationship. Some lessons are learned earlier while others are learned immediately the relationship hits a rock bottom. The latter is the most common in Margaret Laurence book. Vanessa greatly learns from consequences rather than having the intelligence to postulate in the future the results of certain actions. As seen with the relationship with Chris, Vanessa harbors important information that is crucial to her boyfriend; Chris was twenty-one. The distance between them was still too great. For years she had wanted to be older so she might talk with him, but now she felt unready pp. 140. Day in day out she tries to figure out how to communicate with Chris. All is late when Chris is admitted to a mental hospital. From this she learns the necessity to be open when she regrets having kept secret this information from Chris. She blames herself of Chris deterioration in health. It is the communication between partners that keeps relationship work out, a good lesson she learns. Grandfather Conner is a perfectionist but they had a distant relationship with Vanessa. There was no close contact between the two. However, through observation Vanessa was able to attain knowledge on the importance of being perfect. It is entrapment in discussion but learning from a distance. She understands this during t he sale of the brick house; She wanted to tell the new owners of the Brick house to trim their hedges, to repaint the window frames, to pay heed to repairs. She had feared and fought, yet he proclaimed himself in her veins pp. 191. Another aspect that contributes very much to her growth is the escape she has to reality. She exhibits resistance to a number of things in the story. At a tender age she attended the church just as her parents required. However at the time she was already curious of what she wanted to do with her life. As a result it is evident that she is always in conflict with her relatives. The interesting part is how she dealt with the resistance. Instead of showing it clearly, she actually blocked everything out. It is an attempt to independence. In particular during Sunday school lessons, she conceived stories in her mind with her as the main characters but without meaning; I was prepared, for the question was the same each week. I rarely listened in Sunday school, finding it more entertaining to compose in my head stories of spectacular heroism in which I figured as a central character, so I never knew what the text had been.. However, they were very important in passing time. In one way Vanessa knew what was important to him. She was interested only with certain things but ignorant of unimportant and uninteresting things. This way she was able to lean on a sided kind of growth and maturity. This form of resistance does not stop there. After her fathers death they move to the brick house where they lived with her grandfather. Occasionally she would get busy writing exaggerated adventure stories as a means to fulfill her thirst for personal freedom; I wanted only to be by myself with no one else around. She was so insecure to live on her own since the brick house represents strength where she may turn to. Even when Nanuk presents her with a relationship offer, she is still reluctant to be with him. In general Vanessas journey to maturity is an amalgamated package of life experiences with those who she came in contact with. Her relationship with her father made her indecisive in many occasions. Her father was indecisive as seen from the conversation he has with her daughter Vanessa. When asked about his thoughts about heaven, he gives thoughtless answers which affect Vanessa quite a bit. Down the line in her life, Vanessa meets with Chris. She is in a state of making a decision that is supposed to affect her life. However, she is unable to make the final decision whether to talk to Chris or not. Consequently, Chris is admitted in a mental institution. Her grandfather, Conner is a firm person and a perfectionist. He used to talk with a firm voice, raised all the time in a bid to make everything perfect. On the contrary he was able to analyze situations and make firm decisions about them. When Nanuk wanted to date Vanessa, he would constantly tell her that he was not fit for her. He stood with this decision till the end. Clearly Vanessa learned from her grandfather. When they left the brick house for new owners, she gave instructions on how to maintain the windows and hedges perfectly as they were. She reacted in a manner that her grandfather would. At another instant while talking to her brother, she engages in a conversation on how to name her dog. At one point she realizes her grandfathers voice echoes in her voice. When they moved to the brick house after the death of her father, Vanessa met her aunties who were soft spoken and humble. They had a loving character just like her mother. She immediately took their side and became humble, predictable and loving. In fact the story symbolizes her as a birch of logs in the basement. She is also similar to her mother. In the work it was evident that after a quarrel her mother and aunt would go in the kitchen and speak in whispers. In actual sense they would worry perpetually. This trait was adopted by Vanessa who would go about her worrying ways whisperi ng in inaudible undertones. Her grandfather also influences her in a number of ways. While she dated Nanuk, Conner would constantly resent him since according to him he was not to be trusted. In one way these were pointers thrown in here and there by grandpa. Although she loved him, she was taught not to follow love only in a person but to search for better qualities. They turned her into a self reflecting person who would ask rhetoric questions within, just to have better understanding of relationships. It was evident with Chris. In conclusion her journey to adulthood is one that is marked by influences through relationships between her and her immediate people who would throw pointers here and there for her. They nurtured her to what she became in adulthood. Work Cited: Laurence Margaret. A Bird in the House. Berlin: McClelland Stewart,2010.