Thursday, July 18, 2019

P1 Unit 4 Health and Social Level 3

Childhood The childhood development of the individual followed the normal development patterns that are expected. In the childhood stage the individual development changed rapidly and their ability to be active and learn new skills improves on a daily basis. During childhood a child will grow steadier compared to an infant. A child’s body and organs size grows at a steady pace. By the age of 6 a child’s head will be 90% of a full adult size even though the rest of a child’s body has a lot more to grow and to develop. Related essay: Unit 4 M1: Health and Social Care, Level 3 Child Care Level 2 AssignmentsUntil a child reaches late childhood, and entering adolescence, an individual’s reproductive organs are still not fully developed. Infants and children can suffer from delayed development. This could cause potential effects and risks on a person’s development. This can happen in the first 5 years of a child’s life and this can be cause by brain damage, poor or no interaction with care givers, diseases, learning or behavioural disabilities, visual or hearing disabilities. The factors mentioned can cause a child to suffer from delayed development.Emotional and social development in a child will change a huge amount due to their change in their daily routine when they going into education and they aren’t around their family as they are used to within infancy. From age 4-9 years old is the first social learning of social development in a child. From a young age, young child ren are emotionally attached and dependent on their care givers. The change within the introduction of school and social environments can be a struggle for some children to understand.For emotional development the key skills within childhood are understanding self and other, and is a focus within development in schools to ensure that children are aware of who they are the differences within society and other people. Imagination is used a lot in children they use it to begin to understand social situations and roles within life. Relationships within the family become more important and the child begin to have a greater understanding of feelings and emotions and are now able to talk about these feelings and have an understanding of what they mean.My client Dylan followed the normal development patterns that are expected in the childhood stage. He continued to grow and he became the tallest in his class at school. His motor skills come a lot more complex, he was learning to ride a with out stabilizers and by the age of four was able to ride his bike without stabilizers without falling off. He enjoyed playing football with friends and also really enjoyed going swimming. Dylan didn’t suffer from any delayed development and continued to grow at a normal rate through to adolescence.Dylan really enjoys going to school and his favourite subjects are science and music. He doesn’t have problems at school with learning new thing. He is really good at science and when at home Dylan also has an app that he is able to use to help with his science a little bit more. Dylan has 6 friends at school and 2 of them are his best friends. He is also really close to his dad. At school Dylan never falls out with his friends. He loves spending time with his dad and also is quite close with his sister there all enjoy going out for bike rides. Dylan doesn’t attend any after school clubs or any clubs in school time.Dylan shows his emotions so that his parents can tell w hat is wrong with him. He is now also beginning to learn to cope with their emotions so he can tell people how he is really feeling. Adolescence In the adolescence stage, individuals begin to start puberty, for an average girl this is ages 11 to 13 years old, but it varies and some may begin earlier and some may be developing late. Generally girls start puberty before boys who often start between 13 to 15 year olds. Puberty is a developmental stage which prepares the body for sexual reproduction.It is triggered by hormones and causes different changes for both girls and boys. Girl’s sexual development involves the starting of periods and the increase of emotions occurring. The formal operational stage of Piaget’s theory applies to an adolescences intellectual development which states that ‘The child begins to behave like an adult within this stage. They are going through transitions in intellectual development and the process and transition of primary to secondar y education. ’ There are various intellectual skills that an adolescent will learn within this life stage.When in the adolescent life stage, the emotional development norms for an individual is to learn their personal identity and they must leant about who they are about how to control their emotions within the change of puberty. Low self-esteem and confidence issue is often something most teenagers struggle with. With adolescence secondary learning occurs, a person’s self-worth can change within this life-stage due to the social situations that an individual had to be within, also their use of clothing, language and religion etc. The introduction of hormones can often change how teenagers see themselves.Adolescent’s independence that they go through can affect their social and emotional development. My client Stacey had her first period when she was 13. She didn’t suffer any physical or mental problems when she first started her periods. Stacey had to mo ve to a new secondary school because of her old school closing down. She enjoyed doing maths and health and social care; she was also really good at health and social care. Stacey gained lots of good qualifications to leave school with. She didn’t have any problems with the teachers or pupils but she had a problem doing science because she couldn’t get the hang off it.She planned her future while she was at school so she could get an idea of the qualification that she would require. Stacey also knew what she wanted to be when she left school, she said that she would like to become a midwife. She left school 2 years ago and went back to do another 2 years of sixth form to do health and social care and English to try and get some more qualifications. Stacey didn’t have any conflict at home with her parents. All of her family relationships are good but they have had their ups and downs. Stacey is very popular at sixth form and she had got some best friends which sh e can trust with all of her problems.She had a few groups of different friends which she can be herself around. She doesn’t have any peer influences. Adults You adults are often at peak of physical performance between the ages f 18-30. Older adults tend to lose stamina and strength as they get older, but these changes are not normally noticeable. There are a huge number of changes that are related to age and they slowly become clearer as and adult gets older. Some people cannot hear a high pitched sound as they reach there later adulthood, along with changes in mobility and hair loss.With older adults, women go through menopause and a change that occurs around the ages of 45-55 year olds is a stop in the menstrual cycle, and a large reduction of eggs within the ovaries. A decrease in progesterone and oestrogen that is produced by the ovaries, which can cause a lack of sexual interest compared to early adulthood. Older adults often gain weight due to many adults still eating t he same size portions as what they did within early adulthood but due to less physical activity taking place there is less need to take in as many calories; this can cause a risk such as diabetes and heart disease.By adulthood an individual has reached their higher training and education and will understand many life skills which will be important to their development within social situations. There are different changes for adults with their emotional development. It is a key task of early adulthood that learning to cope with emotional attachments such as a partner. The social development of an adult remains to keep a strong friendship network, for most people changed in job roles and other critical development issues, adults friendship groups can change however there are strong relationships with family members in many cases.Adults have to adapt their behaviour to arrange their time and commitments between work roles and social groups. My client Sarah told me that she was healthy and fit as a young adult and that she didn’t have any physical problems while in the young stage of her adulthood life. Sarah needs glasses and her hair is now starting to go grey. She didn’t have any physical problems whilst she as in the middle aged stage of her adulthood. When Sarah left school she went to get a job in caring for the elderly. When she got in a job the company sent her for NVQ2 training.She didn’t have any problems with learning new skills for her job. While she was working within the company she was made a senior in the years that she was working for them. Sarah has family and friends relationships. She also went to work parties with her work friends. Her hobbies are reading and swimming. She settled down when she was 17 years of age and also had her first child at 17. Sarah thought that having a child at 17 was a bit difficult but she had family who was supporting her throughout her pregnant and labour and so she coped with it.Sarah doesnâ⠂¬â„¢t have much of a social life due to a child who is 1 year old. She said that some emotional effects are things such as getting old and that 2 of her children have now left home. She also has great relationships with her grandchildren and she also gets along with on her of her eldest children who have left home. Sarah doesn’t have much of a social life now but when it is possible and she has someone to look after her younger children, she goes out and visits older family member, family friends and also old work friends. Piaget – Sensorimotor stage – birth to 1 and half / 2 years old.A child will learn to use senses and muscles without learning language. * Babies are born without the ability to sense objects. * Babies are born with a range of primitive reflexes such as the sucking reflex allowing a baby to feed. * These reflexes lead to motor actions. * The sensorimotor stage is when thinking is limited to sensing objects and performing motor actions. * Piage t believed that a baby would not have a working system for remembering words and phrases until they were about 18 months old. | The pre-operational stage- 2-7 years old.A child will thinking in language without understanding meaning of lexis. * Pre-operational means pre-logical, during this stage Piaget believed children do not understand the lexis that they use. There is no reason to speak words as there is no understanding. * Children can communicate but not with a wide understanding of words and meanings. | The concrete operational stage- 7-11 years old. The child is within school age now and logical thinking is starting to be used within practical situations. * Children can understand logical terms and phrases to gain understanding of social situations. Use of language and social behaviour skills is varied due to the range of social situations the child is within on a daily basis. | The formal operational stage- 11+ years- thinking and using logic and abstract thought processes. * The child begins to behave like an adult within this stage. They are going through transitions in intellectual development and the process and transition of primary to secondary education. * With formal logical reasoning an adult can solve complex situations within their mind. Abstract thinking allows us to think within a sufficient manner to overcome barriers. |

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