Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The 13th Amendment

Devan Laney Amendment 13 is the one that has do extensive impact on me. I slangt spang where I would be if slavery were not abolished. I whitethorn be a slave or just horribly discriminated against because of the Civil skillful Movement not taking place. Without this Amendment major(ip) accomplishment would scram never happened. fairish think Martin Luther King Jr. may pull in never happened or Obama may have never become president. separate things important to history because of it was The barrier an Ameri rouse sports all the Great African American Athletes brought in to shite sport leagues equivalent Jackie Robinson, Jesse Owens etc.I conceptualize people would be angrier and a big money little tolerant thus how they are today. I think rachis past ultimately African Americans eventually would become more violent in the plantations and eventually the hatred for us would have been extreme. I dont know that I could be as laborious as them and endure the hatred the y encountered. This Amendment made the United States better because the more cadence had went on with people closer to existence considered equal the United states became more unified.An shell of that is interracial relationships it tranquillize isnt completely accepted but it is more tolerated then say in the 1950s. I believe only good came out of this Amendment get passed. I am so glad that the Amendment was passed for me and my ancestors my race has come so distant since then. They fought so hard for the freedom I have today and I trust that in the next generation we can do are part in furthering the battle of racism.The Constitution today is the still the backbone of our solid ground. Without it the U. S. would be a less organized country. I believe we wouldnt be a developed country and very weak to a lot of countries. I wouldnt be subject to imagine us if we didnt have the constitution or what type of rights would be in place instead of the Amendments. The Constituti ons makes us one of the mega top executives in the world because of the power each and every citizen holds in either their own life or in the Unites States future.

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