Friday, August 9, 2019

Immigrants and Immigration - America Needs Immigration Essay

Immigrants and Immigration - America Needs Immigration - Essay Example Immigration also assists in the development and understand of cultural diversities and helps in promoting anti racist sentiments. Immigrants mainly belong to the underdeveloped nations where the financial crisis pushes them to immigrate. Policies which include the rules of free trade actually serve as a burden rather than reliefs for the poor countries making them dip into poverty even more. These underdeveloped nations have debts to pay off and much of their income goes into actually paying the interest of these debts. Moreover the developed nations do pledge to assist these countries by providing them aid but these developed countries never reach their set goal. The people living in these countries are left with no options and the final ray of hope for them is immigration. It is the only way for them to lead a better life ahead. America is the country of immigrants. Friedman (2006) explains the results of a study carried out by the National Academy of Sciences that immediate descen dents reimburse $80,000 in excess of what they receive as benefits in taxes in their whole life. Approximately 15% of the total labor force of America comprises of immigrants and terminating their services would reduce the output of the country by $1 trillion. The total agricultural industry can be distributed equally in domestic and immigrant workers in terms of population (Friedman, 2006). Immigration can also serve to be beneficial for the countries where these people migrate. This is because the developed nations like America have more of an aging population which they have to cater. The taxes paid by immigrants in America are helpful in upholding the social security and health expenses of this ageing population. Another cause is the decreased birth rates in these nations. This results in low skilled labor and hence immigrants can serve to fill in these gaps. Also the immigrants pay higher taxes comparatively and this can serve to compensate for the amount required to cater to t he aged. Thus, immigration serves to promote the betterment of the immigrants as well as proves to be beneficial to the economy of the host nation. America also benefits from these impacts of immigrants (Fienleib & Warner, 2005). With immigration there is development and understanding of other cultures and religions. The immigrants receive a chance of adapting according to the culture of the country where they have migrated. On the other hand the nationals of that country receive a chance to view the different cultures of the world and analyze them. America is culturally rich and is home to the immigrants from different parts of the world. This assists in the promotion of harmony in the U.S., as people from two different regions learn to live together and are exposed to different views and perspectives of the world. Thus immigration assists in broadening the human mind (Gabaccia 2002, pp. 8-15). Despite of this understanding there has been much opposition to the policy of immigratio n and immigrants have to face racism in the host country. The opponents argue that the immigrants actually take up the US native citizens’ jobs and the result is lower employment for them (Borjas 2001, p. 63). This point has been argued against as it has been analyzed the economic impact of immigration is not great and immigrants serve in to fill many vacant places and assist in boosting the income as a whole. Opponents also

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