Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Introduction and implementation of educational programs Essay

Introduction and implementation of educational programs - Essay Example Secondly, the above-mentioned educational programs may raise the society’s understanding of the interrelation of natural and human processes and systems and how actually people influence the state of the environment both directly and indirectly. In other words, people will have the opportunity to learn about the causes and effects of their activities. For sure, the general public realizes that climate change is taking place these days because of burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and range of other destructive activities. However, not all the people perceive the fact that because of human activity, the planet is changing too fast and that it can have devastating consequences, which altogether will lead to the so-called Sixth Extinction scientist all over the world are talking today. In her article titled The Sixth Extinction?, Elizabeth Kolbert says, â€Å"People are changing the world so fast that many other species can’t cope†. Among them is the researc h conducted by Julia Lehman, Amanda Korstjens, and Robin Dunbar, in which they show that in case there are extreme changes in climate, such mammals as apes may not survive in their traditional habitat. Being aware of such specific facts means being able to get the understanding of the relation between human beings’ activities and nature and develop attitudes of appreciation and concern for the current state of environment.Finally, the introduction of educational programs may result in the development of the capacity for both personal and collective action.

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