Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Art - Essay ExampleThis enables the viewer to take a closer impression on the art. This piece of art has asymmetrical balance and the right side of the paint seem to indicate movement and fluidity hence making the painting to appear real (Arnheim, 45).2. Identify and discuss 3 elements of art in the work by Paul Klee entitled Landscape with Yellow Birds and explain how integrative organization of those elements is achieved through at least 2 principles of design.The colors used (primary colors) set the mood of the painting making it bright and capturing to the audience eyes. The different shapes in the artwork represented by the birds and plants make up the form of the painting and also the combination of the lines and the different shading provides a texture that brings the art to animateness and appear real. When it comes to the balance, Paul ensured symmetry in the painting making it less overpowering and complicated. There is repetition of the elements in the painting which b rings about the feeling of consistency and also stresses similarities within the painting making it even more interesting to look at (Preble, Preble and Frank,

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