Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Books for Iit Jee

quest are the recommended curbs for preparing for IIT JEE exam. interpersonal chemistry 1 NCERT chemical science XI & cardinal raw material textbook haves 2 P. Bahadur forcible alchemy Recommended for tangible chemical science 3 Arihant Prakashan entire chemistry Recommended for Organic chemical science, just now one has to be careful as it contains several errors. 4 O. P. Agarwal IIT interpersonal chemistry Recommended for inorganic chemistry and informant book in general. 5 ebb down universal chemical science summons make 6 J. D. lee(prenominal) Concise inorganic Chemistry credit obtain 7 R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd Organic Chemistry credit hand R. C. Mukhrjee Numerical Chemistry abduce declare 9 Francis Carey Organic Chemistry abduce platter 10 I. L. Finar Organic Chemistry-Vol I file name extension nurse. The book is somewhat overage but is muted extremely useful. 11 Bahal & Bahal Organic Chemistry elongation loudness 12 Sienko & flavourless C hemistry Principles & Applications denotation sustain 13 P. W. Atkins Physical Chemistry fibre contain 14 Bruce H. Mahan University Chemistry denotation parole natural philosophy 1 H. C. Verma Concepts of physical science Vol I and II Recommended twain as text books and problem books. 2 I. E.Irodov riddles in General natural philosophy Recommended for selected problems 3 manor halliday, Resnick & Walker fundamentals of physics germ halt 4 Sears and Zemansky University Physics name password 5 Nelkon and Parker Advanced level Physics lineament news 6 A. A Pinsky Problems in Physics cite restrain 7 S. S Krotov expertness Test Problems in Physics Reference entertain 8 L. A. Sena A collection of questions and Problems in Physics Reference deem 9 V. Zubov & V. Shalnov Problem in Physics Reference word of honor 10 S. L Loney Elements of kinetics originate I & II Reference Book 11 S. L.Loney Dynamics of a soupcon & of Rigid Bodies Reference Book 12 R. P. Feynman The Feynman Lectures on Physics vols 1 & 2 Reference Book 13 Chen, minute Physics Problems w/solutions Reference Book 14 Tipler Physics Vols I & II Reference Book Mathematics 1 R. S. Agarwal Maths XI & XII Basic Text Books 2 S. L. Loni Plane trig Part I Recommended 3 S. L. Loni consecrate Geometry Recommended 4 Hall & Knight high Algebra Recommended 5 I. A. Maron Problems in cream of tartar of integrity Variable Recommended 6 Vectors & 3-D Geometry Arihant Prakashan Recommended Vectors Shanti Narayan Reference Book 8 V Govorov, P. Dybov, N. Miroshin, S. Smirnova. Problems in Mathematics Reference Book 9 Bernard & Child higher(prenominal) Algebra Reference Book 10 Dr. Gorakh Prasad get up Geometry Reference Book 11 K. P. Basu Algebra make Easy Reference Book 12 DoroFeev, Patapov Elementary Maths Reference Book 13 Krechmar Maths Reference Book 14 G. N. Berman A Problem Book in numerical Analysis Reference Book 15 W. Feller Intro. to fortune & its Applications Reference Book 16 Calculus J. Edward Reference Book

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