Sunday, June 16, 2019

Noise Control; Radon; UV-Radiation (Case) Module 5 Essay

Noise Control Radon UV-Radiation (Case) Module 5 - Essay Exampleal human life but noises emitted by night clubs ar not only disturbing long term exposure to loud music can lead to permanent damage to individuals audition (EPA, 2011).Long-term exposure to noises like that coming from nightclubs can cause major disorders such as NIHL (A condition in which the tiny hairs in ears be damaged, which whence results in hearing loss, these tiny hairs once damaged cannot be repaired and cannot be replaced). In nightclubs the music is so loud that it causes the floor to shake and causes stiffness in the chests of people in the vicinity (Noise pollution , 2011). The music there if measured in decibels (units for measuring sound) reaches around 125, which is equivalent to a firearm existence discharged. Being exposed to sharp and loud noises can cause some real damage to the auditory nerve, which can lead to permanent deafness it may also be accompanied by ringing, buzzing and also roaring in the head. Noise pollution can also have negative do work and school lives.There is a strict restriction over night club near to residential blocks. Sounds that endanger the auditory nerve atomic number 18 strictly prohibited in the nightclubs. Moreover, a complaint from residential living near a night club producing high noise can bar it down.Radon is a noble gas. It is produced after the break down of uranium and thorium. It is also one of the densest substances that remain in gaseous form at direction temperatures. Another special property of Radon is that it has radioactive isotopes, which emit high levels of radiations and are considered found to be very harmful for human health and are suspected to cause various diseases including cancerFor a long time it has been established that there is a link between exposure to radioactive waves and the offset of cancerous cells in the human body .The most common type of cancer that is linked with exposure to Radon gas is perhaps l ung cancer, which until very belatedly was thought of as a primary type of cancer

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