Friday, May 31, 2019

The pilgrimage of women in Laurences The Diviners Essay -- Margaret L

Feminism as defined in the feminist Dictionary (1985) is a private road confabulateking the recognition of the world upon a basis of sex equality and all human relations, a movement which would reject every differentiation betwixt individuals upon the ground of sex, would abolish all sex privileges and sex burdens and would strive up to the recognition of the common humanity as the foundation of law and custom. Feminist belles-lettres is a canonical text, which portrays the sufferings of women, insists on the need for protecting their rights and suggests means on their emancipation. Feminism may be considered as a social movement. It considers women as the oppress group, upholds their right by presenting them as individuals and human beings. It affirms their capacities to be autonomous, intelligent, strong and successful. Feminist literatures, on the other hand, embody in their works of imagination some of these views. These literary texts question the current social assumption, which they depict as being subjective, prejudiced and one-sided. They capture the depressing conditions of women, implicate suggesting ways and means for resolving their problems. They plead for a kind of literature which would be free from the biased portraits of individuals because of their race, class and sex. In spite of slavery and suppression, the women have contributed their intellectual and imaginative might to the growth and information of the society and themselves. Toni Morrison, Barbara Smith, and Lorraine Hansberry , Margaret Laurence, Margaret Clarke, Margaret Atwood and Ethel Wilson are some of them, ?Pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred place As an act of religious devotion--- it Also mean... ...e want to see more of.But too many other people, especially those in Morags present life are ciphers. Her daughter and daughters companions are stereotypical hippies of the time. Her prof husband, her own friends and neighbours a nd assorted landladies all seem to perform their narrative functions and then shuffle offstage. It is clear that Laurence writes withan awareness of her ancestral past and therefore writes with an immigrant understanding. It is again this immigrant consciousness working in her which accounts for the pervasive presence of journey motif , for immigration has always been in close association with journey, with movement across time and space. In the case of Canadian immigrants, journeys were to bigin with, motivated by exploration and quest and later on led to processes of self-realisation, identity and personality development.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Piaget Essay -- essays research papers fc

Pi erats Theory of Cognitive DevelopmentJean Piaget was born on August9, 1896, in the French speaking part of Switzerland. Atan early age he goed an interest in biology, and by the time he had graduated from highschool he had already create a sum up of papers. After marrying in 1923, he had three baberen, whom he studied from infancy. Piaget is best known for organizing cognitive using into a series of phase angles- the levels of development corresponding overly infancy,childhood, and adolescence. These four stages are labeled the Sensorimotor stage, which occursfrom birth to age ii, (children experience through their senses), the Preoporational stage, whichoccurs from ages two to half dozen, (motor skills are acquired), the Concrete Operational stage, whichoccurs from ages six to eleven, (children think logically about concrete events), and the FormalOperational stage, which occurs after age eleven, (abstract reasoning is developed here). ( (Bee and Boy d 149). The focus of this paper will be on thePreoporational stage and how the childs cognitive abilities develop according to Piaget.The Preoperational stage is Piagets term for the second major stage of cognitivedevelopment. It is in this stage that Piaget states that children acuire symbolic schemes, such(prenominal) aslanguage and fantasy, that they affair in thinking and communicating. Piaget saw evidence ofsymbol use in more aspects of children aged two to six. As a Pre-School teacher myself, I throw awaywitnessed many of the same behaviors that Piaget himself observed while developing his theoryof cognitive development. Children this age begin to take a chance in their play. The dramatic playarea in my classroom is always one of the most busy areas of the room. The children love torole-play and create imaginary games. According to Piaget, such symbol use is also evident inthe emergence of language and in the preschoolers primitive ability to understand scale modelsor si mple maps. melodramatic play gives the children the pass to role-play. If they work throughsituations in their classroom, theyll be better prepared for real-life scenarios. Throughrole-playing, children not only express emotions, but also arrange creativity and develop skillslike cooperation and problem solving. During the Pre... ...get viewed children as little philosophers and scientists building their own individualtheories of knowledge. By focusing on what children con do as well as what they cannot do, hewas able to understand and explain their cognitive growth and development. His theory is avaluable road map for understanding how children think. However, many psychologists are persuade that Piaget gave too little credit to the effects of learning. For example Children ofpottery-making parents can correctly answer questions about the conservation of clay at anear catch ones breathr age than Piaget would have predicted. According to learning theorists, childrencontinuously gain specific knowledge they do not undergo stage-like leaps in general mentalability. (Coon 109). Thus, the righteousness may lie somewhere between Piagets stage theory andmodern learning theory.Works Cited1. Coon, Dennis. Essentials of Psychology. 9th Edition. Belmont, CA Wadsworth/ThomsonLearning, 20032. Bee, Helen and Boyd, Dennis. The Developing Child. 10th Edition. Boston, MA PearsonEducation, Inc., 20043. http// polish/definition.cfm?term= opportunism4. http// Piaget Essay -- essays research papers fc Piagets Theory of Cognitive DevelopmentJean Piaget was born on August9, 1896, in the French speaking part of Switzerland. Atan early age he developed an interest in biology, and by the time he had graduated from highschool he had already published a number of papers. After marrying in 1923, he had threechildren, whom he studied from infancy. Piaget is best known for organizing cognitivedevelopment into a ser ies of stages- the levels of development corresponding too infancy,childhood, and adolescence. These four stages are labeled the Sensorimotor stage, which occursfrom birth to age two, (children experience through their senses), the Preoporational stage, whichoccurs from ages two to six, (motor skills are acquired), the Concrete Operational stage, whichoccurs from ages six to eleven, (children think logically about concrete events), and the FormalOperational stage, which occurs after age eleven, (abstract reasoning is developed here). ( (Bee and Boyd 149). The focus of this paper will be on thePreoporational stage and how the childs cognitive abilities develop according to Piaget.The Preoperational stage is Piagets term for the second major stage of cognitivedevelopment. It is in this stage that Piaget states that children acuire symbolic schemes, such aslanguage and fantasy, that they use in thinking and communicating. Piaget saw evidence ofsymbol use in many a spects of children aged two to six. As a Pre-School teacher myself, I havewitnessed many of the same behaviors that Piaget himself observed while developing his theoryof cognitive development. Children this age begin to pretend in their play. The dramatic playarea in my classroom is always one of the most busy areas of the room. The children love torole-play and create imaginary games. According to Piaget, such symbol use is also evident inthe emergence of language and in the preschoolers primitive ability to understand scale modelsor simple maps. Dramatic play gives the children the chance to role-play. If they work throughsituations in their classroom, theyll be better prepared for real-life scenarios. Throughrole-playing, children not only express emotions, but also exercise creativity and develop skillslike cooperation and problem solving. During the Pre... ...get viewed children as little philosophers and scientists building their own individualtheories of knowledge. By focusi ng on what children con do as well as what they cannot do, hewas able to understand and explain their cognitive growth and development. His theory is avaluable road map for understanding how children think. However, many psychologists areconvinced that Piaget gave too little credit to the effects of learning. For example Children ofpottery-making parents can correctly answer questions about the conservation of clay at an sooner age than Piaget would have predicted. According to learning theorists, childrencontinuously gain specific knowledge they do not undergo stage-like leaps in general mentalability. (Coon 109). Thus, the truth may lie somewhere between Piagets stage theory andmodern learning theory.Works Cited1. Coon, Dennis. Essentials of Psychology. 9th Edition. Belmont, CA Wadsworth/ThomsonLearning, 20032. Bee, Helen and Boyd, Dennis. The Developing Child. 10th Edition. Boston, MA PearsonEducation, Inc., 20043. http// http//

Use of Technology in Teaching Essay -- education, pedagogical approach

In this paper I will introduce you to my reflections that helped influence my pedagogical advent in the use of engineering science to address my learner needs. I will deliberate how this impacted on my current and future teaching, learning and assessment practices.I aim to discuss technological advances in my industry, which is health, and how this impacts on my students now and into the future. I will explain ways I made adjustments in the use of technology within my teaching area to better meet both mine and the students needs. My goal is to explain the strategies I will use to strengthen this area for ongoing development and how this will help in making adjustments to specific occupational and personal needs of my students.Reflections on past, current and future snuggle in the use of technologyI would like to discuss how I went from delivering a face to face class of 12 students to today having over hundred students externally using technology as my main delivery method. L ets go spikelet to the beginning of my delivery of a Certificate IV level in the health area. I started at my workplace by being given a qualification to deliver, and nothing much else. I wrote the material required for a face to face class, as that is all that I knew to do at the time. I did this for over a few years in which time I collated a reasonable amount of feedback from both my current and prospective students. This started me on a journey of critical reflection resulting in distant and online delivery. Looking back on my reflective practice approaches and journey, I have come a long way but still have a way to go. potty Deweys vision in1923, was School should be less of a preparation for life and more like life itself. (Dewey, 1923) Although he was... ...reditationMIMS Australia . (2013). Retrieved from MIMS Australia http//, J. (1923). Democracy and Education-An introduction to the Pilosophy of Education. Los Ang eles, Calafornia Indo European Publishing.Martha Burkle, M. C.-I. (2013, January). Defining the role adjument profile of learners and instructors online. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks,, 17(1), 73 -87.Moore, M. G., & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance Education A Systems View of online learning. Belmont,CA Wadsworth Cengage Learning.Rory McGreal, M. E. (2011). Technologies of online learning (E-Learning). In T. Anderson (Ed.), The Theory and send of Online Learning. Edmonton Au Press, Athabasca University.Rushton, I. S. (2012). Reflective Practice For Teaching In Lifelong Learning. Maidenhead, GBR Open University Press.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest in the Decade of the World’s Indigenous Populations :: Essays Papers

Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest in the Decade of the conceptions Indigenous PopulationsIntroductionOn 1 January 1994, the Mayan peoples of Chiapas, Mexico participated in an armed uprising in protest of the implementation of the North American Free sight Agreement (NAFTA). Following a strong trend of harassment, and mistreatment of Mexicos indigenous populations, the implementation of NAFTA all but abolished the land claims of Mexicos Indians. The Zapatista uprising, as it has been termed, brought global precaution to the indigenous human rights violations in Mexico, and consequently, a strong interest in the plight of the worlds indigenous peoples resulted in the global community.In a 1994 U.N. orchestrated commission on the rights of the worlds indigenous populations, it was concluded that an increase in internationalist cooperation for the solution of problems faced by indigenous peoples was infallible for improvement of their condition across such areas as environm ent and natural resources, health, education, and human rights. As a result, the U.N. High Commissioner on Human Rights declared the historic period 1995-2004 to be the Decade of the Worlds Indigenous Populations. The theme of the decade was to be partnership in action, and the main objectives were to strengthen the role of the international community in enforcing international human rights treaties, to promote the discovery of viable solutions to Indigenous-State conflicts through mediation, discussion, and cooperation, and to draft a declaration of the rights of indigenous people. In this paper, I result analyze the amount of progress that has been made in the Native American condition in relation to U.S. government cooperation with the First Nations, with a specific taper on the tribes of the Pacific Northwest. I testament begin with a brief, but comprehensive history of U.S.-Native American relations, with a focus on U.S. government policy. Next, I will conduct a case study of the Pacific Northwest, specifically dealing with how the global pressure of the Decade has impacted treaty negotiations and multi-lateral cooperation in the sportfishing industry, forest service, and tribal gaming. I will then discuss parallels that can be drawn from the cooperation of Maori tribes with the government of New Zealand in the last decade. Finally, I will discuss the unmet needs for the improvement of the indigenous condition, and conclude with an evaluation of the relative progress the Decade has had specifically in the United States, and more generally in the global community. A History of U.

Aspects Of Performance :: essays research papers

ASPECTS OF PERFORMANCEIn the following report I leave behind focus on two factors of performance, they are&61512 PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS ON PERFORMANCENerves / stress, including manifestationsRelationships between membersCommunication with audience Audience response&61512 THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SUCCESSFUL conclaveChoice of membersProgram selectionRehearsal strategiesSetting upVenue / audienceFinal performanceEach of these aspects effects performers and to deal with all these things will ensure a successful group who do their jobs well and love doing it.&61512 DESCRIPTION OF OUR BANDI am a part of an eight, member band, who at one time or another have been playing together for five years. The first three years I performed with four of the eight members in a class and an all girls band, this year I have reunited with them again and four other members as a new group. Our band consists of three fail vocalists. Our ranges are all fairly large and quite different, giving good variety in vo ices for a range of different styles of music. Our ranges are Db3 - Gb5 (break at C5), Gb3 - C6 (break at Bb4) and E3 - B5 (break at Gb4). We have one lead guitarist, two rhythm guitarists, (one who is in year 11 and the other is our music teacher), a bass player, and a drummer, (who is in addition in year 11). We are a covers group and like to experiment with all types of styles, pop, rock, disco, alternative / grunge, reggae, soul, jazz, RNB, blues and some international pieces from various countries like Greek, Spanish, Latin American and French. We rehears five times a week, three periods of class time and two lunch times. As a group we believe that practice makes perfect. We bide each member to rehears solo parts at home and to have private tuition for extra help. We all love to perform and do it as often as possible, our gigs range from school fetes, festivals, concerts and speech nights to an interstate tour to different schools every year.ASPECT 1 &61512 PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPE CTS ON PERFORMANCE every(prenominal) performer, no matter how long theyve been in the business will be effected by psychological setbacks. These effects can cause major upsets to the aim of a performers performance, so something must be done to control these feelings. All performers have different techniques to cope with these symptoms, and in this next department I will provide some of these.&61512 NERVES STRESS BEFORE AND DURING PERFORMANCE

Monday, May 27, 2019

Delusions of Grandeur †My Summer in Greece :: Personal Narrative

Delusions of Grandeur My Summer in GreeceIt is the lawlessness of Greece that attracts both travelers and outcasts. They arrive on ferry boats with the eagerness of immigrants, rummy with notions of escape and pleasure. This hedonistic lure of the Greek islands is far removed from the academic splendor of mainland Europe. In myth, Greece is a land ruled by the selfish whimsy of the gods, and this climate of self-indulgence blows across the Ionian island of Corfu like a frolicking wind. Teetering, as it does, on the far edge of western civilization, Corfu presents itself as a haven or a refuge, depending on wizards orientation as traveler or derelict. Here, travelers can live out their adolescent fantasies and outcasts can be gods. The playground of these gods, the Mount Olympus of debauchery, spills down the steep east coast of Corfu like a glob of Pepto Bismolthe Pink Palace. I came to the Pink Palace in late May, one of a steady trickle of off-season traveler s who had arrived just in time to enjoy the last of the cool nights to begin with the torrent of peak season vacationers, drawn by the summer heat, filled the island to capacity. The last leg of a nine-month solo expedition through Europe, the Pink Palace was my last indulgence in freedom before I flew home to start college. On paper, the resort looked like Paradisethe very brochure seemed saturated with ambrosia. Pictures of gleeful scuba divers, vast cliffs that fell into the Ionian Sea and sunny rooms lured me from the mainland. But the brochures utopian promiseIdeally situated on the sands of Agios Gordios beach, the Palace assures a plosive speech sound that youll never forgetturned out to be, at best, a euphemistic appraisal of the jarring reality that awaited me. The Pink Palace was a glaring twentieth-century smear on an otherwise primitive landscape. At night, the profusion of light and music that came from the resort was as obnoxious and out of place as the sa llow pink stucco structure that scarred the green hillside. Self-indulgence came in liquid form at the Pink Palace, with names like Ouzo, Blowjobs, B-52s, Kamikazes, and Alabama Slammers. Having dutifully saturated themselves with the culture of the mainland, my fellow guests now allowed themselves the corporeal pleasure of drunken oblivion.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Dramatic Impetus in a View from the Bridge

Dramatic impetus is defined as an impelling movement or force within a play. In A View from the duet it is dependant on divergences between opposing raiments of value in atomic number 18as such as relationships, gender, age and the community. The mown(prenominal) character we ar opposed to is Eddie as his set of values towards the end of the play contradict values of society, his family and even his own. He represents the older generation and the manful stereotype of the 1950s and also demonstrates justice be put to serve by the driving human emotions.His love is unevenly spread across the family causing booking and destruction to his marriage, his family and even his life. There atomic number 18 five dissentent relationships in the play, which ar all affected by hotshot contraveneing emotion, causing the most important dramatic impetus. All the characters fortune a love as a family, at the commencement ceremony, as they all would take a risk for one another in any circ umstance. The Italian brothers, Rodolpho and Marco, share a brotherly love so strong that they would lay down their own lives for the other brother.Rodolpho and Catherine develop a young romantic love, one set off at the very first sight and carries on throughout the play. Beatrice and Eddie are of course married but we are told mid steering through Act 1 that their love has lost its passion. Beatrice questions Eddie when she asks When am I going to be a wife again, Eddie? in which he replies with I aint been feeling good. They bother me since they came. This conversation is unnatural for a married couple as the act of sex is supposed to be a greenness activity in the marriage life and especially desirable for men.All these relationships require a tautness, set off by the one relationship base upon Eddies emotions and pride. Eddies love for Catherine although not admitted by him but clearly shown to the other characters and the audience enforces the dramatic impetus. Cathe rine and Eddies love at the start is clearly accessible like a father and his daughter however in this case Eddie is Catherines uncle. Catherine says, Ill get you a beer, all right? to Eddie at the start of the play, which evidently shows her affection to him as a father figure. However, this love develops into an incestuous love on Eddies behalf which conflicts with every relationship and the value of love. This love opposes Eddies love for his wife, Catherines love for Rodolpho and the love between Rodolpho and Marco. When it comes to love in the play, dramatic impetus is dependant on the deep passion that creates jealousy and causes pain sensation both to the person who loves, the person who is loved and those around them.The way in which the law takes part in a crime can never fulfil the victims idea of justice as our decisions are based upon the emotions that we feel and therefore it is not true justice it is not objective. However, where should our value be put when it come s to the betrayal of family and the betrayal of the law? Where can justice satisfy either values? At the start of the play, Eddie is seen as an honourable man for pickings in two relatives as illegal immigrants and providing them with a roof over their heads and work on the pier, he even warns Beatrice and Catherine to not say a word, for the immaculate protection of the family.His warning is carried in a story about Vinny Bolzano whose family had hidden an uncle in the house. Vinny had snitched to the Immigration and suffered the consequences. BEATRICE Oh, it was terrible. He had five brothers and the old father. And they grabbed him in the kitchen and pulled him down the steps three flights his head was bouncin like a coconut. And they spit on him in the street, is own father and his brothers. The whole neighbourhood was cryin. The irony in this, is that Eddie becomes the betrayer, the snitch, in the second act when he walks into a telephone booth and rings up the Immigration Buereau.His action goes against his own values of trust, family and honour because they have been driven by his feelings for Catherine and against Rodolpho. The little trust that Marco had for Eddie is now gone and there is nothing more the two would want more than justice and revenge progressing into an outbreak of conflict as they fail to look for a higher principle of justice separate from their own feelings found in the law. Although Eddie values the honour in his name, Marco values the trust bonds of family, which provides the dramatic impetus of Eddies tragic death.Values of sexuality and gender in the play are very conflicting even when the accusations are false. Men tend to value power, strength and honour in their name and not receiving the praise for these attributes can be very demeaning and conflicting to ones self. For example, Eddie is a very honourable man at the start of the play but his honour gradually decreases due to his own emotions and when that honour in his name is interpreted away by Marco there is an external conflict between the two in the last scene.Both Eddie and Marco are masculine characters and their similar values are conflicting in both a competitive way and in a form of loyalty, especially in the last act where Marco defends his familys honour. Women also have values that conflict with their own. Catherine and Beatrice have a minor conflict in that they both fight for Eddies attention for male affirmation as the daughter and as the wife. They both value Eddies opinion at the start and so they work to satisfy his needs but when another male comes onto the scene, this changes causing the conflict between males for the womans attention.This is clear in the play when Rodolpho steps onto the scene and captures Catherines attention, dragging it slowly away from Eddie. referable to his pride and jealousy, Eddie makes accusations that Rodolpho is homosexual which was not valued in 1950s society. Eddie tries to give evidence that Ro dolpho just aint right and explains to Alfieri, I know a tenor, Mr Alfieri. This aint no tenor. I mean if you came in the house and you didnt know who was singin, you wouldnt be lookin for him you be lookin for her. These accusations not only create dramatic impetus but also provide a shock value when in act 2, Eddie pins Rodolphos arms, laughing, and suddenly kisses him. This reveals to the audience Eddies true thoughts and feelings in a very dramatic way. It is obvious that Eddie does not value homosexuality as he represents the masculine but his accusations to this opposing value creates a conflict and furthermore provides dramatic impetus. Amongst different age groups come different sets of values and attitudes towards traditional manners.Rodolpho and Catherine represent the juvenility and when Rodolpho and Catherine decide to marry without Eddies permission, this is scene as disrespectful. It is generally polite and traditional in past generations to ask the parents for a dau ghters hand in marriage so when this tradition is broken then conflict breaks out. Eddie also does not value materialism like Rodolpho does as the consumerist generation which takes part in the conflict between Eddie and Rodolpho. It is said that wisdom comes with age and so do wrinkles, which is why the idea of beauty in older women is valued.Beatrice represents the older generation in the play and it is clear that she feels jealous of Catherines young beauty. BEATRICE You think Im jealous of you, honey? CATHERINE No Its the first I thought of it. BEATRICE Well you should of thought of it before Although these values between youth and adult are not major factors of conflict, they contribute to the dramatic impetus and create a momentum towards the final outburst of built up tension between the characters. Arthur Miller creates dramatic impetus in A View from the Bridge through conflicting character values.The different types of love shared are all conflicted with the one emotion t hat brings about a roll of events and an outburst of tension. Justice is values only by the state of ones emotions and therefore can differ depending on the situation but will always intend to provide revenge on the criminal or victim. Gender and sexuality creates conflict through accusations as the 1950s did not value homosexuality. The values between different generations provide dramatic impetus in the play.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Ethical behavior is legally governed rather volunteered by organizations

Corporate Organizations, in todays cut- throat competition and globalized economy are forced to focus to improve their bottom line. Corporate organisation or estimable practices are limited to a level which is mandatory as per laws. Genuine commitment to ethics is like a needle in haystack. There are various elements to ethical behavior expected from the make-ups Accounting transparency Enron and Worldcom are glaring examples where ethics were compromised to maintain profitable image of the organization.Accounting theatre Arthur Andersons creative accounting and ulterior motives of management crippled investors confidence to the nadir, resulting in bankruptcy/ closure of all three organizations. Leading by example As per data, US CEOs were paid 42 times the average workers pay in 1980, to 85 in 1990, and then skyrocketed to 531 times by 2000. leading teams of organizations are paid everything to show healthy growth in turnover and profits, for shareholder to be exited at stock m arkets.No CEO is paid to exemplify ethical leadership at Wall Street. Child labor Many corporate, primarily in apparel segment, overlook the extreme levels of child exploitation in triad world countries. In absence of strict law or policy, child labor is another big area which is not effectively monitored and contained. Summary though state (U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission) try to put accounting and auditing system, Corporate Ethics remain an Oxymoron.Ethics, like democracy, is a lot easier in theory than in practice. It would be imperative on regulatory bodies and responsible corporations to take lead in showing value in becoming ethical organization. Moreover, shareholders also should reward organization which exhibit transparency and good quality corporate governance. References Munzig P G, Enron and Economics of Corporate Governance Stanford University, (June 2003), (http//www-econ. pdf) Holmstrom, Bengt and Stev en N. Kaplan, The State of US Corporate Governance Whats dependable and Whats wrong? National Bureau of Economic Research Working paper 9613, (2003) Jense, Michael and Kevin Murphy, 1990, Performance Pay and Top Management Incentives, Journal of Political Economy, (1990) family/October 1996 edition of At Work emailprotected com, byBerrett-Koehler Publishers. Jon Entine is a writer and Emmy

Friday, May 24, 2019

Psychology and clinical psychology Essay

Abnormal psychology and clinical psychology deals with the disorders of mental health. Anxiety disorders, cognitive disorders, depressive disorders, communication disorders, disruptive behavior disorders, belief disorders and soulality disorders. All these disorders are abnormal which are reflections of a very serious and concerned situation. Q. 1. What happened to unitarys mind when one is woken-up by a unlike or scaring noise? Ans A normal person whose sleep is disturbed by a scary or a strange noise, wakes up with in a disordered mood.First of all a good night sleep is disturbed and mind starts mentation to contract out(a) what is wrong in the vicinity and nearly in about less than five minutes, sleepy mood disappears and instead awakens ones mind to find out what went wrong at that moment. Men seldom feel threatened by scary noises and instead are successful in finding the realities in that situation. This is again dependent on the mental health and physical tiredness of a person as to how ones mind reacts to these strange noises.However, a common view is that strange noises certainly wake up people from sleep and generally minds search the cause and the place where from the strange noise is heard. Q. 2. How could disquietude or fear interfere or disrupt with normal decision making or thinking. Ans Panic leads to concern disorder which makes a particular proposition situation to go beyond control. For instance, all of a sudden, a lion enters a home, the owner is in great terror and is out of power in decision making. It takes time to regain normal thinking in order to make a plot to cage lion in home.Some of the tokens of anxiety are faster heart beat, heavy perspiration, stammering, hands and feet turning cold, extreme discomfort and restlessness. In both the above instances, there is a severe symptom for nervous breakdown or any abnormal disorder which may be either psychological or physical. Q. 3. Does the reaction time differ when one if full y awake and awaken by strange noise or sound? How? A fully awake person presently researches about the yield and considers necessary steps whereas for a person who awoke from sleep, reacts slowly to the problem.For instance, a brick from a construction apartment falls on a car which is parked nearby, makes a huge sound and car owner reacts immediately and files a case against contractor. The same incident takes place in the diaphragm of the night, car owner awakes from the middle of the sleep and finds car is broken, it takes time to react and to verify the facts of incident. Therefore the reaction time varies between a person who is fully awake and the person who is modify by strange noise. 4. How does the environment or circumstances affect our behaviors or the way of thinking? Thinking is often lead by environment that a person resides in.Thinking at home is quite relaxed, thinking in office is quite fast, thinking in a situation is quite nerve-wracking and thinking in bed i s again in a relaxed mood by reading a magazine or a newspaper. The pattern of thinking differs. For instance, behavior and thinking pattern in trains and airplanes is different such that passengers are all seat-belted, relaxed and at times doze off to sleep until destinations are reached. In panic situations, pattern of behavior changes such that yelling in anxiety, scream when in danger and calling out for help and assistance are some of the abnormal behaviors that outbreak among people.5. Is there any sort of training that you would recommend that would prepare staff mentally who might be sleeping during high cries at the middle of the night (e. g. crisis intervention or crisis management). For instance, force personnel improve their reaction time and decision making through training allowing them to be commensurate to get ready within 5 minutes from sleep and be able to make sound judgment or decisions. How can we compare armed services person vs. a regular person? Training a bout crisis management is quite a practical approach to staff.For instance, a burglar enters apartment and is immediately caught by the residents who acted with great courage. The essential technique that can be practiced is to predict crisis and have a pre-designed plots to attack crisis or risk situation. For instance, diffusing an explosive is a technique and requires skill, similarly, to counter-attack any situation, one has to be prepared in advance going by the environment one is placed in. A military person can never afford to be in a relaxed mood whereas an analysis has to be made each time, about the positive threats that shrink in from enemy or from any unlawful forces.By and large there is a huge difference between a military persons sleep and a regular persons sleep basing on the activity and exercise that varies between the two. A military person is ever on a low or high degree of stress and tension whereas a regular person carries a minimum risk depending on the reg ular activity that is being performed as daily chore of office-going. Conclusion Everything is a matter of acceptance as to how one reacts to a situation, whether by self-management or by seeking the guidance and help of other sources. This depends on the status of mind that one has both during the awakening time and sleeping time.The degree of panic is initially high, a person always possesses enough capacity to react to the situation in order to control and handle the issue effectively.ReferencesAlan Carr Abnormal psychological science http//books. google. com/books? id=oJEeqztJbCsC&pg=PR5&lpg=PP1&ots=oGW7hdXntJ&dq=abnormal+psychology&ie=ISO-8859-1& make=html&sig=2LkIWZZY7o2cbp7M0bS7JRSpm7M Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach By David H. Barlow, Vincent Mark Durand http//books. google. com/books? id=TFHmCOYKkgcC&pg=PR11&lpg=PR9&dq=abnormal+psychology&ie=ISO-8859-1&output=html&sig=hhIEwNgvnRWqpJN2MtNDwdut-GQ

Thursday, May 23, 2019

How did Pondo ng Pinoy transform you as a person Essay

Pondo ng Pinoy has transformed me as an individual by making me a more improved Christian or a more enhanced follower of Jesus because with Pondo ng Pinoy, I can be capable of and go forth be able to help out those citizens who ar very much in need of these funds that we put inside the Pondo ng Pinoy bottle. The amount of the money we put in may boast a small amount of value, but it doesnt stop us from making other peoples lives worth living because no matter how small or little the amount in total is, as long as we do it on a regular basis that becomes our habitual act in our everyday life and it go forth be a significant part of our lives.Pondo ng Pinoy has prone me an opportunity to let a large number of people have one more chance to make their own living, to let me lend a hand to those who are really in need to reconstruct their own upcoming future and to make them erstwhile feel that they really are and will always be welcome to come back to the Christian community- esp ecially to those individuals who were about to let go of their faith because they had thought that nobody else cared for them-, and make themselves financially, spiritually and physically independent and I can be of assistance to a whole lot more to people.With Pondo ng Pinoy, I have helped those children who want to have a better education and for those children to get to have an education that they have longed for. I have helped those people- who are little fortunate- to have their own micro-finance businesses and micro-enterprise businesses that they couldnt do without the help of Pondo ng Pinoy. I have helped people to be healthier to live in a better surrounding, to have a better aura and to feel more secure. I have helped people to have their own place to live where their family can call it home.It transformed me to be more rude(a) in other peoples needs. It made me realize all the blessings that I have received from God, and that I am blessed. Most of the times, I melt do wn to get unsatisfied with things God, my parents or my family or anyone do for me. But realizing this Pondo ng Pinoy program, not besides that, it made me see more clearly that there are other less fortunate brother and sisters of ours who would get so happy and be contented to receive those things people have done for me. Because of that, I knowing to be more appreciative of the things those persons do for me.I would even be more glad to share the blessings that I receive everyday from God to those less fortunate brothers and sister of ours because I realize that I am blessed and it is never wrong to make them happy of the little things that I can do for them as a student or as their sister. People would usually see the 25 centavo as a loose change, but it would change their perspectives once they knew about the Pondo ng Pinoy. Im also pertaining to myself as one of the people who thought that a 25 centavo is a loose change- when I hitherto didnt find out about the Pondo ng Pin oy.I have come to realize that I value the centavos even more these past fewer years. I would rather have changes that are centavos instead of pesos. I always get energized when my parents get changes that are centavos and I would instantly ask it from them or when I see centavos from my parents coins in their drawers. To be honest, I even have a separate coin bank that only centavos are containing in it. So I guess that is how Pondo ng Pinoy had put an effect or impact in my life. It will permanently be a part of my everyday life.Im not bragging but, ever since I was a little kid I have always wanted to help out those people who are needy. So I guess as a 15 year old, this can be another way for me to help them regularly instead of skilful occasionally. If all together, all Filipinos would work hand in hand with the Pondo ng Pinoy project, I am very confident that we can help all our Filipino brothers and sisters to have a better existence or a better experience to live here on E arth since all of us only live once. So those are the things that the Pondo ng Pinoy has transformed me as a person.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Buisiness Implication of Exchange Rates

BUSINESS IMPLICATIONS OF EXCHANGE-RATE CHANGES BUSINESS IMPLICATIONS OF EXCHANGE-RATE CHANGES Market Decisions On the rateting side, trade rate can dissemble demand for a companys products at home and abroad. A country such as Mexico may force down the value of its coin if its exports become too expensive owing to relatively high inflation. Even though inflation would cause the peso value of the Mexican products to turn off, the devaluation means that it takes little foreign currency to buy the pesos, thus allowing the Mexican products to remain competitive.One interesting ramification of a peso depreciation is the impact of the cheaper Mexican goods on exporters from other countries. For example, the cheaper Mexican goods flooding the market in Argentina might take away market share from Italian exporters, thus affecting the Italian economy. A good example of the marketing impact of exchange rate changes is the problem that Japanese car manufacturers were having selling to t he United States in 1986 and 1987 due to the sharp rise in the value of the yen.As the dollar mark fell 47 percent against the yen in the 16 months ending in December 1986, Japanese car companies imbed that their cost advantage had disappeared, prices had to be increased, and profit margins had to be trimmed in order to remain competitive. In addition, Korean cars were making inroads due to the low cost and prices of Korean products. Thus a currency depreciation could result in foreign products becoming so expensive in a country wish the United States that U. S. roducts soon would pick up market share from imports. The key is whether or not the percentage of devaluation exceeds the relative increase in inflation. In the theme of Japan, the strengthening of the Japanese yen in the latter part of 1990 was advantageous to the Japanese in one sensethe cost of imports. Oil prices skyrocketed in later(a) 1990 as Iraq invaded Kuwait, and oil is priced in dollars. Because the yen was ri sing against the dollar, the stronger yen offset the higher cost of oil.Production Decisions Production decisions also could be affected by an exchange-rate change. A manufacturer in a country with high wages and operating expenses might be tempted to locate production in a country such as Argentina (where the austral is rapidly losing value) because a foreign currency could buy lots of aus-trals, making the initial investment relatively cheap. Another argue for locating in a country such as Argentina is that goods manufactured there would be relatively cheap in world markets.However, a firm could accomplish the same purpose by going to any country whose currency is expected to remain weak in relation to that of the parent-country currency. The attracter of a weak-currency country must be balanced with the potential problems of investing there. Financial Decisions The final business area where exchange rates make a difference is in finance, The areas of finance that are most affec ted are the sourcing of financial re- sources, the remittance of notes across national borders, and the financial statements.There might be a temptation to borrow money where interest rates are lowest. However, we mentioned earlier that interest-rate differentials often are compensated for in the money markets through exchange-rate changes. In the area of financial flows, a parent company would want to convert local currency into the parents own currency when exchange rates are most favorable so that it can maximize its return. However, countries with weak currencies often birth currency controls, making it difficult to manage the flow of funds optimally.Finally, exchange-rate changes also can influence the reporting of financial results. A simple example can illustrate the impact that exchange rates can have on income. If the Mexican subsidiary of a U. S. company earns 100 million pesos when the exchange rate is 200 pesos per dollar, the dollar equivalent of income is $500,000. I f the peso depreciates to 300 pesos per dollar, the dollar equivalent of income falls to $333,333.The opposite would occur if the local currency appreciates against the parent currency. LOOKING TO THE FUTURE The international monetary system has undergone significant reform in the past two decades. As the historically planned economies undergo a transition to market economies, they will feel significant pressure on their exchange rates. High rates of inflation and weak demand for those currencies will lead to major devaluationscertainly a key factor affecting the Russian rouble in March and April of 1991.The European Monetary System should continue to strengthen, and national economic policies will be coordinated more closely as the Europeans mint closer to a common currency. However, the weaker economies of some of the new entrants into the EC will continue to plague harmonization and the problems arising during the reunification of Germany will keep the German mark from soaring too high against the currencies of the other EC members. Some of the most interesting changes in currency values will take place in the more flexible category.Countries in the adjusted according to a set of indicators and other managed floating categories need to gain greater control over their economies in order to move to the independently floating category. Countries in the latter category are under constant pressure to control inflation and to keep from macrocosm tempted to intervene in the markets. Firms will face constant pressure to understand the factors influencing particular exchange rates and to adjust corporate strategy in prospicience of rate movements. Their job will only get easier if exchange rate volatility diminishes

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Library System Essay

depository library System is an enterprise resource planning governing body for a library, used to track items owned, orders made, bills paid, and patrons who have borrowed. Prior to computerization, library tasks were performed manually and independently from one another. Selectors ordered materials with ordering slips, cataloguers manually catalogued items and mighted them with the card catalog agreement, fines were collected by local bailiffs, and users signed books out manually, indicating their name on cue tease which were then kept at the circulation desk. Early mechanization came in 1936, when the University of Texas began using a jabbing card strategy to manage library circulation. While the punch card system allowed for more effectual tracking of loans, library services were far from being integrated, and no other library task was affected by this change.Following this, the next big innovation came with the advent of MARC standards in the 1960s which coincided with th e growth of computer technologies library automation was born. Now, in our society all oer the world technology is the most important advancement, a necessity in bringing about progress as we move along in this computerized world. These changes in effect make mans life easier and more convenient. The relationship between the library and computer is constantly changing that the use of computer contri thates to the counsel man learns and communicates. It easy in this world to strive for changes and since library is no different from any firm and institution, considering the use of computer to perform a tending(p) task will be efficient. Librarians have the responsibility not only to know about the ways in which libraries will be managed using techniques of computerized, but also to be awargon of the changes that computerized can bring to the library services in the near future.(Grace, 2011)And as of today our Library System in PUP-Ragay is quiet operated manually. Manual operating systems are vulnerable to human error. For instance, a librarian who misfiles a borrowers records or indexes a book incorrectly slows down the touch and wastes employees time, its also slow to operate. Instead of using a computer to issue and take back books, locating and updating a card index is slow and laborious. Manual systems are unable to store large amounts of data efficiently. With manual systems staffs spend a lot of their time on mechanical, clericaltasks sort of than liaising with library visitors. Manual systems in libraries struggle to dish out with the recent explosion in information requests, many of them about online resources. Manual systems find it hard to cope with the volume of borrowers inquiries about books and research information. On a simple level, locating a precise book within the local library system is long without a linked computer network.On another level, meeting an inquiry about a precise online resource becomes almost impossible. According to R obson (2001), usability is a mainstay requirement for users, says Elisabeth Robson, Product manager for Online Computer Library Center. The catalogue has become a way to pull together disparate resources, including commercial resources and web links. trouble systems also allow circulation, including check in/check out and enable libraries to purchase materials and track where they are. In the 1980s, to relieve overcrowding in existing on-campus library buildings, the UC system constructed two regional library facilities the Northern Regional Library Facility at UC Berkeleys Richmond Field Station (opened 1982), and the Southern Regional Library Facility on the western edge of the UCLA campus (opened 1987). As of 2007, Northern Regional Library Facility is home to 4.7 million volumes, while SRLF is home to 5.7 million.Each rapidness receives items from all UC campuses in its respective region of the state, and has climate controls and high-density stacks. Items are shelved two dee p and are arranged in a sequence that results in efficient use of space (but is not quite as intuitive as traditional library indexing systems). As a result, casual browsing is prohibited, and the shelves are accessible only by library clerks trained to retrieve and put back items properly. Users must page materials to an on-site reading room or to a library at their home campus. Today, Information Technology (IT) has changed the world massively. (examples include reading our emails and news online using neither paper nor pen, communicating with instant messengers and region Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) while not sending letters or going to call centers, watching video or TV shows online without rent / buying of physical DVDs, ordering and purchasing products online from around the world without traveling, and as one of the more recent developments, some minor surgical procedures can be performed without the presence of doctors).And even all the businesses are shifting to compute r based system. All of this motivated us to play ourown part in bread and butter the PUP-Ragay Library in our effort to improve efficiency and quality of the services and reduce the sort of problems and difficulties which accompany the old system. This project is concerned with developing a System using Advance Programming. This System will provide a computer based library system with higher speed, accuracy and efficiency. It should be mentioned that much(prenominal) a system would be replicable and could be easily implemented in other school libraries and public libraries, once it has been successfully installed in PUP-Ragay.Statement of the problemThe problems with the current library system of PUP-Ragay Library are the following The current system is too complicated as said by the user.The current system is too slow for processesScope and Limitation of the StudyScopeThe scope of this project is to make a library system that will meet the usual and specific objectives and are the following (a) The proposed system will be used in borrowing, returning and recording of books of PUP-Ragay Library. (b) The proposed system will be having a angiotensin-converting enzyme application that includes circulation, cataloging and inventory. (c) The proposed system can print the books recorded in the inventory. (d) The proposed system will be having a single username and password. (e) The proposed system may also be used to manage the inventory of PUP-Ragay Library. (f) The proposed system will be displaying a record of past and present borrowers that may be used for future references. (g) The proposed system can create multiple user accounts.(h) The proposed system will be using Visual Basic 6 programming language in fashioning the proposal system.LimitationThe proposed system will be limited to the following(a) The proposed system will not be using barcode scanner.(b) The proposed system will not be displaying any late returned books withpenalties but will still di splay a message that the book was returned. (c) The proposed system will not be generating penetration number for the books.Theoretical/Conceptual FrameworkTheoretically, the main purpose of the proposed system is to create an efficient fast and reliable Library System of PUP-Ragay Campus.Conceptual material paradigm will present to you like input, process and output of the system that will show the great difference between existing system to the proposed system.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Fire Prevention and Safety using modern technology Essay

Technology has helped us in preventing exhaust incidents. zeal prevention is a proactive way of life of minimizing the damages or harm ca utilise by a usher out incident. It is the responsibility of sacking departments which aboutly progress to a enkindle Prevention Officer as their head. The function of fire prevention is to spread sensory faculty on how to take precautions against fire. give the bounce fighters, on the other hand, argon assigned the task of do away with fires. dismission fighters argon also dependant on technology to extinguish fire. All the equipments they use atomic number 18 the issue on technology.To sum it up, technology has helped us in preventing fire as well as extinguishing it when need be. Technology has helped us enhance our fire safety measures. Fire safety comprises of the precautions we take to precipitate the probability of a fire that may be fatal, injurious to people and hazardous to the property. This research write up would analyz e how technology helps us prevent and extinguish fire. Modern technology has given us some types of equipment that have helped us prevent fire incidents. In more or less of the buildings today a fire mental retardation material is used during construction.There are also some electronic contrivances such as the stool detectors. The biggest sign of fire is the cola. Wherever there is fire, there is batch. So the fire detectors help identify this symptom. These devices are also actually affordable. Many building have gauge detectors in all rooms. It has be come after a necessary home security appliance. Smoke detectors are perfect for slow kindling fires but for comburant gas explosions modern technology has come up with the gas detectors. Smoke detectors are one of the most important fire safety devices.Natural gas and petroleum gas are the two most widely used gases in daily lives. Due to their harmful nature and properties, any gas leaks could endpoint in dangerous explos ions. Gas detectors are continuously monitoring the air and they immediately identify the diversity in surroundings if there is a gas leakage. They come with audible and visual disheartenment systems to dapper people of the gas leakage. Hence, appropriate action can be taken in era to decrease the consequences. Gas detectors are a useful invention and should be positioned where gas leaks are most expected.another(prenominal) example of technology that helps us in preventing fire is the fire alarm system. The fire alarm systems come in various varieties. They range from the simple manual alarms to the ones that give verbal warnings of any fire detection. A control panel, notification device, building safety interface and power supply make up a typical fire alarm system. The above mentioned gas and quite a little detectors are the initiation devices that inform the alarm that a fire has been detected. Manual alarm system depends on people to detect fire and entice the manual al arm.Some of the other detectors used are the flame detectors and the heat detectors. The notification devices help in informing the people to evacuate the building because of the fire. Many of these devices send a direct signal to the enveloping(prenominal) fire department. Some of these devices are built to give verbal announcements, and also a visual let out for the hearing impaired. The most modern of these devices that are installed in monumental buildings also provide evacuation instruction manual so that people evacuate the area in which fire was detected.There are various types of smoke alarms. They mostly fall in the categories of ionization alarms and photoelectric alarms. The former is better for fast flaming fire and the latter is more appropriate for the smoke fire. The combination of both these is the dual sensor smoke alarms (US Fire Administration, 2010). Wireless smoke alarms are one of the latest technological advancement as far as fire alarm systems are concern ed. The wireless smoke alarm come in two variant categories Battery cater and Alternate Current ply.The battery powered smoke alarm is just give care a normal fire alarm with no wire which saves the families the hassle of wiring and rewiring. The AC powered alarm systems is much more modern and aid in increasing the coverage of the alarm system. So, many an(prenominal) smoke alarms can be replace by just a single AC powered alarm system A fire extinguisher, like the fire sprinkler system, is an active fire protection device rather a preventive one. It can not help in cases where there is a large out of control fire. so far, it is most appropriate for fires that are limited to the ceilings of the buildings.There are two types of extinguishers stored impel and cartridge-operated. In the stored pressure fire extinguisher, the fire fighting broker and the expellant are stored in one chamber. Propellants are chosen keeping in mind the nature of the fire fighting agent. The nitrog en gas is used when the agent is any dry chemical extinguisher. Air is used when there the watery or foaming chemical extinguishers are present. On the other hand, in the cartridge operated extinguishers, the expellant gas and the fire fighting agent are in different chambers.The cartridge containing the expellant is punctured before the propellant and extinguishing agents are subject to each other. The cartridge operated extinguisher is mostly used in industries where extinguishers have to be used time and again. The benefit these extinguishers give is the prompt recharge. The cartridge operated extinguishers use compressed carbon dioxide whereas the stored pressure extinguishers use nitrogen. Fire extinguishers can be further categorized into handheld and cart-mounted extinguishers. Cart-mounted extinguishers are also known as wheel around extinguishers.Handheld extinguishers are mostly used in homes or small workplaces or schools. The wheeled extinguishers are used in industri al sites, marines, airports, docks and heliports. They are much larger in size and bulky in weight. A fire sprinkler system comprises of a water supply that helps in extinguishing the fire. It is not a preventive tool but rather a cure. It supplies water with sufficient pressure just as the fire is detected. Initially expensive, it has become more affordable with the passage of time. Only a very fewer people have a fire sprinkler system installed at their homes.However most of them have smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are very important for the buildings safety. However, the best possible safety comes with the creation of fire sprinklers. They do not just help you detect fire but unlike the smoke detectors they help extinguishing it and saving lives. It is very popular in industries but still is not very much utilized in residences. Smoke detectors and sprinklers work best together. Smoke detectors identify the fire and come out off the sprinklers. Sprinklers supply water with p ressure and extinguish the fire.The only disadvantage of installing a fire sprinkler is that ones the fire has been extinguished people realize that all their belongings have been soaked in water. However this is a little price to pay if the sprinklers help save us our life ( smith, 2008). Technology has been a vital source of fire safety. Technology has always been a source of argument some party favor it, other oppose it. Where some people say that technology itself is the source of most fire incidents, others compete that technology has come up with equipments and devices such as various fire detectors and extinguishers.The contribution of technology in fire safety can not be ignored. To prevent fire, technology has given us smoke detectors, heat detectors, gas detectors, flame detectors and a variety of fire alarm systems. To extinguish fire, technology has provided for us several kinds of fire extinguishers and fire sprinkler systems. We should all make use of such devices and minimize the damage that fire can cause us. Fire incidents are very common and it would be a mistake on our part if we ignore dangers it can cause. References Bellis.M, Fire Sprinkler Systems, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http//inventors. about. com/library/inventors/blfiresprinkler. htmUK Fire Service Resources Edwards. T, (2009), Automatic Fire Sprinklers for Your Home, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http//ezinearticles. com/? Automatic-Fire-Sprinklers-For-Your-Home&id=321091Group, (2009), Smoke Alarms and Detectors, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http//www. fireservice. co. uk/safety/smokealarms. php Safety Products Unlimited, (2009), Kidde Wireless System Components, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http// html Smith R J, (2008), Residential Fire Sprinkler System Advantages, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http//ezinearticles. com/? Residential-Fire-Sprinkler-System-Advantages&id=1388738 Santarpia. F, (2010), more security with a fire sprinkler in your house, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http//ezinearticles. com/? More-Security-With-a-Fire-Sprinkler-in-Your-House&id=2229457 US Fire Administration, (December 17, 2010) Smoke Alarms, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http//www. usfa. dhs. gov/citizens/all_citizens/home_fire_prev/alarms/

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Compare Death Essay

Tony Harrisons From Long Distance is poem ab step forward how finish has caused him and his fuck off to grieve. Death is approached done the grief of the family and the by tense in the poem. Charles Tennyson turners On conclusion a itsy-bitsy Fly wiped out(p) in a give is a sonnet about the beauty of a dead gos corpse and how closing slew excrete at any clipping. Death is approached through the control and how stopping point is unpredict fitted. The similarities and differences between the poems be in the phrase, poetry and hertz.In From Long Distance Tony Harrison conveys death through diction. At the start Harrison describes how the father kept her slippers warming by the gas. This evokes a warm air because the father is doing something nice. However Harrison writes that my mother was already two long time dead. The adverb already conveys the passing of time and builds that even while the father was doing something nice for his dead wife it is irrational to do it for two years and evokes a negative atmosphere because the father is emotionally stressed. Furthermore the father put you off an second to give him time to clear away her things.Harrison is conveying his disappointment in the father as the father is too wound up in grief. However Harrison says I believe in life and death and that is all which describes how there is no afterlife but this statement is sort of emotionless which makes it sound quite false. Right afterwards this is justified through you havent twain gone shopping. This suggests that both parents are dead likewise with disconnected number I nevertheless call. Harrison conveys that he is still grieving for his dead parents just like his father. Death is approached in From Long Distance through death causing people to show grief in irrational ways.In On Finding a Small Fly Crushed in a Book, Charles Tennyson turner conveys death through mental imagery and diction. Turner portrays the corpse of the fly as being a f air monument and having wings peek out. This image is very angelic and appointed which conveys how the fly left a beautiful tell in the book. However this is ironic as flies are usually horrible and hated creatures. From this Turner writes The pearl is by us day by day which conveys how death can happen at any time. Furthermore Turner uses The Book will close upon us to portray the Book as being death and is certain that you cant escape it and it will eventually close. Lastly Turner writes that the closing book may stop our vital breath, Yet leave no lustre on our page of death. Turner conveys to the reader that when we die we dont leave a positive mark on the world unlike that of the fly. Turner approaches death as serious matter and that it can happen any time.There are many similarities and differences between the poems From Long Distance and On Finding a Small Fly Crushed in a Book in rhyme, diction and rhythm. The rhyme in From Long Distance changes in the last stanza to emp hasize that Harrison has let his emotions give way and show that he is still grieving for his dead parents. Likewise in On Finding a Small Fly Crushed in a Book the first eight lines of the sonnet have a regular pattern but the rhyme scheme changes in the last six lines which emphasizes how humans corpses are different to those of flies and also that death is unpredictable through the change in rhyme scheme.The diction in From Long Distance is positive because of the fathers actions. However Harrison uses words such as blight, crime and rusted which are all negative and create a barrier between the father and Harrison. In On Finding a Small Fly Crushed in a Book the diction for the first eight lines is positive when describing the beauty of the dead fly however in the last six lines it is a lot more serious which conveys the importance of the subject of death and how we want to make a mark in the world. Both poems have iambic pentameter which gives a regular rhythm and flow. In Fro m Long Distance this flow gives the effect of time passing which emphasizes how death is hard to wield with. In On Finding a Small Fly Crushed in a Book the flow emphasizes the seriousness of death to show that it is important. These similarities and differences convey death through not being able to cope with death and how people could die anytime.The poems From Long Distance by Tony Harrison and On Finding a Small Fly Crushed in a Book by Charles Tennyson Turner approach death through the similarities and differences in diction, rhyme and rhythm. Harrison conveys to the reader that we should learn to cope with death and not hide out emotions. Turner conveys to the reader that we should make the most out of our life as death can happen at any time.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Functional Areas of Business Essay

The operative areas of business are areas that allow the transcription to operate, develop, and progress abiding by laws and regulations when implementing policies and procedures in the fundamental law to all employees and prudence. There are 10 functional areas of business forethought, law, human resources management, leadership, accounting, finance, economics, research and statistics, operations management, marketing, and strategic planning. The two functional areas that give be covered are human resources management and strategic planning because these are the two related to the human resources manager and developing the organization into a successful one.Human Resources ManagementEmployees and applicants may think of human resources management as a part that hires and terminates employees and nothing much, but this is not the case. Human Resources Management is a vital department of some(prenominal) organization because with this the organization is built and develops. T he department is answerable recruiting, interviewing, hiring, consulting, strategic planning, and many former(a)s tasks that involve operating the organization. It must chastentle the mortalal information, knowledge, skills, experiences, and creative thinking of all applicants before fashioning them employees while abiding by all laws set forth by the specific state. Organizations must follow these laws to avoid facing fines or facing other implications that could be set forth by the state. once the applicants become employees, the organization will strengthen the employees knowledge, skills, experiences, and creativity by pass on training and development systems offered. Human Resources Management uses two strategies buy-bureaucratic strategy that emphasizes outside recruiting, confine training, exact job definitions, and seniority as the criteria and make-organic strategy that emphasizes internal promotions, extensive training, comprehensive job definitions, and the employe es abilities or performance as the criteria (Keh-Luh, Chi, & Chiu-Mei, 2012). These strategies are used to gain knowledgeable employees who will benefit the organization.strategic readiness strategical planning in any organization is essential to being successful, changing, and growing in the future. strategic planning is a formal, administrative process that calls for an explicit procedure to notice specific, long-range objectives and generate pick strategies, requires both strict implementation and a system to monitor results (Song, Im, Bij, & Song, 2011, p 505, para 4). This can be determined by performing a SWOT analysis, which states an organizations strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The SWTO will help to determine what needs researched at, what needs improved, and how the organization will improve it. The strategic plan will improve these flesh out and enhance the organization when implemented.Developing a strategic plan involves several steps developing a clear understanding of opportunities and challenges, assessment of the organizations strengths and limitations, an inclusive approach, a planning committee, involvement, sharing responsibility, reading from the best practices, clear priorities and plan, patience, and a commitment to change (Mittenthal, 2002). These steps will need broken implement and followed closely to develop a plan that will benefit the employees and management it is affecting. The organization will be able to implement the changes and record the results to see if the strategic plan was successful. If the results were negative, the organization will have to look at the information again and try different changes in the organization that will benefit more than the previous changes that were made. Mostly following these steps will provide the organization with the success and progress it is flavor to gain moving into the future of its operation.Role in Functional AreasIn the Human Resources Management and Str ategic Planning areas, the specific role of the human resources manager would be greatly involved. First, because the role is acting as a Human Resources Manager, the role in the Human Resources Management area would be recruiting, interviewing, hiring, consulting, strategic planning, and any other tasks that may be presented. The human resources manager is one, if not the only, key person in the organization. This person staffs the organization while following all laws and regulations associated with the specific state it represents. Along with staffing the organization, this person is besides responsible for creating and implementing all policies and procedures for employees to follow. This allows the organization to run smoothly and efficiently to complete the tasks it has to make water done.Strategic Planning is also part of a human resources manager role because the human resources manager is involved in the strategic plan process of the organization. The human resources mana ger is involved in assessing the organization to see where it stands, where it needs to be, and how to get there. This is completed only after following specific steps, performing a SWOT analysis, and implementing what is necessary to change. Once the strategic plan is created, it must be presented and explained to the employees involved. The change must be adhered to by everyone to be successful, if not it will not work, and the organization will be where it started. If the organization needs to relook at the strategic plan, it will need to start at the beginning and follow the steps once again. This will help the organization to determine what needs changed and how to implement to see if this change will make a difference.ConclusionThe functional areas of a business are important to develop and build the organization further than it is currently. Human Resources Management and Strategic Planning are two of the key areas that help an organization operate and progress further than w hat it is currently. These two areas complement each other with Human Resources operating the organization and also working with others to leave the strategic plan. Human Resources are responsible for employing qualified candidates for positions and abiding by all laws and regulations when implementing policies and procedures in the organization. Strategic planning is worked on my upper management, including human resources, to identify business areas of the organization, what to fix, how to fix it, and where to go once the problem areas are fixed. The key to any organization is everyone working together to complete all tasks assigned and making changes as required to progress even further.

Curse: Having Diverse Ethnic Identity

CURSE HAVING DIVERSE ethnic IDENTITY Multi ethnic large number can be defined as a people who view as more than one refining in other manner of speaking who grew up with more than one ethnic individualism. A person who grew up with more than one culture is having a immix ethnic identity. Amin Maloouf, who has mixed ethnic identity, is a Lebanese author, who born in Beirut. His father was from Melikte Greek Catholic community and on the other spate his mother was from Turkey. Also Maalouf (1998) character references that he has lived in France for twenty-two years, (as cited in Eken, A. N. amp Rodrigues, B & Atabas, H. G. & Harris, J & Gunceri, M & Bilgic, M. L. & Tack, S& Onel, Z, 2010, p. 255), which shows that he is living three contrary cultures, in other words he is having mixed ethnic identity. Maalouf argues that having mixed ethnic identity is not a unchurch on the contrary, it is blessing. As arguments and evidences show that having mixed ethnic identity is not always blessing, it is mostly a curse for some reasons like psychological and behavioral problems, instructional and communicative problems and some problems in team work.Having different pagan identity is having two different cultures both from your mother and father, which entrust come up with both having different perspectives and which will work out person to remain open-minded. Different perspectives make people to think in different ways also different conversations thus Parekh (2006) argues that different perspectives intended to equip individuals with the ability to reversed in multiple cultural idioms, leading to an appreciation of the complexity of the truth, freedom from ethnocentric practices and the ability to settle from other cultures. (as cited in McGlynn, 2009, p. 300), which makes mixed identical people better than mono identical people. Even though bi ethnic individuals having bad experiences like marginalizing from society and come across with racism. On th e other hand also they are experiencing the positive way of having mixed ethnic identity like being open-minded. As Korgen (1998) and Ross (1996) argued that, as a result of being open-minded, people with diverse identity correspond to the situations and people in different ways, thus this makes them to have ability to see things from different point of views. (as cited in Abu-Rayya, 2006, p. 670). According to what Maalouf says, without apiece counter argument diverse ethnic identity is blessing just for having ability to see things in different point of views and being open-minded for different situations and different. In contrary what Maalouf has said, that mixed ethnic identity is blessing, in diverse team work at that place are both positive and negative effect of multicultural diversity only when the negative effect of the diversity makes the team mathematical process less legal than non diverse team.With having different cultures at the same time means having divers( a) acquirements and being interested in more than one thing as mixed cultural identity provides. Thereby Bodenhausen (2009) argues that team performance will positively cloaked by mixed cultural members of the team which they come up with various knowledge and skills. By bringing different skills and knowledge together in the group, Somers (2006) Wrap & Mahoney (2008) argue that these differences make other people to think in more sophisticated way, which makes the team performance better. (as cited in Bodenhausen, 2009, p. ) share-out the knowledge by mixed ethnic members, there emerges a competitive motivation that will accession the performance in the team (Launt & Philips, 2007). Because of these reasons in the group each member of the team will co-occurrence each other and it will end with the increment of the team performance. In contrary to this positive situation, there are bad effects of having diversely ethnic members in the team. Trianduis (1960) argues that inter in-p erson problems and communicative difficulties have occurred by cultural diversity in the group, which does affect the performance negatively.Additional to this Kirchmeyer & Cohen (1992) indicate that this communicative difficulties bring to an end to the excited conflicts. This communication problem and emotional conflicts or generally conflicts within the group are because of not having a customary, exact culture. More over Pfeffer (1983) says that the reason for these problems are having fewer shared experiences, having less in common and expressing more difference of opinion. (as cited in Collin & Tagesson, 2008, p. 24). Because members express their selves in different way, they will be misunderstood by the other members of the team, and even because they do not have in common much like culture or experiences they will come across with a communication problem. As a result of these, OReilly, Cardwell, and Barnett (1989) claim that these problems will threat the cohesiveness of the team (as cited in Collin & Tagesson, 2008, p. 224). In these circumstances, performance of the diverse eam will be much lower, when it is compared with ethnically same team. Beside mono cultural identity multicultural identity enables people to compose their sustain identities but temporary hookup composing, some problems emerge like not forming a unyielding identity because of the result of acculturation, also undermining the national identity. Sen (2006) rejects a plural mono culturalism that essentializes identity in save of multicultural practice that endows the freedom to cultivate reasoned choice of identity priority (as cited in McGylnn, 2009, p. 00). In contrary to blessing part of having diverse ethnic identity, there is an issue that called acculturation which is the exchange of cultural features that results when groups of individuals having different cultures come into continuous first hand contact. This acculturation may cause culture concussion or accultura tion stress while identifying yourself. In other words Jensen (2003) says, in forming a luculent identity, people come across with difficulties because of acculturation.They are having paradox because of the cultures various requirements. Thereby, they cannot properly decide which one to own or which one to not so, they mess up and then with the identity cloudiness they are marginalized from homogenous society. More over because of multiculturalism Uberoi (2008) claims that multicultural policies sometimes make people to focus on their cultural identities rather of their national one, thus making the latter unimportant to them. Having multicultural identity bridges the cultures and makes these cultures develop but on the other hand it has negative effect on identity which are cultural stroke and acculturative stress which is not blessing but it is cursing for a person who has diverse ethnic identity. For the positive side of having diverse ethnic identity Parekh argues that no s ingle culture can live all that is valuable in human life nor develop the full range of human possibilities. (as cited in McGlynn, 2009, p. 00) In other words, cultures correct and complement each others both mistakes and missing and also expand each others perspectives by bringing different cultures in one body, which shows that they are bridging each other. More over multicultural identity help humans to develop their selves by learning from others. But in contrast to this, bridging and complementing the cultures, it affect people negatively and it brings acculturative stress and cultural shock both behavioural and psychological way. plot of ground trying to bridge cultures it come up an end with behavioural and psychological problems because of identity confusion.By identity confusion Arnett claims that substance use, prostitution, armed aggression, and suicide have emerged in multicultural individuals. (as cited in Jensen, 2003, p. 194) Because diverse ethnic individuals side lined by the society, they are having some psychological problems like low self-esteem, tones of anxiety, depression, guilt, despair, hopelessness (Brown (2001) Moyotshi (1990), as cited in Abu-Rayya, 2006, p. 669) also the feeling of ambivalence over their personal, racial, or ethnic identity (Brandell (1988) Brown (1990) Pinderhuges (1995), as cited in Abu-Rayya, 2006, p. 69). For example Abu-Rayya mention about Arap-European children who are the having both Arabic and Europen culture together, which may subject them to psychological maladjustment and disturb their personal and ethnic development. More over Abu-Rayya says that as a minority group in the mono-ethnic Arabs, they live as scattered individuals and may be perceived as a threat to the continuity of the ethnic and cultural structure(s) of the Arab group which this threat may surrender them to affectionate exclusion.Although the social exclusion or any behavioural or psychological problems, multicultural education is m ore effective in culturally integrate school, besides less parents choose these integrated schools. Reich (2002) indicates that multicultural education is more effective in schools which are culturally integrated (as cited in McGlynn, 2009, p. 301). According to McGlynn it is effective but it is frequently highly contentious. Children are not aid to integrated schools because of their parents.In Northern Ireland, education system remains separate, McGlynn claims that with children either attending Catholic maintained schools or de facto Protestant controlled schools. Parents are against to integrated school in Northern Ireland under 1989 Education Reform (Northern Ireland) allege to government has a duty to meet the needs of parents requesting integrated education and provides two types (p. 301), both integrated schools and controlled schools According to NICIE (2008) only 6% of the pupil population attend integrated schools (as cited in McGlynn, 2009, p. 01). This shows even t he education is better in integrated, diverse schools parents do not want their children to study in those schools because of the other problems. As a conclusion, Amin Maalouf, who has ethnic diverse identity, has said that having mixed ethnic identity is blessing but as evidences shows that it is not blessing it is cursing because of the behavioural and psychological problems, having difficulties in education, decreasing the team performance and problems while creating the identity.So having diverse ethnic identity is not blessing, it is cursing. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abu-Rayya, H. M. (2006). social identity, ego identity, and psychological well-being among mixed-ethnic Arab-European adolescents in Israel. Brithis daybook of Development, Vol, 24, DOI 10. 1207/s1532706xid0604_3 Bodenhausen, G. V. (2009). Diversity in the person diversity in the group Challengesof identity complexity for social perception and socail interaction. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40 from http//icproxy. abanciuniv. edu2055/ehost/detail? sid=1cd41c5e-d9eb-4053-86e0-b31165dd43e1%40sessionmgr12&vid=20&hid=12&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3ddb=a9h&AN=47805859 * Jensen, L. A. (2003). Coming of Age in a Multicultural World Globalization and Adolescent pagan Identity Formation. Applied Developmental Science, Vol. 7 from * http//icproxy. sabanciuniv. edu2055/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? vid=20&hid=12&sid=1cd41c5e-d9eb-4053-86e0-b31165dd43e1%40sessionmgr12 * McGlynn, C. (2003).Integrating education Parekhian multiculturalism and good practice. 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Friday, May 17, 2019

Henry Tam Case

We have to evaluate the performance of a distinctly divers(a) police squad aiming to bring in a occupation plan for MGIs Music Puzzle Game to enter the HBS contest. The squad comprised of MGI frameers, Sasha, Igor and Roman, dickens HBS students heat content and Dana and subject matter experts Alex and Dav. In addition, we have to recommend actions for atomic number 1 Tam, which would foster better police squad dynamics to accomplish the task at hand. The squad, after much deliberation and little success, has just 3 weeks before entering the case at the HBS Business Plan competition.In the police squad there is, Sasha, a former HBS MBA student with experience in drastically different industries Igor and Roman, exceptionally gifted Russian medical specialtyians total heat & Dana who are finance professionals in the second year of their HBS MBA Alex, who is a specialist in computer music applications from Berkley and Dave, a software developer from MIT. Root Cause Analysi s The major strengths of the team were a presence of diverse talents, close affinity amidst the founders, great product, shared passion and complementary skills.However, there is much conflict and failure to deliver results, due to a variety of factors. These factors include a lack of cohesion as a team, an ambiguity of voices definitions, a lack of clear surpassership, and a weak working culture. The team has a common goal to develop the business plan, only the focus is different, with the HBS students focused on the contest deadlines, and the MGI founders essay to create a viable business. The team is unable to come to a consensus on which market to penetrate.Additionally, the team is functioning more as a group as they are unstructured, have an unevenly distributed work load (Katzenbach & Smith, 2005). There is no collective work product, and there is an individual approach to problem solving, as inappropriate to shared resolutions. Within the group, there are also facti ons or subgroups. Adding to the frustration was that they were in a weensy confined workspace on the HBS campus. And finally, the team was get it only lacking in interrelationship trust. Drawing from Tuckmans stages of group training Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning (Tuckmans Stages, n. . ), developed in 1965, we can assess the team building processes. The forming stage was spread everywhere three meetings as all the members were non introduced at the very beginning. During the storming stage, team members expectations were not aligned. Dana and Henry perceive the image to be more strategic, as opposed to Sashas perception of them as interns focused on writing the business plan only. The modus operandi suggested by Sasha to contact HBS alumni added to the chaos. Plus the introduction of Dav forced Henry and Dana to formulate on Sashas motives.In the norming stage we do not see any cohesion but constant disagreements, all primarily due to not defining th e norms at the onset. Issues in the norming stage lead to unclear orientation in the performing stage, not adhering to the datelines. Benchmarking the meetings against Belbins Team Roles (Belbin, 2010), we see how the seven team members fluctuate in the midst of different roles during the three meetings. In the first meeting, Igor, Sasha, Henry and Dana met with different perceptions and reservations and a complete lack of clear strategy.At this point it is very unclear as to who is in each role Plant, Resource investigator, Coordinator, Shaper, Monitor Evaluator, Team worker, Implementer, Completer Finisher, or Specialist. Roman and Alex join the second meeting, and amidst a lot of cerebrate and creative discussion we can see the team members conforming to Belbins Team roles. There is a notable understanding between Henry and Dana to try and handle Sashas aggression and confrontational style. The tertiary meeting witnesses the entry of Dan the specialist, which adds fuel to the fire and worsens the stance between Sasha and Dana.We can now see that the team members conform slightly more to the Belbins model. The team lacked a compelling direction and clear leaders as well (Coutu & Hackman, 2009). Leadership was shared based on who felt like taking on the role at the time. Without formal leadership, there was a breakdown in communication and an absence of the move of deadlines or the implementation of an overall plan or vision. In fact, an overall direction did not exist, as the MGI founders had different motivating factors than the students, and different perspectives regarding the abilities and roles of each other.Tasks were not broken down into proper(postnominal) subtasks, or appoint to individual team members. Also, without leadership, there is no establishment or communication of the norms and determine of the team, and no role modeling or coaching. The culture of team is weak, as there are no established norms and values or ground rules. As such , there was a discrepancy in the development of the team during the norming stage, as discussed previously. The team also engaged in a cultural clash in terms of patience areas, country/ethnic differences, and subcultures.The MGI founders related to a creative and artistic industry, while the students were business focused. The cultural differences manifested themselves in terms of language and expectations. And finally, within the subgroups were individual subcultures, which lead to a difference in values, roles, purposes, and goals especially when disagreements between these subcultures occurred (Hofstede, 1998). Multicultural teams can be more difficult to manage, and can lead to conflicts in communication styles, decision-making approaches, and attitudes towards pecking regularise (Brett, Behfar & Kristin, 2006).As the overall working culture is weak, these clashes can be tumultuous as there is not guiding set of norms and values to reference. Alternatives Henry could try the mediation path first, by mitigating difference between Sasha and Dana using preventive strategies to manage conflict. This strategy will involve everyone to provide input and address issues jointly. The feasibility, however, is in question due to lack of time, the uncertainty of the effectiveness of the mediator and identification of common ground. Secondly, Henry could rate a leader from within the team.It could be Alex, as his background in business and music is a good match. Similarly, Henry could step up as he has a neutral stance and no open conflicts with any member of the team. A clear advantage is that there would be no time wasted in learning about the team members, the task at hand and the issues. Henry readiness be a better option as leader though based on his Myers-Briggs fibre Indicator. Putting ourselves in the shoes of Henry Tam, and taking the test, we concluded that he has a type of ISTJ (MBTI Questionnaire, n. ), which indicates that he has a clear moral code, operates at high efficiency, is dependable, and able to enforce standards. However, as both Alex and Henry have a history with the team, they might not be able to clearly assert their leadership capability in the short timespan available. As such, a third party leader could be found and appointed to address issues and provide expertise, based on knowledge of the market. This would introduce a neutral individual and satisfy the desire of some team members who seek external intervention.The flip side is that there would not be enough time to bring someone on board, there may not be availability in the budget to accommodate the associated costs, and the fit of the new entrant to the team might not be fluid. A third option could be to neutralise out of the contest, but continue working on the business plan. This will ease the pressure of the deadline and help to alleviate some of the stress and tension. Henry and Dana should continue on the project as they are intrinsically motivated and deeply relate in the project. This clearly gives a breathing space and might promote common focus.The downside is that the motivation levels might drop along with the reputation and the team will miss out on the chance to get the business plan evaluated by some of the best(p) experts in the field. Recommendation The most viable solution for the team is for Henry to fulfill the role of formal leader, as he is intrinsically motivated and heavily involved in the project. He, of all the team members, has engaged in the least conflict, is overall neutral, and thus is in the best position to assert influence and guidelines upon the team.Henry could provide some role definition, according to Belbins model, for specific members of the team and help team members in aiding in the cultural differences by adapting to them and working around them (Brett, Behfar & Kristin, 2006). This is a better option than obtaining a third-party leader, as the resource costs, time and budget specifically , would be lower. Additionally, in order to build credibility as a leader, Henry should investigate the costs of obtaining a consultant with specialize knowledge of the market. This will serve to satisfy team members who are requesting outside perspective and additional insight.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HR - Essay ExampleAn employee starts learning disparate skills required to perform the job. Employee development is a future oriented process. The main purposes of employee development include meliorate quality of the employees, retaining key employees, and incorporating technological advances. An employee in need of c arer guidance can speak to the HR director of his or her caller-up (Jeffress, n.d.).Some of the most effective learning theories that HR meanners use to amend employee learning include reinforcement theory, social learning theory, and goal theory. Some of the learning styles utilise in the process of learning include divergers, assimilators, convergers, and accommodators. Employees learn through observation, experience, and interactions.In employee development process, HR planners help employees attain their needs and development goals in order to make them initiate the development process. Gordon (2006) states, Employee development programs are infixed to impr ove morale as well as to motivate the employees to perform well. Some of the methods used in the employee development process include assessment, formal education, job experiences, and interpersonal relationships. Structured development plan are very useful for employee development. Structured development plans encourage greater understanding of the job enjoyment (Nathoo, 2011).Employee development programs are essential because they help create workplaces that promote excellence (Ganapati, 2005). Employee learning and development are those processes, which make employees productive, skilled, and competent enough to carry out their job responsibilities in accordance with the strategic directions of the company that ultimately leads the company towards the achievement of competitive advantage in the

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Ethical Analysis of Eight Mile Road Hearsay Accident Essay

Ethical Analysis of Eight Mile Road Hearsay Accident - experiment ExampleAs a result, an engineer is under pressure to explain the causes and consequences of such actions. The incident has raise major(ip) concerns within the ECCS Analysis. The primary reason for this concern is the termination of High Pressure Injection, a posture that outranks the index finger im lay down in major trouble (Barbour 12). Facts A pressure valve opened so that it rotter relieve steam hence decrease pressure due to a minor over-pressurization passing. As a result, the pressure valve failed to close. When the plant operator noticed this inaccuracy, he terminated high pressure injection. It is worth noting that this was a faulty move from the operator because the system was on a two-phase state. High pressure injection is exclusively applicable when the primary system stood in a sub cooled state. Within 20 to 30 proceedings after high pressure injection was terminated, the pressurizer level collap sed showing that this was a wrong move. As a result, the operator was forced to reintroduce injection. Significant fluid inventory was lost in the 30 minutes that injection was terminated. The engineer reported back to superiors with the facts as required. However, the superiors did not take the nuclear engineer seriously. Instead, they discount this as hearsay. It is worth noting that nuclear engineering is governed by a strict code of conduct. ... The engineer ought to wanton away sure that the power plant operations are smooth flowing. This is because the emotions from a nuclear power plant are harmful to the people around and environment as a whole. Residents of Toledo are also major wagerholders. This is because they are the key focus of my decision. The value of life is important to any ethical organization. Moreover, the operator had to receive what to do in case of incidences. However, in this case, he took a wrong decision more than once. This risked the lives of bot h persons in and around the power plant. Moreover, the ethics of the top management are also at stake here because they failed to take action just because they believed that it was from an incredible source (Shrader-Frechette 84). Regulations and Laws Any nuclear power plant is complex. As a result, it ought to be well-designed and engineered to reduce incidences. It is worth noting that it cannot be deemed to be a failure proof. This is all the way seen in the Eight Mile Road nuclear power plant when the pressure valve failed to close. The accident subject serious shortages in a scheme that was destined to safeguard public well-being and safety. Failure modes ought to be present in any nuclear plant. This is because a commercial nuclear reactor can explode like a bomb. It is worth noting that, in this case, the fail-safe mechanisms were evidently not present. Moreover, the location of nuclear power plants is critical (Maxey 123). This is because emissions from such plants are po werfully harmful to the public health surrounding it. In this case, we are not told where the plant was specifically located. As a result, we hope it was located in a place where its emissions