Saturday, May 11, 2019

The taming of the shrew Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The taming of the shrew - Essay ExampleAs expect of the language of Shakespeare, insults are rampant even in this short transition. There is an exchange of name-c entirelying between the twain suitors. Lucentio calls Hortensio too forward (presumptuous) and preposterous ass, composition the latter calls him wrangling pedant (bickering scholar) and base knave (a tricky deceitful fellow of low status) (http// platter=Dictionary&va=knave).The younger suitor is more blatant in his insults, regurgitate in the hole, man, and tune again, while the older one makes his second criticism out of his hearing Aside How flaming(a) and forward our pedant is/ Now, for my life, the knave doth court my love/ Pedascule, Ill watch you better yet. Pedascule is used as a scoffing repetition of pedant, implying (in Latinised form) that he mentally foots or kicks him with ut about ignominy (http//, there is a com parison between philosophy and harmony. ... ent, play you the whiles / His lecture will be done ere you have tuned. This is a subtle way of dismissing Hortensio and exchanging personal words with Lucentio in pretending to interpret Latin phrases. The choice of Latin language instead of any other subject may imply the true intention of Lucentio. Latin is said to be a romantic language thus he uses it to win Biancas heart although they twain do not understand literally the meaning of the text.Shakespeares use of puns is evident in the whole passage aside from his distinct nouns and sentence patterns. Fiddler, entertainment, heavenly harmony, music, tune, treble and base are several terms associated with music. Pedant, patroness and prerogative as well as fiery and forward are alliteration. Rhyming is also all over the place.The language is melodious and it creates harmony and unity in the text moving the plot towards the means it is intended.StagingI think in staging the play, the c haracters will be dressed in contemporary times. Lucentio will be with the modern clothes like any young man nowadays apply denim and a t-shirt covered with a coat. Hortensio will be using the more stiff coat and tie. He has the conventional moustache and his greying hair is well kept. Bianca will be wearing a spring white dress with yellow prints. Her hair is tied in a pony foot and she wears some make up to emphasise her beauty.Lucentio holds a thick hard bound book while Hortensio brings his violin. The two men follow Bianca as they enter the stage from the left entrance.The set is made up of a couch, a small table, a piano and some chairs. The couch is on the centre where most of the action will take place. Beside the couch is a small table where the hard bound book will be placed as Lucentio

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