Monday, May 20, 2019

Fire Prevention and Safety using modern technology Essay

Technology has helped us in preventing exhaust incidents. zeal prevention is a proactive way of life of minimizing the damages or harm ca utilise by a usher out incident. It is the responsibility of sacking departments which aboutly progress to a enkindle Prevention Officer as their head. The function of fire prevention is to spread sensory faculty on how to take precautions against fire. give the bounce fighters, on the other hand, argon assigned the task of do away with fires. dismission fighters argon also dependant on technology to extinguish fire. All the equipments they use atomic number 18 the issue on technology.To sum it up, technology has helped us in preventing fire as well as extinguishing it when need be. Technology has helped us enhance our fire safety measures. Fire safety comprises of the precautions we take to precipitate the probability of a fire that may be fatal, injurious to people and hazardous to the property. This research write up would analyz e how technology helps us prevent and extinguish fire. Modern technology has given us some types of equipment that have helped us prevent fire incidents. In more or less of the buildings today a fire mental retardation material is used during construction.There are also some electronic contrivances such as the stool detectors. The biggest sign of fire is the cola. Wherever there is fire, there is batch. So the fire detectors help identify this symptom. These devices are also actually affordable. Many building have gauge detectors in all rooms. It has be come after a necessary home security appliance. Smoke detectors are perfect for slow kindling fires but for comburant gas explosions modern technology has come up with the gas detectors. Smoke detectors are one of the most important fire safety devices.Natural gas and petroleum gas are the two most widely used gases in daily lives. Due to their harmful nature and properties, any gas leaks could endpoint in dangerous explos ions. Gas detectors are continuously monitoring the air and they immediately identify the diversity in surroundings if there is a gas leakage. They come with audible and visual disheartenment systems to dapper people of the gas leakage. Hence, appropriate action can be taken in era to decrease the consequences. Gas detectors are a useful invention and should be positioned where gas leaks are most expected.another(prenominal) example of technology that helps us in preventing fire is the fire alarm system. The fire alarm systems come in various varieties. They range from the simple manual alarms to the ones that give verbal warnings of any fire detection. A control panel, notification device, building safety interface and power supply make up a typical fire alarm system. The above mentioned gas and quite a little detectors are the initiation devices that inform the alarm that a fire has been detected. Manual alarm system depends on people to detect fire and entice the manual al arm.Some of the other detectors used are the flame detectors and the heat detectors. The notification devices help in informing the people to evacuate the building because of the fire. Many of these devices send a direct signal to the enveloping(prenominal) fire department. Some of these devices are built to give verbal announcements, and also a visual let out for the hearing impaired. The most modern of these devices that are installed in monumental buildings also provide evacuation instruction manual so that people evacuate the area in which fire was detected.There are various types of smoke alarms. They mostly fall in the categories of ionization alarms and photoelectric alarms. The former is better for fast flaming fire and the latter is more appropriate for the smoke fire. The combination of both these is the dual sensor smoke alarms (US Fire Administration, 2010). Wireless smoke alarms are one of the latest technological advancement as far as fire alarm systems are concern ed. The wireless smoke alarm come in two variant categories Battery cater and Alternate Current ply.The battery powered smoke alarm is just give care a normal fire alarm with no wire which saves the families the hassle of wiring and rewiring. The AC powered alarm systems is much more modern and aid in increasing the coverage of the alarm system. So, many an(prenominal) smoke alarms can be replace by just a single AC powered alarm system A fire extinguisher, like the fire sprinkler system, is an active fire protection device rather a preventive one. It can not help in cases where there is a large out of control fire. so far, it is most appropriate for fires that are limited to the ceilings of the buildings.There are two types of extinguishers stored impel and cartridge-operated. In the stored pressure fire extinguisher, the fire fighting broker and the expellant are stored in one chamber. Propellants are chosen keeping in mind the nature of the fire fighting agent. The nitrog en gas is used when the agent is any dry chemical extinguisher. Air is used when there the watery or foaming chemical extinguishers are present. On the other hand, in the cartridge operated extinguishers, the expellant gas and the fire fighting agent are in different chambers.The cartridge containing the expellant is punctured before the propellant and extinguishing agents are subject to each other. The cartridge operated extinguisher is mostly used in industries where extinguishers have to be used time and again. The benefit these extinguishers give is the prompt recharge. The cartridge operated extinguishers use compressed carbon dioxide whereas the stored pressure extinguishers use nitrogen. Fire extinguishers can be further categorized into handheld and cart-mounted extinguishers. Cart-mounted extinguishers are also known as wheel around extinguishers.Handheld extinguishers are mostly used in homes or small workplaces or schools. The wheeled extinguishers are used in industri al sites, marines, airports, docks and heliports. They are much larger in size and bulky in weight. A fire sprinkler system comprises of a water supply that helps in extinguishing the fire. It is not a preventive tool but rather a cure. It supplies water with sufficient pressure just as the fire is detected. Initially expensive, it has become more affordable with the passage of time. Only a very fewer people have a fire sprinkler system installed at their homes.However most of them have smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are very important for the buildings safety. However, the best possible safety comes with the creation of fire sprinklers. They do not just help you detect fire but unlike the smoke detectors they help extinguishing it and saving lives. It is very popular in industries but still is not very much utilized in residences. Smoke detectors and sprinklers work best together. Smoke detectors identify the fire and come out off the sprinklers. Sprinklers supply water with p ressure and extinguish the fire.The only disadvantage of installing a fire sprinkler is that ones the fire has been extinguished people realize that all their belongings have been soaked in water. However this is a little price to pay if the sprinklers help save us our life ( smith, 2008). Technology has been a vital source of fire safety. Technology has always been a source of argument some party favor it, other oppose it. Where some people say that technology itself is the source of most fire incidents, others compete that technology has come up with equipments and devices such as various fire detectors and extinguishers.The contribution of technology in fire safety can not be ignored. To prevent fire, technology has given us smoke detectors, heat detectors, gas detectors, flame detectors and a variety of fire alarm systems. To extinguish fire, technology has provided for us several kinds of fire extinguishers and fire sprinkler systems. We should all make use of such devices and minimize the damage that fire can cause us. Fire incidents are very common and it would be a mistake on our part if we ignore dangers it can cause. References Bellis.M, Fire Sprinkler Systems, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http//inventors. about. com/library/inventors/blfiresprinkler. htmUK Fire Service Resources Edwards. T, (2009), Automatic Fire Sprinklers for Your Home, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http//ezinearticles. com/? Automatic-Fire-Sprinklers-For-Your-Home&id=321091Group, (2009), Smoke Alarms and Detectors, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http//www. fireservice. co. uk/safety/smokealarms. php Safety Products Unlimited, (2009), Kidde Wireless System Components, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http// html Smith R J, (2008), Residential Fire Sprinkler System Advantages, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http//ezinearticles. com/? Residential-Fire-Sprinkler-System-Advantages&id=1388738 Santarpia. F, (2010), more security with a fire sprinkler in your house, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http//ezinearticles. com/? More-Security-With-a-Fire-Sprinkler-in-Your-House&id=2229457 US Fire Administration, (December 17, 2010) Smoke Alarms, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from http//www. usfa. dhs. gov/citizens/all_citizens/home_fire_prev/alarms/

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